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A week passes and I never see him in the class. The day was going on pretty boring, my head was fuzzy and I had an upset stomach for a week. I walk in the campus softly caressing my churning belly. My eyes looking for someone to talk to, I feel so lonely suddenly. I have talked to many people past week but I still feel so empty.

I sigh deeply, pulling out my phone from leather jacket. When I feel the churning, acidic liquid rising from my stomach to esophagus. I try to supress, breathing heavily. I hiccup having an urge to puke. I supress it with best of my abilites and look to sit somewhere. Its getting worse, I should see a doctor.

I rest my hand on tree in the bushes putting all my body weight on it breathing heavily. I cover my mouth still trying to supress when the feeling intensifies. Why do I feel like this?

"Is there a baby?" Half of my blood freezes as soon as I hear from behind and turn around to see Soule standing there with sly smirk on his face. I scrunch my face in disgust.

"How is that possible?" I shout at him in anger. He laughs, stepping close to me. He places his hand either sides of me. I smell his woodsy cologne. My heart drops, as I look into his deep red eyes. They were shining under the tree shadows.

He places his hand on my waist, softly caressing it with his dirty hands (metaphorically). I cringe hard but don't do anything. He brings his face so close to mine. I smell cigarette from him. I push him away from me. He doesn't budge. Instead, stands closer where our chest touches.

"Did you forget what happened a week ago?" He asks smirking, leaning closer.  My muscles stiffen as I gulp the lump in my throat. My breathing growing thin and ragged.

"Psst... gonna be young mom..." He says and my skin feel itchy as if it was being prickled by needles. Is it my periods are late this month.

"Good for you, I won't  be taking any responsibility." My head shot up as I look in his cold eyes, momentarily I feel my heartbreak in millions of pieces. Tears begin to appear in my eyes. I felt the voice in my head say, He is going to be disappointed.

You're stupid.

My eyes becomes blurry, I look at Soule to find him walking away with his hands in pocket. I cower sitting on the floor, breathing heavily. I try to hold on the fleeting illusion of security. Soule is such a bad guy, I regret meeting him so much. I never regretted meeting anyone like this. I hate this man.

I fucked my life again. NO, I WILL DO THE TEST, FIRST.

I spring upon my feet calling a taxi. I walk out of the college and sit inside asking him to drive me to the hospital.
I did the tests doctor asked me to do.
I waited outside the room, continously tapping my feet on the floor. My hands all cold, I try to rub them against each other.

"Ms. Narae," I hear the nurse calling and jumps out of the seat causing other patients to look at me weirdly.
I walk inside the doctors room and she gives me a critical look. I sit on the chair in front of me.

"Ms. Narae, when did you last sleep with a man?" She asks.
"A week ago..." I break off, calculating in my head. If what I said is right or not. I nod, "Yeah...a week ago." My voice was breathy and strained.

She senses my nervousness scoffs, "I don't think you are pregnant and the thing related to your symptoms can be related to stress, I have seen tons of cases in which woman after having their first time, woman go through anxiety. Sometimes these emotional outburst are so intense it makes you feel stress and you might have heard stressing affects your menstrual cycle. I guess you should get over the guilt it might help,"

(i know its kind of dumb and i had hard time writing this paragraph.)

I look down feeling relieved in one way. I breath out deeply. She had this detestable look on her face which I have seen numerous times at juvenile.

"Okay, now I'll recommend some vitamins and meds, you should take it timely," She says and I nod as she writes down the prescription. I step out of her room gazing at the prescription. I run my hand through my hair. I hate this Soule so much, If I see him again. I'll throw at him whatever is their in my hand.

He triggered my anxiety attack. I have anxiety disorder, If I don't say calm, I might end up killing myself. The blood rush my cheeks as I softly massage my head. I looked at the time. It wasn't late I could still attend two of my lectures.

I decide not to go and rest at home. My body was tired as fuck without even doing anything and these says, I'm having those nightmares. Its making it hard for me to fall asleep.

Next day, I look around almost every class I had for Soule, I didn't find him anywhere. Is he not here today? I think.

"Narae what are you looking at?" Soobin asks, the only person I know in this class. I blink for a moment.
"Have you ever heard of someone name Soule in our department?" I ask and he looks at me. His lips turned down, but then he said suddenly.

"Yeah I have, he isn't in this class with is," He answers. I blow out breath tiredly.
"Why are you looking for him?"
"I have something to tell him," He looks at me for a moment before, "Oh I see," His voice came out strained and breathy.

"Are you alright?" I see, his skin shining because of  sweat forming.
"Yup! I'm good looks professor is here," He says and looks in front and I sigh confusingly.

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