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Minho was walking near the woods, when his nose picked the smells of the strong phermones. He was sure, without a doubt it belonged to Narae. He looked around, but saw no one. So, he could only rely on his nose as he followed the smell and entered the woods. The deeper he went, the stronger the scent became indicating him that he was going in the right direction.

Until, He steps on a cloth. He picks it up the smell on the cloth belonged to Narae. He then noticed, the shredded piece of same clothes lying here and their. Ah! She finally shifted. He thought. A smirk appears on his lips and he follows her scent to the woods and ended up near the stream he spent his weekend. And, there he saw the huge white wolf sitting by the stream looking at the water.

"Narae?" Someone called me from behind, I turned around to see Minho standing their with the pieces of my cloth in his hand. My eyes widen seeing him here. The moment he stepped ahead, I stepped back without much thinking.

My leg slipped in the water, I fell inside.

"NARAE!!" I heard him calling. Thankfully, water wasn't that deep, I managed to move my paws and swam on the surface of the water stepping out. Minho was standing before me, he patted my head. We were of the same height, I'm this tall in my wolf form. Wow! I thought.

"I got scared for a moment," Minho said, caressing my neck. Nephele purred out in satisfaction, smiling. I can listen to her. It feels like I was looking at myself from faraway from this body. When I was actually inside feeling everything.

"Congratulations Narae!" He said softly, Nepehele smiles proudly purring yet again. Does she like being pet? I thought. I've never seen her this docile or is she just happy with the fact that we shifted? I nodded in response.

"Your welcome!" He said. He can understand me. Oh! He is a werewolf too Narae! I reminded myself. My tail was wagging on its own.

"Your fur is so beautiful and pretty, it's prettier than any other fur I've ever seen in mu existence. Your wolf form is truly divine." He said. I can feel the blood rushing my cheeks. Am I really looking cool in my wolf form?
"But you're all wet," he was saying something when I sensed my bones shifting again, like they were breaking. A cry of agony left my lips. Why is it hurting again? I closed my eyes clenching my jaws to stop the pain.

• • •

I returned home back in my wolf form, wearing the clothes Minho brought. They were big as they belonged to him, I was drowning in those clothes.

"Thanks Minho!" I said, lookimg at thw ground embarrassed.
"It's okay." He said and walked slight ahead before crouching down. I tilted my head in confusion.
"What are you doing?" I asked.
"Hop on! You won't be able to walk since you shifted and you already struggled to wear clothes. I will give you a piggy back ride,"
"What their is no need. I'm fine,"
"Narae. It's okay. And, its duty of as a alpha I should help anyone in need," He said. I bit my lips feelig quiet embarrased. I move closer, clenching my teeth to swallow the pain the screaming inside me. Shifting takes a lot of energy, the change in the formation of bones for the first time hurts badly. I had to follow him or I might fall aftr two to three steps.

I climbed on his back apologizing for troubling him again and again. Him being a modwat human being, He said "It's okay. No need to worry!"

I wrapped my hands around his neck and held him tightly. Narae bag hughed the taller boy, while he securely held her. They began to enter the dark woods, it was already past evening. They talked about few things while making their way out. Until, Narae fell asleep on him. Her soft rythemic breathing blowing on Minho's neck. He breathed out heavily.

He saw Jisung standing at the door, looking outside with a sad expression covering his face. When he looked at Minho, Minho flashed a smile. Minho somehow predicted that he qmwas waiting for his little sister. When Jisung saw Narae on Minho's back he rushed towards him.

"Shhh....she is asleep," Minho shushed him.
"What happened? Why is she in these clothes? Why is she covered in filth? Why are you so quiet?" Jisung bombarded Minho with questions taking his sister's body away from the boy. He held Narae in princess style, his eyes filled with worry.

"Narae shifted. When I found her near the stream she was already in the big white wolf, but after few minutes of us talking she changed into her human form."
"That means you saw her nak—" Jisung's blood boiled, he would've punched his own best friend. If he wasn't holding Narae.
"Yah, I didn't I turned around as soon as I sensed it. I gave her my pullover and brought back my clothes,"
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"I was hurry and—"

The loud voice of Jisung's mother interrupted their talk and broke Narae's slumber. Narae opens her eyes to see her brorher, the moment she sees him. Horror flashed and she jumped out of his hand falling on the floor with the loud thud.

"Narae, what happened to you sweety? Why do you look homeless?" Mom asked, I roll my eyes hearing the homeless word.

"Mom Narae shifted."
Mom's eyes widen, she looks at my brother and back at me. Her stars lighted up like millions of fireflies are trapped in them. She hugs me tightly, "Congrats my baby. I'm so proud of you!"

I could see my dad running across the hallway from far. His eyes full of worries, I glanced at my brother. He mindlinked dad, He appears next to me with a big smile on his lips.

"Congratulations, Princess! I'm so pround of you." He said the same. I wanted to say something too in return, I didn't had any energy to speak.

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