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Next morning, The morning light falls on my face. Wakimg me up from my sweet dreams. I don't want to wake up. I toss around, suddenly a warm hig embraces me. The smell of his cologne filled my soul. A smile spread across my lips. I opened my drowsy eyes to see Soobin's beautiful face. He was so close to me breathing alive. We are more than just friends. My heart fluttered with the thought and the memories of wonderful night flooded in my mind. I never thought he'd be so sexy. The version of him I met in the future, from which I came from. He was more of a heartbroken, philosophical type of guy. I liked both versions of him. I don't want him to sad and heartbroken.

"What are you thinking?" He speaks in his groggy morning voice.
"Thinking, How can you be so handsome?"
"Where did you learn to flirt so smoothly?" He asks a smile appearing on his lips forming a dimple on his lips.
"It's genetic,"

He scoffs before pressing his lips on mine before pulling away, "Morning,"
"Morning. . ."

While, everyone was busy planning for the festival. My dad in midst of all wanted to spend time with me before I leave. I sigh at the thought. I'll be leaving. Finally, freedom. I love my dad but he is way to overprotective. If only I did not go to the jail. My life would've been so much easier now. I hate that son of bitch who brought me in this mess.

I stand in front of the door my eyes narrowed before I knocked. I got a reply and  I quickly pushed the door and walked inside. Dad was sitting behind the table and lifted his head. I smiled like a stupid, just like I used to do when I was a kid. He smiles back before putting down his pen. I went across the room hopping life a rabbit before sitting on the couch that was right in front of his table.

"You've adapted to the life of us werewolves?" He asks sipping his coffee.
"Yeah, Almost got used to it. But, I didn't shift." I pouted.
"No worries, I'm sure you'll do it soon enough."
"Maybe. How is the preparation for festival is going on?" I ask.
"Everything is running smoothly, I just home moon goddess keeps blessing us. Everything will be fine," I can see the way he talked, He really is devoted worshipper.

"I know, She always have and will keep blessing us."

He gave me his crescent eyes smile. He leans forward putting his cup on the coffee table and suddenly the atmosphere of the room shifted. He looks at me with piercing gaze. His eyes glowing bluesy. And, the goose bumps appears on my skin.

"Narae, how long are you going to hide that boy?" He asks. And, it took me a minute to process what he meant. I narrowed my eyes, leaving my mouth half ajar and then regained my compsure. And, looked at him in the eyes.

"What do you mean to say? What boy?"

He sighs, his expressions relaxing.

"Narae, you don't have to hide. I know it?"
"What do you know? I don't understand. Please be more percise."
"You're a hiding a boy in your room."
"You don't have to hide. I already know. I'm the alpha of this pack. Do you think I wouldn't realize that their is a unknown entity on my territory?" His expression looked more like that of betrayed person than sad. I had pang of guilty emotions hitting my heart making me feel kind of miserable in the situation. On top of that, I had shortness in breath because of the overwhelming fear.

"H-how? I mean- I- I didn't mean to hide it. But, he is boyfriend. No one susy. And, He was just worried about me so he snucked in because I didn't contact him for a month. He was scared that something happened to me. He never meant to break in but since you increased the security he couldn't sneak out. Please trust me dad. He is not endangering pack in any way. Please don't tell Jisung oppa about it. I'm afraid he'll cause a scene," I said all of it in one breath and he gives me a blank look. Then, sighs.

"Ofcourse, he is not doing anything to endanger. I'm disappointed in you. I'm not stopping you to date. But, You should've atleast told me. What if he did something bad to you?"
"What? Why would he do something bad to me? He is not that kind of person!" It infuriated me I ended up slamming my hands on the table.

"After what happened I don't wish to take risks."
"Dad do you really think. I'll make same mistakes. It was me who chased after him and he even rejected me several times. He also protected me once from something. He is-"
'Not a bad person. I know. I never said anything about that. You should've told me. What if he got caught and I was not aware and you know what we do if they breach the territory."

A silence prevailed, while I looked at him with guilt. My lips tightly closed before heaving a sighing, "Sorry, dad. I just thought that. . . Whatever I'm sorry."

He sighs looled outside the window. He is going to tell me to break up? Will he? Please give a positive reaction, "I want to meet him."
"What? Really?"
He looks back at my face, "Yes,I want to meet him. Since you don't want your brother to know. Bring him to meet me on the day of festival. Okay?"

I just couldn't believe it. The smile made its way to my lips. I got up from my seat and walked around to his giving him a teddy bear hug.

"Thanks dad, Trust me you're gonna love him. He is such a gentle person." Atleast he acts like one when needed. My sly Soobinnie. Looks like their is job for you.

Win my dad's heart.

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