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A spine chilling sheirk filled Soobin's ear as a frown creases his face and he looks up from his phone at the man, who laid on the floor panting and crying in pain. He looked back on his phone. I can't even text someone. ALL BECAUSE OF THIS SHIT. Aoobin groans and quickly types: Nothing. And, goes offline. He toss it on the velvety sofa he sat on and gets up.

"Did he speak?" Soobin enquires his men who were torturing this traitor, who leaked information about Narae stay at Penthouse. He seemed to speak nothing, now Soobin was running out of patience.

"Yes sir, He says his boss is someone from Ventrue clan," One of them replied, bringing heavily from torturing the man.

"Why did you do that?" Soobin asks impatiently,  his temper rising. He clenches his fist, glaring at the man underneath his feet.

He did not reply. Soobin knew he could hear him but wasn't replying on will. Soobin crushes his skull, earning a cry from him.

"Th-they promised me power and money in return if I told them. I was blinded by greed my lord. PLEASE HAVE MERCY ON-" Before man could complete his sentence, a silver bullet pierced through his throat.

Blood spurts on Soobin's pale face. He closes his eyes breathing in peaceful silence, He let his head fall back. He opened his deep red eyes again which had blood swirling in them. Soobin steps back from corpse, tossing the gun on the floor he sits on the sofa unlocking his phone.


he grim expression of his face was nerve-wracking from everyone present in the room. The strong smell of pungant blood fills the room slowly, the door of the room flew open and the red haired guy walks inside, with his hands in his blazer's pocket.

He gazed around the dimly lit basement room with his dark eyes, until his eyes falls on the fallen corpse laying on the floor.

"Ah, He must be that traitor. You killed him already? I thought you weren't impatient?" He says walking next to Soobin before slouching on the sofa next to him.

Soobin cranes his head and glanced at his brother with a irritated smug on his lips before glaring at the dead body, "He was irritating me, So I ended it up!"
"What did he say?"
"Ventrue's!" Soobin answers monotonously.
"As expected of those snakes." Red haired guy smirks gazing at outside the window, lost. Then, He looks back at Soobin.

"Let's go up, I can't have this stink on my body tonight." Red haired said, Soobin nods getting up from the seat. He motioned his men to clean this up and they nodded and bowed to both of them as they left.

Soobin enters the room to take a bath and change his clothes and red hair guy follows him inside.

"Beomgyu, Dude stay out!" Soobin says as he pushes the door. Beomgyu was already blocking him with his half body inside.
"WHY? ARE YOU HIDING SOMETHING FROM ME?" Beomgyu asks, his voice loud as fuck in Soobin's quite pristine house.
"EYY! WE GREW UP TOGETHER. WHAT'S THERE TO HIDE?" Beomgyu asks with a smirk on his face. Soobin can't let him in, Narae's clothes still laid on his bed. Her smell lingered in the room. He can't let Beomgyu in not matter what.

Beomgyu gazed at his brother with a serious expression not struggling to get inside anymore. Soobin used this opportunity and pushed him out and got out of the room himself, closing the door behind him.

"Did you mark her alreary?" Beomgyu asks, Soobin nods sighing.

He walks downstairs, Beomgyu following him his hands in his pocket. The sound of their footsteps echoing in the house. Soobin walks across the room towards the bar counter, He sits on the island pouring himself scotch.

Beomgyu sits next to him, taking another glass doing the same. His gaze never leaving Soobin.

"I didn't expected this, you're quicker than Yeonjun hyung?" Beomgyu asks as he sips from the glass.

Soobin smirks, taking a sip.

"Love is a diseases and he is completely consumed in it, He can't hurt her." Soobin states plainly, clenching on his glass.

The face of Narae flashes before his eyes. He draws a deep breath gazing at the golden drink, his index finger tracing the tip of the glass.

"And what about you? Do you love her? What's her name?"
"Yeah! Do you?" Beomgyu asks and Soobin smirks, not replying but Beomgyu took the cue and didn't ask any further. Soobin takes a sip.

A sigh escapes his lips as he glanced out of the huge window behind Soobin. The moon shining brightly in the night sky. It was full moon tonight.

"If what you think is true, then most probably we'll able to find that person quicker than those ventrue's,"
"Hmm. . . Most probably," Soobin replied following Beomgyu's gaze at looked outside the window.

A U T H O R  N O T E
Hello chingus! How've you been? I'm back with another chap of Tainted. I noticed so less votes on the last two chaps. Could you please vote and comment. T_T

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