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I narrow my eyes and swiftly turn back, He was standing right behind me. Our lips just inches away from touching. Keeping my calm I chuckle, "If I'm not a human then what do you think am I? A vampire?"
He did not reply just stare at me with a smirk.
I carried on, "Don't be ridiculous Soobin," I smirk and was about to turn.

He starts, "Do you know that your eyes are still water blue, The colour of your eyes are blue, I remember it very well that you were wearing contact lenses when we met?" I spin my head toward him. I see the corner of his lips turning up. He smirks. My heart begins to pound.

"Our pack has water blue eye colour, any person you see with the water blue colour is from our pack,"

My brother's words showed up in mu memory and I take a deep breath, I don't what kind of expression I had  but my legs lost balance at the thought of turning into werewolf.

I look up at Soobin who backs away, "Narae, I can't afford to let you go until I find what you're, You have to stay here for a bit," It sounded more like an order than a request. I could feel the dangerous, dark aura lurking around him. He kept on stepping back. The aura was scary and suffocating.

The realization hit me that he was moving towards the door. No! I tun across the room towards him. He swiftly steps out of the room closing the door.

"NO! OPEN THE DOOR!" I yell banging my fist on the wood. I try to open from the knob but no use. He locked the room from outside. I banged my fist agian.
"CHOI SOOBIN, OPEN THE DAMN DOOR!" My voice becoming strain as a fear engulfs me. I step back going to the vanity which was kept on the other side of the room. I stare at my reflection in awe, my eyes literally had the same shade as that of Dad, brother and Lucas. My legs became weak and trembling, I collapse on the floor.

No way, I'm turning into a werewolf. Dad said, A person cannot shift if they have not shifted between the age 6-13. I looked back at my image, "How is that even possible?"


I gaze out from the window, my heart trembles by the height I see beneath me. Am I in a penthouse? I hear the sound of doorknob and get off the nook and run to the door. So that I can push the person and rush out of the door. The door suddenly opens and without even seeing who it was I rush to get out, pushing the person out of my way. I see a hallway and for second I wait to look which way I need to go, I could see the stairs peeking from my left side. I stretch my legs to run. I was about to reach the stairs, when arms were wrapped around my waist and pulled me back. I was hanging in the air, because he was holding my waist form behind. "AAAAH! LET ME GO!"

I shout, throwing my hands and legbut he remains unfazed, "Choi Soobin!" I cried.
"Yes?" He asks, mocking me.
"Let me go,"
I try to shake body harder to get out of his grip but he was stronger than I had imagined. I was brought back into the room. The door closed automatically like, How? I don't know. But they did. His grip on my waist loosened, I fall on the ground.

"Are you crazy?"
"Yeah I am," He replies nonchalantly, proudly. 
"What are you saying so proudly for?"
"Because if you think that's an insult, I take that as a compliment,"

I see food on the table and look back at Soobin, "If its for me, I'm not eating!"
My stomach growls.
"Are you Sure?" He asks.

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