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A week passed and my wounds got better. Somehow I persuaded Soobon to atleast let me roam around the house. It was 10 p.m. and I had my dinner and laid down in my bed without moving pretending to be asleep so that all the servants fall at ease. Tonight, He wasn't home. He went out to get something done and I heard that he won't be back before tomorrow evening.

Perfect chance to sneak out. A smile triumphantly to myself, taking a deep breath my eyes set on the clock. Usually when the servants in this house fall asleep around 11:30 p.m. I can sneak out then.

An hour and half passed quickly enough. I get off the bed without makinv any sound, I walk to my room's door. Slowly unlocking it so it doesn't make a sound and slowly opening it and stepping out. It was dark and only the moonlight was falling inside through the large windows of the penthouse. This place is hella huge. Holding my breath, I move downstairs. Keeping my heartbeat steady, Not to let these werewolves feel anything weird.

These people are werewol I look around the living room, narrowed eyes once again making sure that no one was here sitting in the dark.

Or I'll pretend I have come downstairs to go to kitchen and drink water.

I tip toe towards the main door on the other side of the living room. My eyes searching for the way to open the door. I notice a keyhole. Yeah, Keys. I put a little pressure on my head where I saw the keys. As soon as I recalled. I turn around making my way to Soobin's study. I realized that expect for him and the house-keeper no one enters there.

I get their and looked around walking around the room trying to figure our where can I get the keys. I look in the multiple drawers, tables and cabinet that could be opened. Lastly, I checked his desk drawer. It was unlocked and I pulled the drawer open. A smile spread on my lips and I take out the keys. I look at the door again and quickly come out ambling to the main door.

Inserting the keys in the keyhole, I twist the key and hearing the sound of unlocking, I look back if anyone cane hearing the sound. I take another deep breath.
My fingers wrapping around the hook of the door. I try to pull the door open but I couldn't and tried pulling harder for the third time. The door flew open, I wasn't prepared made me lose my balance. It felt as if someone pusied it from outside. I stumble backward, my legs wobbling and I twist my ankle on the stairs, door was at a height. Fall down.

Silence greets me. My ears picked the familiar sound of footsteps. The light shining on my eyes from outside and I raise my head, Soobin standing there looking down at me in his six feet glory.

He chukles deeply, "Narae! I really appreciate your bravery,"
His voice stern, He steps closer to me. The lights of the room turns on. I could hear multiple steps. I closed my eyes tightly. I failed.

"Master you're back early," I heard the butler speak.
"I forgot the file, but look what I found," Soobin says mockingly, making me glare at him. I greet my teeth.
I hear butler's gasping voice,"Miss? What are you doing here?" I roll my eyes at his dramatic reaction. I stand up on my feet, the pain shot in my ankle to the way up. I almost lose my balance and when looked down found my ankle swollen and red. NOT A SPRAIN! I looked back at Soobin he looked unaffected. A smirk making its way to my lips.

"Get me my files Mr. Wong," Soobin orders, Butler Wong nods and rushes back. I glare at Soobin one last time and before leaving. This wasn't enough, as my feet was hurting and he wasn't done yet.

I wince as he grabs my hand, tightly. Stopping me from moving any further. I try to pull my hand back but his grip was tight enough, I qas sure I would get a bruise.

"Just because the bird is set free to move around doesn't mean she becomes a phoenix, bird still remains a bird. Narae!"

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