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The future that I come from is completely different from today's world which is ruled by humans and we are a supernatural species hiding in disguise among humans. The future was ruled by supernatural species, and humans were reduced to the level of slavery. There were various kinds of slaves but blood slaves for vampires and sex slaves for  werewolves were in high demand. 

Humans had to live in fear of being caught everyday. There was no law and even if there was, all were favoured to the supernatural species. 

My life of being an abomination was the worst, for the first few years my dad managed to protect me but when the other packs discovered they came together and attacked my dad's pack and I had to run away leaving my dying dad and brother. 

After that my life was pretty much similar to the vagabonds. Always running in order to keep myself safe, I did it as long as I could. Until, one day...

The cold breeze was slapping my cheeks. And it was getting unbearable to stand outside in the snow anymore, my hands were frozen to the point I couldn't feel them anymore. I sighed and looked around my eyes landing on the cafe on the other side of the street. I turned my body and crossed the road and when I touched the door to pull it open. Pang of hesitation filled my body and my heart palpitated thinking of consequences  if I entered inside and got discovered. Suddenly, the door opened itself and someone pulled it from inside. And I flinched, my body froze, my eyes travelled from the person's chest to his eyes. 

He had warm greyish eyes. His silver locks blocking them and his heart shaped lips forming a welcoming smile. I was so sure he wasn't a human so why? Perhaps, He has  not discovered that I'm a human. A smiled back. 

"Hi! Are you coming in?" He asked. Then suddenly he leaned closer and I abruptly stepped back, he grabbed my face, a cynical smile splattered on his lips in an instance, "You are a human?" 

The day I dreaded my constant fear was becoming reality. Why did I go to this cafe? My eyes began tearing. Suddenly, I felt a hand wrapping around my waist pulling me away from the wretched creature. 

"She is with me... how dare you touch my slave?" I heard a deep mellow voice from my back. I saw a man, a mask covering half of his face. His eyes turned deep red. 

The man from before stood straight. "A demon..." I heard him whispering. He bowed his head. 

"I'm sorry, please get in," 

The man held my waist tightly as he led me inside. The door was closed behind me. My heart was beating loudly because of nervousness.  I bit my lips, as I walked into the wolf's den. I looked back at the man who rescued me. His intentions were still unclear. Why would a demon save me? I gulped and followed wherever he led me and sat down next to him. 

I could see some humans sitting beside their master looking at the floor while their masters chatted. My heart is saddened by the fact that they have lost hope and accepted their reality. My head hung low in fear, glancing at him from time to time. He suddenly grabbed my jaws and forced me to look at him. Terror sucked the breath away from my mouth. As I gazed into his deep red eyes. 

"What were you thinking when you came here huh? Human." He asked. My eyes teared, while I struggled to speak. He narrowed his eyes in  disgust before yanking my face away. I bit my lips and tried to hold back my cry when I sensed someone coming my way. 

"What would you like to have sir?" Waiter asked, two cups of hot chocolate. 
"Two cups?" Waiter looked confused. His gaze shifted to me. I couldn't even look up. I was so scared. I could just sense him doing so. 
"I don't want my slave to die because of the cold. After all they are expensive and can be used in various ways," Red eyed man gazed at me while he fiddled with the strands of my hair. Now all the fine hair on my body stood up.
"Uh...okay, anything else." 
"Nope, you can leave." 

"Oh my, you're trembling? Cute." He placed the strand of hair behind my ear. Before his hands began making its way down my ear to the back of my neck. They were warm, sending shivers down my spine. I glanced at him again and this time, I caught the glimpse of his eyes. Questioning me. I sighed giving up on being quiet. 

"Uh... I was very cold. I wanted to take shelter for sometime. I didn't think I would get recognised right away." 
"Look at me." He said, and mustering up my courage I did. And my eyes met his magnificent red eyes, a demon. They were like jewels shining brightly. 

"I'm Steve, nice to meet you human." 

Tainted || Choi Soobin✔Where stories live. Discover now