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The room was massive I laid down on the bed, my hands softly grazing the duvet. I toss around hiding my face in the pillow. My head hurting. Right now, I just wanted to rest. I pulled out my phone which I found on my bed. He returned it to me this morning. I stopped staring at my phone blankly, alot happened since morning after Nephele came in the scene.

Nephele, my wolf spirit.

'Did you miss me?' I hear a amused voice popping in my head. I smiled sarcastically to myself.
'So much, that I wished you never came in my life.' I reply, she sulks. Not that I can see but I can feel.
'You make me sad. Diana!'
Irritated I ask, 'Why do you keep calling me Diana?'
'Its a name moon goddess has bestowed you with, since You're a protector.'

My face twisted in confusion, she chuckles deeply and darkly, as if she was mocking me. I curled my fist burying my head in the pillow. I screamed, "SHUT UP! SHUT UP. . ." I scream repeatedly. When I don't hear her chuckles ringing in my head. I breathed sharply staring at the ceiling above my head.

'You're so naive or I should say that wretched father or yours turned into one. What I remembered? You were never like this. Damn Park!' She grounds her teeth, I feel her raging with anger and irrtation. She gulped her anger. I ignored what she said about my dad cause their was time I thought that too. I still do.

'What do you mean by protector?'
'Protector of her. You were born for sole purpose of protecting her. You didn't do that. Instead, you chose a path that seperated you from your destiny. You think, you were resurrected so that you can live a good life this time? NO! YOU NAIVE WOMAN! NO!' Her thunderous voice echoed in my head. I had to close my eyes wincing as I felt my eardrums burst. Why yell?

'You have to find her, Diana. You find her.'
'Who? Who am I suppose to find?'
'The woman who rules the magical realm. She, who was born to stop that catastrophe from happening. You know what I'm talking about.'

I frowned, remembering the catastrophe she was talking about. My head began to ache. No way, I completely forgot about that. I was so focused on myself that it slipped off my mind. The catastrophe that caused the blood of my brother, my father and all the loved ones to be spilled.

"Miss Park!" I hear a voice from outside the room. It broke me ou mt if trance.
"Yes!" I yell to reply.
"Dinner is ready, Alpha is calling for you," By now I had jogged to the door. I nodded, "Okay I'm coming,"
She smiled at me warmly. I smiled back at her.

Dinner, I sit down at the mahagony dining table with my brother sitting across and dad in the centre. The dining hall was big.  I smile at the memory of our family eating together from my childhood played in my head.

"Are you okay, dad?" I asked again with remorse. He smiles gently, looking younger than he was actually.
"I'm okay, don't worry."
"I'm sorry dad, I didn't knew she would do something like that," I said looking down at hand in my lap. I heard Nephele scoff in my head.

Dad sighed, his hand brushing my hair in a reassuring manner.

"Its alright, it happens sometimes but tell me when did these changes began to appear?" Now his vouce was grim, he looked at me intensely. I gulped the lump that had appeared in my throat telling him everything other than Soobin confining me his house. This whole time my brother listened to the conversation queity.

He sighs, "You should've told me sooner,"
I feel Nephele taking over momentarily, "So that you can use those drugs and stop me from coming to the surface?!" Her fist banging on the table.

There was a silence. She scoffs once again and then leaves. I take over again, feeling the pain in my head. This happens very often, everytime she comes in the surface.

"Why don't you want me to become one of your kind?" I askee dad in a pleading voice.
He twists his face in irritation, his blue eyes raging in anger. He slams his fist in the table, "I did all of it to protect you from that wretched destiny of protecting someone!"

I felt the blood pulsating heat in my head, as the flash of those scenarios popped in my head. I slanmed my hand on the table raising my voice, "But what you call protection was not a protection. You pushed me to even more wretched state than you can even imagine. DAD!"

Tears now rolling down my cheeks. My black mascara staining my cheeks. I sighed, breathing sharply. I breathed sharply when I couldn't feel the oxygen reaching my lungs. My head began to hurt from those memories playing in my head. I collapsed on the floor, It was another panic attack!

My father and brother both rushed to my side, asking me to breath. I closed my eyes. I collapse on the floor breathing heavily, I close my eyes. I sit on my heels and bend forward letting my forehead touch the ground. It was one of the yoga poses, that could calm down my negative emotions.

I felt my brother and softly caressing my back and after a minute or two of deep breathing in child pose. I pull back, my dad looking at me with fear and sadness. I looked at him authoritively and yet politely.

"Dad, Tell me about that person, I'm suppose to protect. I want to know." I said.

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