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"Okay if you're insisting so much," He nonchalantly shurgs his shoulder. I couldn't help but smile. He is so cute. He climbs three stairs in one go, with his long legs catching up with me.

We reach my apartment and insert the keys opening the door. I walk inside taking off my shoes. I look at him, he follows my actions.

"Make yourself comfortable, I'll just take a quick shower,"

"Okay," he answers softly.

I quickly take some dry clothes and enter the bathroom. I do everything as quickly as I could. I came out to find him vibing on some song, he was bopping his head. He looks at me, and then quickly looks back at his phone. I sheepishly smile entering the kitchen.

He gets up from couch and walks towards the kitchen and sits on the stool near the counter. I knead the dough, taking glances at him time to time. He just silently watches me, my hair was blocking my view. I pout removing it from the back of my hand since I had flour in my hand.

Aftwr kneading the dough, I keep it in the oven and set the timer and turn around.

"It will be done in a moment," I answer. When he looks at me quietly before his lips curles up.

He chuckles suddenly, I turn to look at him. He shakes his head. He motions me to come closer, He pulls out something from his pocket. Handkerchief. He extends his face close to my face, I flinch a little. He grabs my jaws. Electrifying jolt course through my body. He wipes something on my head.

"You got some flour on your head and hair," he says pulling away. I gasp and letting out fake laugh. He must be thinking I'm stupid. I turn squeezing my eyes, cursing at myself.

"So how is your research for our assignement going on?" I ask placing my hand on the counter.

"Its almost done...I think by tonight I'll complete it," He answers looking down and I follow his gaze.

I follow his gaze to see him staring at hands. Mine beside his huge ones looks so tiny. He holds my hand raising it up.

"How is your hand so small?" He gasp measuring my hands with his. My heart beats wildly, I'm touching his fckin' hand. I don't have any idea. How I managed to keep a poker face. My entire body was heating up, my hands molds the way he wants me to. In a fist, he covers his hand on top of ny tiny, little fist. His long fingers reach to my wrist.

"So cute," He adds and my eyes were way to focused on his veins. They look hot, suddenly I feel irritaton in my nose and before  I could react a sneeze escapes my mouth. He look at him guilty eyes, He simply smiles.

"Look you got sick," He didn't mind.
"I'm so sorry, Soobin. I didn't mean too. It just suddenly-"
"It's okay where can I wash my hand?"
"Oh, Its in the bathroom," I point at the door and he nods walking inside. I look back at my hand. A mad smile appearing on my face. His hands are so fucking hot. I finally got to touch his hand without acting like a creep.

I hear a ting sound from oven indicating the bread is ready. I look back, happily dancing towards the oven. I take the bread out, it's fresh aroma fills my nostrils. Good, Good.

I had tomato soup from yesterday and heated it up and serve. I see his face brighten because his dimples appears. I never seen his eyes even now. I sighing casually. I'm sighing alot these days.

"Its yummy just like they make at bakery," His compliment snaps me out. Because he speaks so less, I feel overwhelmed by his compliment.
"Thanks,I recently learned from owner so I thought I can make some," I scratch the my nape.
"It's really good,"

Time flies and it was dark already. I wash the dishes and he still their on his phone. I quickly do it wipe my hands in my clothes. It a bad habit but I do it. I came into the living room. To see his head resting on the back of couch.

"Soobin," I call out softly. He didn't react so I move closer. Is he asleep? I wonder and as soon as I reach closer. I hear him snoring softly, his hands on his stomach. Should I wake him up? When I look at him. He looked  like a baby while sleeping. I huff,  let it be. I'll let him sleep here. I place his phone close to him and open my convertible sofa into a bed. I bought his bed because it looked cool but it was rhe first time it came in use.

He softly pulls him down laying down without waking him up. He was quite heavy but I did it. I brought the thin sheet because it was a little cold, I sigh looking at him with sense of achievement. My eyes drops on his glasses. I should take them off. I walk over to him from otherside.

Leaning closer, I pull out his glasses and keeping them beside him. I looked at his face, my stomach drops as my eyes widens.

Narae place her hands on her mouth to cover her screams. She couldn't believe her eyes on what she saw. A sense of betrayal knocks inside her before she scoffs biting her lips to suppress her sobs.

"This man..."

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