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My parents' face lost its colour and Jisung's face turned red. He is about to burst. When Jisung opened his mouth to speak, dad grabbed his hand and spoke. 

"Why don't you take a seat son?" Dad said and I glanced at Soobin. He smiled, causing his dimples to pop. 
"Thank you so much sir," His tone sounded so grateful. I smile and make my way towards my mother, sighing. He sits next to me. 

"Hello sir, Hello ma'am! And, Hello brother!" 
"I'm not your brother," Jisung seethed. 
Soobin gracefully ignores him, "My name Choi Soobin. It's a pleasure meeting you," 
"Yeah, Good to see you!" Mom said with a smile. 
"When did the two of you start dating?" Jisung asks.

He leans back on the sofa swallowing his anger. His gaze was burning whenever he glanced at Soobin. 

"We started dating last month, but we knew each other since I start going college," 
"Oh! That's long," Mom's voice trembled. 

She keeps glancing at Soobin with an awkward smile. 
While, they asked us questions. I kept glancing at dad who stayed silent the whole time. Intently looking at Soobin. His gaze narrow, body leaned back on his arm chair. 

I sensed Soobin flinching, before he looked at dad with a smile. Before bringing his attention to my mom. Even he noticed. I was gazing at my dad trying to get his attention. He finally looks at me and smiles. 

"Well, then the festival is about to start. We should move towards the podium," He got up, all of us did the same. He walks towards Soobin extending his hand. 

"Soobin! I'm glad that you love my daughter, but you better not sneak into my territory again," His eyes gleamed blue, while he tried to assert his Alpha dominance on Soobin, who smirked in a teasing manner making me glare at him. 

"I will keep that in mind, Sir!" 

The day passed with Jisung literally separating me from Soobin, I wasn't even irritated because I expected it. We were on our way to the dining hall. Jisung was conversing with Soobin, more like provoking. I was wondering how he is so calm?

"You're an alpha's bloodline right?" Jisung asks with a sneaky smile. I was blinking, gazing at the back of two tall men towering me. 
"Yes, I am," Soobin replies with a sigh. 
"Great, we have a combat competition tomorrow? Would you like to spar with me, I want to see your strength." 
Where is this going? 
"Narae! You-" I was already glaring at Jisung. I saw a sheepish expression on his face, before he smirked. 
"... Don't have a problem right?" 

"I-" I was about to stop them, but Soobin interrupted me. 
"No problem at all! But please go easy on me." I can see Jisung's expression turning proud. He is a fool. I could see my brother falling for Soobin's deception. I pressed my lips all together. Idiot! 

"You don't have to Soobin," I don't want my idiot brother to get beaten. Jisung is strong, but according to me Soobin is stronger to take care of so many powerful werewolves all alone. I was eyeing Soobin to say 'no' but he simply shrugs his shoulders. 

"What's the problem Narae? He agreed already!" Jisung intervenes. I clicked my tongue and sighed. I looked at Soobin and back at Jisung.  "Fine, go for it!" 
Idiot. I can see Soobin eyes flickering like rubies in the dim corridor. What is he thinking? I wondered. 

"What are you kids talking about?" I heard my mom and looked over Jisung's shoulder to see her walking towards us.

"Nothing, Soobin and I are going to take part in tomorrow's competition," Jisung replies quickly.  I grabbed Soobin's hand and pulled him out there. 

"Run!" I whispered and began running in the opposite direction. We ran down the hallway reaching the entrance of the mansion. I glanced at Soobin's small smile appearing on his lips. 

"I want to go there with you," I said, breathing heavily. He tilted his head, "Where?" 
"Temple, I heard mates go there to receive the moon goddess's blessing," I replied and began to guide him out of the mansion. 
"You know what I am,"
"We had this convo, it doesn't matter to me. I'm sure the moon goddess won't mind it either. Now c'mon!!" I exclaimed. 

We walked next to each other under the moonlight. Our arms interlocked, it felt like a date. Away from others, just us. We arrived at the temple's entrance, our eyes flickered at the building and then at each other. My heart was palpitating. We stepped on the stairs together, when a terrible headache knocked on my door. 

"Narae!" I heard Soobin's voice. I saw lots of images like memories, I saw myself in that dress again. In the temple, I had a sword in my hand and before me was an unknown man. In front of me was the dead body of my mate. I knew it when I saw it. 

"Nepehele, why did you choose him over me?" 
"Stop it Eshid! He was my mate."

Eshid grabbed my hand, "You're mine Nephele, I'll cross all the boundaries to make you mine. I don't give a shit if he is your mate! You can only be mine, Nephele."

He said as he pulled me away from the body of my mate. His hand wrapping around my waist, I could see his eyes turning dangerously red. While my entire body was shaking violently not from fear but with anger, I was glaring. He brought his lips closer to me. My hand pulled out my silver hair pin. The moment his lips touched mine, I stabbed his chest with the hairpin. 

His moan filled my ear as the warm tears stained my cheeks. I stepped back to see him clenching his face, his eyes burning holes in me. He grabbed the silver hairpin that was still stuck in his chest and pulled it out, throwing it on the floor. 

"Silver?" He chuckled, while his body staggered backward. His breathing heavily, yet again he balanced himself charging towards me. He knocked me down hovering over me, his hand pinning me to the ground. My eyes widened because of the unexpected attack. 

"You believe in this goddess of yours right Nephele?" 
"What are you doing? Let me go!"

He brought his face closer to my neck, "I swear upon this goddess of yours. I will be the only one you can have, you can love in your all your next life," He whispered and I sensed his fangs sinking in my skin. 

Hola! Tysm for reading this and giving it so much support.
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