Chapter 32: On My Own (Viana)

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I don't get why it was so hard for Diggy to understand that there is just no way he can come back into my life after what he did. I mean he slept with my best friend there's no going back. I didn't go to school today because I've been sick all morning.

I was dizzy at first and then I started throwing up. Diggy came in a brought me something things that I didn't even bother to look at. When I heard the door close behind him I sat up in my bed and see all of my favorite things in a little basket with a bow on it.

In the basket was a brown teddy bear, Herseys cookies and creme bars, my favorite movie Love & Basketball, and kettle corn popcorn that I was obsessed with.

The thought of him made me smile but the thought of what he did made me sad. I felt alone and just wanted to be held, protected, reassured that they would never hurt me so I called up someone I knew I could always depend on.

About twenty minutes later Romeo walked up my stairs and into my bedroom.

"You look awful." He poked his lip out.

"I feel awful." I stated.

"I'll go make you some soup, that should make you feel better." He walked downstairs.

I heard him shuffling through pots and pans trying to find the right one and drifted off to sleep.

I liked having Romeo so close to me right now and no it's not because I want to use him as a rebound but I just wanted someone I knew was genuinely my friend around me.

When I woke up he was sleeping next to me. I had felt a lot better so whatever he put into that soup worked. I took a picture of him sleeping and posted it to Instagram with the caption

"Big bro to the rescue! Took care of me while I was sick. I guess I wore him out because he's snoring @romeomiller 💤"

The next day my mom had made me a doctors appointment. When I tell you I hate waiting to be called back in to see the doctor I mean with a passion. It's nerve wrecking. You have no idea what the doctor could possibly tell you but you always expect the worst.

When I was finally called back they took my temperature.

"Well your temperature is normal, explain to me how you're feeling." The nurse said.

"Just dizzy and nauseous." I stated.

"And when was your last period?" She asked.

"I'm on my period." I told her.

"And you've bled today?" She asked.

I frowned my face. "No, I haven't." I told her.

"Okay well I want you to put your urine in this cup for me so we can run some test on it and see what's going on with you okay?" She smiled.


I did as she said and waited for my results. My doctor had finally came in the room with a clipboard I'm guessing had all my information on it.

"Well Ms. Jones would you like to talk to me in private?" He asked.

"No it's fine." I rubbed my arm a little nervous for what he was about to say.

"Sweetheart you're not sick." He stated.

"Okay then what's going on with me?" I asked.

"You're pregnant." He smiled.

I shook my head.

"That's not possible. I'm on my period." I held in my tears.

"Spotting is absolutely normal when pregnant a lot of first time moms still get their periods." He stated.

"How far along am I? I can't be more than what? A few days?" I asked.

"You're two weeks. I think because of your body you're feeling your symptoms a lot sooner than most moms."

I flashed back to the first time me and Diggy tried anything. That must've been when but what I still don't understand is how, I didn't even let him finish. He wore a condom.

"But he wore a condom and didn't finish, how is this possible?" I asked.

"Pre ejaculation is how it can happen and because you were a virgin there's a possibility that him trying to force his way in could have broken the condom and he could've ejaculated in you which I'm sure is what happened." I was just shocked.

How was I going to tell Diggy? Was I going to tell Diggy?

The car ride home was pretty silent. My mom didn't do anything the whole ride but rub my hand.

"I'm sorry mom." I apologized.

"Things happen sweetheart and they happen for a reason." That's one thing I loved about my mom. She was alway so understanding. She didn't judge me, she just loved me for me.

"Are you going to tell Diggy you're having his baby?" That was the hardest question my mom has ever asked me.

I wasn't prepared for it either. Diggy could hurt me all he wanted but I wasn't going to allow him to hurt my baby. Over my dead body.

"No, I'm not going to tell him."

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