Beginning of new life..

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My first day in Seoul still feels like a dream. The thing I realized now is, that whatever happens, be loyal and work hard towards your dream. That can definitely make you happier than anyone around you. A sudden doorbell ring made me flinch. I went towards the door and opened it, "Surprise!!". I was wondering if she got the wrong address. That girl came inside and hugged me tightly. I get startled. What's with her? "Did you miss me? Why don't you contact me when you've landed? I was waiting for your call but you didn't". she pouted. I feel like I forgot to contact her, Ohho! I screwed up. Guys, she is Arine. I was an intern at my same university but joined 3 months ago. When I got approval, the faculty gave her a number to contact. She is American but unfortunately, she was an orphan and got adopted 8 years back by a British family. Even though she was adopted, she wished to find her biological parents. We only chatted through emails and calls and became good friends. Most apt to address is, like my sister. The slight difference between us is that she is a little shy. When she comes to me, she acts like a baby.

"Why are you staring like this? Don't say you didn't get me?".

"No! No! babe, I got confused for a moment. That's it? "

"You're lying, aren't you?"

"No babe! how can I forget my sista, hha?!"

"I thought you forgot me." she pouted cutely.

"I'm not and I won't. don't look like this. Sit, I will get you some coffee. "

"Ok. wait!"

"What happened?"

You want to be on time. If we leave now, we'll be there on time.

"Oh no, then we can have coffee from the cafeteria. let's go."

"Okay, get your bag and come downstairs. I will wait for you at the parking lot and come fast." While stepping towards the door.

I didn't pack my bag yet. I needed to take my wallet, charger, earphone, some reference books, and pen and I rushed towards the parking lot.

Just half an hour's drive we reached the university and went towards the HOD's cabin. He is really a nice, friendly person too. He handed over my class schedule and warned me it was difficult to handle my students. They are very cunning and disrespect kids so they fight!!. so I'm gonna get a fresh experience now and I'm prepared too. We both greeted him and went to the faculty room. All staff is friendly. I feel so blessed. They also offered to teach me Korean. I'm so glad about that. As per schedule, I have to take classes for first and second-year electronic engineering batches and also for electrical engineering. The subjects I'm gonna take are the basics. And for 2nd years, it is a common subject for both departments. I feel that the subject I'm gonna take is the same as I need to work on for my Ph.D. This will help my studies as well. I know you all are worried about how I can pay. It's a secret I will tell you soon, ok? Now, let's head to second-year electronics class. Let's go.

Wow! so noisy. God, how I'm gonna handle them. Get ready baby, let's rock. I stepped into the class. It does not bother them to see me. They're still talking. Do they think I'm a student? one girl entered the class and she looked at me and said,

"Hi, I'm Jiwooh. new to this class. May I sit with you?"

Here we go, she really thought, I'm a student. Haha maybe the dress I wore casual or might be my height confused her. I really need to gain height.

"Excuse me?" She looked confused.

"Ya, but you can't sit with me. I'm your new teacher and, like you, I'm newly appointed. Just wait for a moment, okay?" She hummed.

I cleared my throat and with my firm voice "Good morning students". Everyone became silent for a moment and looked at me. I continued.

"Please sit at your place. I'm Natasha. You're in charge of the logical circuit". Everyone sat at their place and I welcomed Jiwooh and told her to introduce herself and she did. I told her to sit in the 3rd row.

"So kids today, I'm not gonna take a class instead of that. Let's chit chat okay." I can see surprised faces all over my class. Did I say anything wrong? And I continued. "I'm Natasha. You're new in charge, you are free to ask anything me. And I'm friendly too. Like you guys, I'm also studying with you all. So let's learn together. Don't feel bad asking doubts and for me, you can sit wherever you want but while I'm taking the class I don't like any disturbance from the side. We have a whole one and a half hours in one period. I will take 45 min to teach and rest to talk and for clearing doubts. By the way, you can take quick notes while I'm taking the class. At the weekend I will give you a ppt. And also some sort of work to do yourself. ok, any doubts."

Everyone is looking strangely. do have any problems? "Or do you all want the normal type class like strict 1 hr and 45 min class with exams and assignments? If you want that, of course, I can do it." "No!!!" The kids screamed loudly. I can see smiles all over there.

"So why don't we start with a self-introduction? Not the same pattern of self-introduction. I want to know your name and your hobbies, passion, your likes and dislikes, and why you choose this field". My kids started introducing themselves and I loved to hear those. While hearing about their passion and hobbies I got goose booms. I can see their future in their eyes. Most of them joined this stream because of their parents. With my smile, I covered my worries towards them.

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