Let it go whatever it is!!

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"Mam, you ok?" I nodded to Ron. "If you don't like the dress we can design then with your idea, why don't we try that?" "Yes, that's a great idea. We have one and a half days left. I think that's more effective than anything else. More comfortable and easier for you. What is your opinion?" "That may be a pleasant idea." We headed back to the boutique and talked to the designer, about what we were expecting from them. Finally, they agreed with us and designed a new one for me. White georgette gown, lavender color embroidery in the bottom with three-quarter length sleeves and off the shoulder. Some pearl works on sleeves and small lavender flower designs at the bottom make it look cuter. We designed the back of the bottom a little lengthier, so it will move in flow while walking. This is gonna take one day to complete the dress. So next is practice.

The plan is acceptable, but I have to dance. That's the problem, I only knew some basics of Indian dance forms, but I will try my best. The dancers will perform first and later my entry. They will invite me to the stage, a few steps in there and at the end, revealing my face. The hard part is dancing in the flow with that gown. It's not heavy, but what if I slipped? The dancers are so supportive. I always apologize when I make mistakes but they keep smiling and helping me more till I correct my steps. For my sake, they added some basics of kathak and contemporary form that made it easier for me to do in flow. I put on a demy gown for practice because the rotation is hard with my long gown. Within no time, I got closer to the dancer, so comforting. Elizabeth is right. I won't get bored while enjoying the moments. Don't know how fast the time skipped. We took leave after visiting the boutique to check the status.

Long, tiring day, but I enjoyed it a lot. Never felt hungry but already drank over 6 liters of water. I rarely have that much, maybe because of continued dance practice. Some of my co-dancers asked for my number but it's hard to disclose, so instead of mine, I gave Ron's. Of course, he will redirect that call to me. No need to worry.

I checked the messages when I got back to the hotel after taking a bath. Why is he not replying? Does he need fucking whole day to text back? I already texted him. I need to confess something urgent to him. If I was him, will contact him back but look at him, taking a whole day, I sighed. It's better to call Daeoppa, not sure if he pick up my call. But it looks like he accidentally attended the call. Can hear the cheering and giggling of people, the sound of my brothers and some girls too. Maybe a party or something, but no trace of the song they usually put on while having a party. This is really thrilling. I'm not eavesdropping but can hear what they say on the other side without realizing I'm on call. Cool!! "Hyung, it's not like that. I'm so excited to be with her. I didn't tell you yet that I love her so much." Oh, my babe loves me this much shyee!! Why did I misunderstand him? While chuckling to myself, "More than Paapa??" those words made me curious, what does that mean more than papa? does he talk about someone else? "Sometimes I forget about paapa when I think about.. they're the same in nature, that's a little crazy even though I get to know more about her now." "So you like her more than papa?" "Not like that, I wish paapa have to be strong and more creative like her, a little like my idol type. But I love paapa, still, I wish to know and spend some quality time with her, though." "If you love her, why then?" "Maybe I'm interested in her.." Does he really confess that he has a crush on someone? Then what am I to him? Without wasting time, I cut the call and don't wanna hear anything more. Played music and stepped onto the balcony. The night looked pretty, and the sky was clear too. But don't have a good mood. Tears are following continuously. Why? Nothing happened, right?!! He might fall out of love and will confess later. I should be more patient, but who was she? Maybe she is better than me in all aspects. His ideal type.. sighed and sat down near the balcony. Don't know how long I stayed there, later felt heaviness on my lids and went back to bed. Woke up early morning by hearing my ringtone that was Daeoppa. Cleared the throat before attending the call. So he won't find the change in my voice. "Oppa, where were you? All good?!" "Of course babe, sorry we are very busy lately and some more plans too. How is your class?" "Good oppa. What plan? When are you gonna come back?" "Day after tomorrow, maybe after that. Wae, do you miss us?" "There is no need to miss you guys. You all are already there in my mind." "Thank you, babe, why did you call me yesterday? Anything happened?" "I wanna tell you something?" "Wait, you're pregnant or something?" "Oppa, we have done nothing like that yet and I'm still a virgin." " Oh, I wished a lot for a moment" "Oppa this is too much" "Ok tell me what you wanna say?" "I'm Reyna and I'm here in London." "Wow nice joke, you don't want to pretend babe, we like you more than her. Not gonna love anyone more than you. You're becoming more hilarious nowadays. Don't say this in public, they're gonna hit you badly. Stop joking and go back to your work. I need to head back now. Take care bye.."

Even after I confess to him, does he think that I'm lying? This is enough, no need to confess this to anyone. Anyway, they are going to realize it tomorrow. Took a bath and ordered some food. Today's schedule is a little tight. last rehearsal, sound check and have to try on my costume. And the new proposal is ready, so I have to go through that. Not gonna change my decision, so if they are not in my way then gonna reject them with no doubt. We went to the stadium along with bodyguards, so there were so many paparazzi around the stadium. Why are they interested in me? I really doubt that. When I got outside the car, everyone rushed to me with a camera and took shots. My guards are trying hard to push them back but unfortunately got cut in my arm. I'm fine, with a slight cut, so I told guards to stay away from me so I can change to casual and can pretend like a dancer and technician. In the beginning, they won't let me but more I insist and explain then they let me. The stadium is huge, and they sold the seats out first. Don't know why from the moment I got onto the stage felt weird. It's okay, I told myself. They restricted all others to get inside the stadium. So it is more comfortable for us. We did our rehearsal and sound. All are good. I'm not comfortable, so I practiced more, and the dancer stayed with me till I got satisfied. Long day but satisfied. The dress is prettier than we expected. So all set tomorrow is going to be a big day. And also Ron said there is some surprise for me too. I'm more excited to know what it is....

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