Beginning of the new life 2

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"Are you interested in knowing anything about me? If yes, I will give you a paper and write the questions you want to ask and I will answer them one by one." I passed two sheets of paper to them. Within 20 min, they returned the paper. "So many questions, ok!"

"So I will answer in flow. I'm from India. I am 26 and have 1 elder sister. She is working. Then about my hobby, I love to write and read, listen to songs and drive that's it. Is it I'm taken or not? So many of you asked that question, so the answer is I'm single. Some of you asked about my crush. Of course, I have one, but I won't tell you sorry." by saying that, the kids whined. "Ok, I will reveal that later." But someone in between "mam you're blushing." "Do I?". "yes," they said playfully. ''of course I do. I can't control that. Sorry, guys." I don't understand why others say it's hard to handle these kids. I feel very comfortable with them.

"So kids, who's your representative?"

"Me mam," one tall boy stood up.

"Oke your name. I'm sorry it's hard to remember all of our names."


"Please come forward. I need to ask you something,". he hummed. "So kids, we can start our class tomorrow onwards and bring notes. I will check whenever I feel like it. Take your notes every day, and William, would you mind coming to my office?"

"Sure mam"

"ok kids, bye.." at the same time the bell rang. Perfect timing, baby.

I headed towards my office. I asked William if there are any problems between students. He said nothing. While saying self-introduction I noticed the way native students were acting toward foreign students and also when one boy started self-introduction the entire class got silent. Some students mocking and disturbing a girl sat in the 4th row. Definitely, my assumptions will not be wrong. I knew that. I asked William once more. He lowered his head. Now I understand why other staff said it's hard to take care of them. But I don't care, I will.

"William, I noticed many things while I'm interacting with you all. Do you want me to point it out? So you won't say anything? Do I have to ask in front of everyone?"

At last, he said, some students are bullying foreign students and one girl in class is always bullied because it is rumored that she is an orphan. I'm still confused about why he is not saying anything about that boy. Soon, I will find it. I told him to return to class. I have one more class today in the electrical department, it's gonna start soon.

Later, I headed to the Electrical department, but this time they didn't misunderstand me as a student. I am so thankful for that. Well, the class went so smoothly. Like I did in my past class, I engaged everyone. After class, I went to the library. I noticed some literature books and something makes me more curious. I need to clear that from Arine. When I got back to my cabin; she was there.

"babe, you have nothing till now. Where would you be without taking your phone?" She is so angry.

"I was looking for some books and I get it,"

"even without having food. Do you know what the time is? It's already 4.15 pm. and you had nothing till morning,"

"I'm sorry" I don't think it's gonna help me. I need to act a little now.

I made little teary eyes and pouted. "Aish, this idiot always does this when I scold. Stop it brat. I forgive you now, but don't skip your food, understand?" I shake my head. "Let's have food on the way home, ok?" I nodded.

We stopped at a restaurant, wahh it's so beautiful, I loved it. The entire room is dark-themed with adding aesthetic design is so unique. There are plants in the room. That makes the beauty more mesmerizing. when I walked more inside, I found a large bookshelf with a lot of varieties. They are playing music not that loud but we can enjoy it while having food. I totally loved this place.

"babe, you like it?"

"I loved it," I felt so comfortable and loved when I roamed around there. I don't know what makes me feel like that.

We ordered food that was so delicious. A man came over to us and enquired "is everything ok mam. you seem like looking for something".

I shifted my gaze to him. "Yes, I have a doubt. I saw the bookshelf, but if you themed the restaurant as black, I think it's uncomfortable to read. Or else can we borrow it with us? "

"Mam we can't allow customers to take books home but we are planning to create a new reading area in the next room." "That's a pleasant idea and, well, your food is delicious. I loved that."

"thank you, mam,"

"Arine, thank you so much for taking me here. I loved this place."

"I know baby, you definitely gonna love this place."

"I brought you a gift." I slowly take a box from my bag. This gonna make her scream, I know that. "Open it, dear".

"Babe, what's it?"

"Open it, babe," she hummed

"WTH babe!!

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