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"babe, focus on me and food. What are you thinking?" I get back to sense.

"Nothing," she told me to have food and went to take the call.

I kept my food aside. I don't feel good now. A bit confused, why does he come here?

The next thing I heard was Arine's scream. I rushed to her.

"What happened? Are you okay? Has anyone hurt you?" I showered many questions in a single stretch.

"I got tickets, babe fan signing event tickets. I was trying for a long time. You must come with me. Will you?"

"whose?" I asked with a confused face because she was talking about Ron and now about the signing event and all of sudden it's all confusing.

"it's Tracker's signing event. You promised me before that you will come with me when I get the tickets. Don't say no now!" she whined.

"First, when is the event?"

"This Saturday means the day after tomorrow!"

"I have some work on Saturday. I don't think I can," I excused.

"You promised me before. Just come with me. It's definitely going to be fun, dear. Please!!" she whined again and pouted.

"babe please!"

"ok! let me think okay, don't think I agreed!" she agreed.

I packed my things except for my laptop because as per schedule there is no class today. I prepared mail and worked on weekends but it's hard for me to go to the signing event, still, some more work is pending. And I need to install some more decorations in my living room. Most of them are self-created, so I need to install them myself. After completing my work we went back home.

I felt so relieved today but I'm thinking about Ye-Jun because when she stopped asking questions looks so suspicious. That time I saw some kids from other departments watching inside my class. Is she afraid of them? hha so many things now. That boy, now Junna, has many secrets! Wow! A lot of things are making my mind engaged. I unpacked my things and completed my work. It's better to install my decorations today, so I can take a rest tomorrow. it's a little difficult to install my props, definitely need manpower and mind power. Need to run codes and some soldering to make them work perfectly. After installing I checked it. Well, good work. I'm proud of myself. I smiled to myself. Aish... I'm hungry now, need to cook. Let's try some spicy pasta today. I am good at cooking. After having dinner I set the alarm and went to sleep, it was the first time I'm sleeping peacefully after a long time. The other day went normally. But realized that the silent boy has a crush on Junna and Junna is afraid of Mechanical 3rd-year students. They're bullying her. Now I have got a new assignment. I don't like to interfere with others' lives but I feel some connection between her.

I woke up from Arine's call. "Open the door, you lazy ass. How many times have I called you?" I ran towards the door. "We have 2 hours to get there. Why are you doing this? Get ready, man." She cooked some toast and egg for breakfast and I took a quick bath and wore casual clothes with free hair. I don't like makeup, so I just bought some lotion and sunscreen, that's all needed for me. 30 minutes drive, she is non-stop while driving and I realized she is a hardcore stan. Wow, I think it's the second time she is talking like this. The place is so cute and many fans are there. We need to stay in a queue to get inside. Long queue...

"Baby, this is so long you really need me to stay."

"don't you love me?"

"of course dear"

"Then stay," I hummed. This is too tiring. I like them but I don't know. Maybe I'm not prepared to meet them. Might be, or.... the thing is, I have a crush on one of them. So it's hard for me to stand in front of them. I might scream. Hah! What should I do? I'm just one of the fan-girls and I don't want to show my weakness to anyone. There is a girl crying and her mom is comforting her. She is so small, her mom is carrying another baby too, a little one. You guys know what I will do right? The same I inquired. Her mom has an urgent meeting within half an hour and needs to attend that. She can't let her elder one go alone inside and also needs to take care of the younger one at the same time. All the tantrums came at the same moment, so obviously I needed to go back, but the child was crying. I can't do anything to help them but can take the elder one inside so I asked her about that. At first, she didn't agree with me. Later I said I'm working at Seoul university, and I showed my id. At last, she agreed. I went back to Arine and said everything she agreed, but when I think a little more, she really needs someone to take care of her young one too. I asked Arine about staying with that woman with her kid. At first, she railed, but I convinced her. I went back to that woman and offered to stay with her while attending the meeting. She also said no, but I said I'm sincerely saying this. Finally, she agreed. Arine took the girl with her. The woman's name is Mariam, she is working at SY Industry, one of the most recognized clothing brands and industries. They have so many companies, so she is really lucky to be a part of that family. I get companies with little ones quickly. She is naughty but cute too. When I called her Cheenu, she started laughing and kissing me. She seems comfortable with me. Mariam felt revealed when seeing both of us playing. After 10 min she moved a little further so she could avoid the external noise while attending the meeting.

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