Let's meet his mom

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"Aunt, it's not like that. For the past 5 years, I've been doing my part-time jobs. To this day, I'm engaged in over 3 jobs and they are paying me well. So I believe that you're good at understanding work pressure and stress. If I don't work well, I will definitely lose my job. My hard work results from my current status and wealth." "So you're saying that you're not using my son's money and popularity?" I nodded. Why should I take advantage of him? "Aunt, we love each other and can't stay apart. I'm not into his money or fame. I like the man inside of him, the character, and how he cares and loves me. These are all things we cared about and of course, every parent wants their children to be happy, so I expect that you're ok with our relationship." "No, I'm not. Of course, I care about his happiness, but you're not worth it to him. I want a daughter-in-law who has the same status as him, who can understand his career and work with him. As a teacher, you might understand what I meant. You are not a match for my son with wealth, social status, and fame. Well, thinking about your family, I don't want an orphan to be a part of my family. Tell me how much you want to part ways with him. I will pay double your demand." Why is she talking such nonsense? I'm not an employee or something. We love each other unconditionally, and she has no right to compare my relationship with money. No, babe, you can't raise your voice. Calm down, let us make her clear. That's the only way in front of you. "Aunt, I'm not gonna break up with him, and about money, that really an awful idea. I have enough for myself. I really wish for him to be with me." Why did he rush to take the phone? "So, what's your part-time job? And where are you working? How much do they pay for you?" Wow, do I have to confess now? Let's do that, then she will stop saying all these shits. "I'm a writer and running a small society for the students willing to learn to hack, code, and have innovative ideas. Also support to achieve their dream with mentoring. For writing, it's up to the number of sales and words I write, then much more related to it. And society is non-profitable." "so you're saying that you can earn with those," I hummed "Not impressive," "I don't care what others think about me, I only care about my satisfaction and sincerity. So that's not bothering me." "hey babe, that was an emergency call sorry. is you guys had a good time?" we hummed. "Mom, she is my best choice and I want her till the end of my life. I don't think she is for money and fame like Ae-Ri. But we love each other."I can see the fire in his mom's eye, that's a bad decision Seonga mentioning your ex-girlfriend here. Now should bear the consequence. "Who said that she was for money and fame, she loves you, and Seong you break her heart. she is still willing to be with you. you're the one who betrayed her for this nasty orphan!!," that's great I loved that. didn't expect such words from her. "Mom, you can't say that to her. she is not an orphan, she had me. and I told you very clearly I broke up with Ae-Ri because she had an affair in my back. so stop saying this shit. If you say this again I won't come back to you ever again." What should I do now? If I get intertwined with them, that will make the situation worse, if not Seong won't shut up. "Seong stops it, you have no voice to talk to mom like this, ask for her forgiveness now!!." I slightly raised my voice to him. both look at me. "Seong I told you!!" "But she.." I didn't let him complete, just gave him a death glare. "I'm sorry mom, but one thing doesn't dare to mistreat her, if you do then it is the same for me too. We are leaving!!" He held my hand and dragged me outside. I said sorry and went out with him. He didn't talk till we got inside the car. when we get in, first shouted for not standing for him, then cried and ask an apology for the behavior of mom, I don't know why he has become soft and childish when comes to me. he is the strong person I know but when it is between us that completely changes. But in reality, he is the strongest, I know he is hiding his pain behind his smile and afraid to share it with me. I patted his back, "It's okay, I'm used to this so won't hurt anymore. so no need to worry, ok. all I wish is that you won't think like that in the future." he cupped my face and said won't gonna happen that ever in between us. That's the only thing I want to hear. "Hubby, I wanna have something spicy," How can he deny my puppy eyes and pout? "Don't you want to return the car?" How can I deal with him now? "No, he told me to hold for 2 more days. so no need to rush now." I think he believed me. I really don't want to lie to him, it is hurting me. He brought Ddeokbokki and headed to my apartment. Let's confess now, there is no one to interrupt us now. If not now, then don't know when.

"Hubby, I wanna tell you something!" "I'm all ears dear," "Do you know writer Reyna?" he hummed. "What do you think about her?" "she is a nice, excellent writer. Our Byung ho hyung and Dae hyung are her huge fans. But she still did not show up. Why?" "Do you like her?" "Of course, I read one of her books. That's quite interesting and really motivating. There is a rumor that she will show up on her own. We all are waiting for that." Wow, I didn't expect this from him. How can I say that I'm Reyna?! "Seong, what if I'm Reyna?" he choked the food and rushed to give water to him. "You are joking, right? How can that happen? You are my cutie fighter." What! He does not believe me. "What if I'm?" "Then I will kiss you in front of warriors and announce to my fans that I'm dating a brilliant writer." He is really taking this as a joke. Is it I'm an idiot or him?

Don't mind him, I will make it clear later. Such an idiot. It's better to tell Arine. She might get me. After having food, Seong went back to the mansion. I promised before that I would spend time on the weekend but I have class tomorrow. So can't. They are leaving for Paris for the concert next Sunday, they barely said to me. I know little about the schedules. So before they leave, I have to accompany them for a day. They mostly return after 3 weeks. It is not new to me, but this is the first time they're leaving for this long period. A kind of missing them. I took a half day's leave to spend time with them. I helped them to pack things, cook, and spend some leisure time too. Some memories make me alive when they are gone. The new semester is a little hard, with the same classes but core subjects. I had an evaluation camp on the same day as their departure. So I can't say goodbye. Fine, all are getting busy, they need to practice too, so no problem. The first week after they left was a little hard for me. They call me in the early morning, missing their lives and messages. How can I stay up all day? When I got back home, I will be hella tired, with a lot of work to complete for the next day. I also need to upload my new chapter online and have to draft it. And the pressure of showing up. I too felt like if I delayed again then I can't hold the situation, maybe it worsen more. And of course, I have to prove to his mom that writing is not a shameful job.

Yesterday, my CEO called me and tried to please me. Yes, I know how important it is, but I'm afraid too. But how pathetic the situation made me decide to show up and inform him. They will inform me when and where. All are excited. Even Daeoppa called me to say this. How can I tell them? I'm gonna confess to Arine tomorrow. God knows what's gonna happen next!!

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