Till the end, I will keep my promise..

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I knocked on the door, and I could hear some loud footsteps coming to door. "Maybe food delivery" someone shouted from the other side of the door, but when the door opens, "Ho-Sook!!" whispered. Took some steps back and couldn't stay for a moment. "Aren't you here for food delivery?" I shook my head and bowed. While stepping back, stomped to stone and dripped. "Angju..!" "Paapa??" He held my hand and made me stand up. His eyes were tearing, worried, took off my mask and cap, and dragged me inside. They assembled like they were celebrating the end day of the concert, but no trace of Seong. When they noticed us, all stayed frozen. "Papa.." but next is a sting of pain on my cheek. That's Ho-Sook. Daloppa tried to stop him but for the first time, I saw him in rage. I'm responsible for this. I broke the promise with him. Next slap, I didn't know how many times he slapped me. I went frozen. He shouted. All I can do is seek an apology. "I'm sorry." "How dare you come in front of me? You left me alone without uttering anything. You broke our promise. Now, why did you come back? I hate you. Don't want to see you ever again." "My apologies. I didn't mean to show up or hurt. you guys do not appreciate the things I did. I knew that, but I have my own reasons. And sorry Sookiya for leaving you alone. But I swear till this never felt happy and secure without you guys. Sorry." I was waiting for a long time to confess these to them but now feel relieved at least I could have done at this time. Right? Otherwise, don't know when and how? Stepping out of the villa felt my heart aching. My heart got broken, hissing in pain, lost and abandoned. Maybe this was the same feeling they felt when I left. Streams of tears, vision getting blurry, holding my sobbing and breathing, why he did this to me maybe trying to hate up to the hell. That's good. I did a good job but lost my family and happiness too. To set him free, I sacrificed what I treasured in my life.

"Yyah! You again leaving me alone?" "Sookie, I..." he ran towards me. "You're gonna leave me again," a crying mess. "I'm not good to you, I'm bad" "Anii, mi anhae, I overboard, my anger. The day you left becomes lonely again. You promised me before but..." "mianhamnida." "na-do!!" "Let's go inside," "I need to go!!" "Wae!! Again you're.." "I have to go, tell Seong that I'm left and keep his promise. Will contact you later." "paapa, don't leave me again." He tugged at me. Why? Don't be weak, Jiya be strong, just leave. He is whining. I slightly pushed and kissed him on his forehead. "definitely come for you." And went near to the bike, of sudden, a car pulled closer to my bike. "Get in!" "I won't, talk here whatever it is" he took me on his shoulder and put me in the backseat. Tied my hands with his belt and legs with a tie. Struggled a lot more to untie but failed. The entire ride was silent except for my struggling and screaming sounds. He looks terrific. I was the one who planned to kidnap him, but now he is.

Took me inside of an apartment and dropped me on the bed, removed the cloth from my mouth. "Why the hell are you doing this to me? Let me go!!" "Won't happen! But babe, let us make a deal. Shall we?" "Seong, stop acting weird. What are you trying to do? First, untie me," "I won't. What if you run away again? I won't allow that. You have only two options: obey me next, die along with me. What are you gonna choose? Live or die?" "trying to show your dominant side, hha? Do you think I'm gonna stun with that side?" "Don't you?" I just flipped myself from bed and broke the ties. "Now what do you think?" "How do you?" "You forget who I am," pushed him and gave a strong teep kick to his face. Knock out!! "Babe, you have become weaker than before. You only saw one side of me. I have more...."
"How do you do, feeling good?" "untie me," "sorry, I won't," "so what was your plan? Kidnap, rape, marriage, or anything else?" "you tried to fool me, left me here all alone. What do you expect of me other than this?" "if my love tried any of this, of course, I will take responsibility, but he won't. I knew that." "what are you trying to say, am I not your love? babe, how could you say that babe?" "cut the crap Mr. Han-Gyeol! you thought I won't find it!" "I'm not Han Gyeol, I'm seong," "ho, really yyah no women need to lay bed to recognize her man, his breath is enough to recognize. Instead, you dragged inside the car realized who you are," "Babee.." "enough, stop the act before i ripe your tongue," "so you know who I am," "I do, 2 questions answer it, don't rebel ok?" "you are making things hard. Dear," "I won't care, first question: what was your plan? Last, if that happened, what will be your next task? A simple and precise answer is all I need," "I am not gonna tell, now what?" "your beloved lover Alexandra, wanna see? David!!" my Doc Davis, you all know him but little more to know, will let you know later.

"Your lover sleeping soundly in my house, wanna see? hho is so cute. She is really an angel in that white tee. Roy, control yourself. Do nothing before mam orders ok?" "yyah! How dare you? If you lay your shadow on her, then you're dead." Roy slowly crawled over the bed and touched her face. "yyah!! stop it!!" "Dear, don't shout! If you don't confess, then can see the same you planned to do to me in the past." "Stop it Natasha, please." "I like to see you begging for my mercy. Spit it." "make a video of us and to show him, made him fall out of love and get him back to Ae-Ri. But she was so confident about her, said that Seong had already fallen in for her and to wipe you out completely from his memory. She is doing this." "Nice story, but not impressive!" got a message from the team about their location. "Pack him, no scratches but, make sure you broke all his bones. Happy day!!" went straight to the hotel they located, "Seong??" Ae-Ri pointing the gun at his head, acting like a maniac. "Here comes the Queen. You are pretty late, dear. Quite smart. How did you find that all are my plans? Do you kill him?" "Ae-Ri, stop it. Put the gun down, do nothing stupid." "I am not stupid. He is! Why the hell did he take you instead of me? Why he is still waiting for you? Look how confident he is, bitch," she threw a punch in his face. I can't step near to her, can't take a risk. "Ae-Ri, please stop. Tell me what you want, I will get you whatever it is but don't hurt him," "oh honey, you're so deep in love with him. Can't afford to see him hurt, wow!! then why did you leave him? You gave a hope for me hope to get him back but again showed up. Why?" "All I want is to take a break. That's why I left the country." "Lie, that's a big lie. Tell the truth or do you want to see him suffer more?" "To let you pursue him, for let him forget me cutting all ties with me, for let him free from me!! is that enough? Now leave him." "Then why the hell you came back?" "because I fucking love him. He is mine, can't let him suffer anymore. Now take off your hand from him." "You broke the promise. If I won't get him, then don't let you get him," she shot straight into his head. "You bitch!!" pulled my knife and threw it towards her neck, straight to her throat stuck and choked the blood. Rushed towards him, the blood got stuck on his chest instead of his head, "You ok?" bleeding blood he chuckled, "at last, you confessed, but who forced you to leave me?" "Let us go to the hospital, and talk later." "No need, I am happy to die in your hands, babe I love you, and happy birthday!!" with a small smile on his lip drifted to sleep.

When I boarded the flight some years before, all I counted on was to reaching my dream, being a successful, self-motivated person that helps the youth reach their dream and achieve higher positions. Achieved my dream, won many awards, was recognized in the world for my writing, and become a motivational speaker and role model for many. Realized my worth and strength after Seong get involved in my life. At last, formed an organization to help and guide the youth in all fields, and invested my income most over that. My dream never ends. It goes in the flow, but all I regret is my decision to stay away from him. But gonna wait for him till the end of my life as I promised to him...

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