Don't judge a book by its cover

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"No, I'm not feeling well. The kids are too noisy, that's it." At the same time, my phone rang, and I stepped out of the office. It's an emergency call, so I can't take it inside.

The next 2 classes are for 2nd years, that's all went smoothly. It's again my first year, I need to do this. I put on my earphones and played my favorite song. It's like an energy booster for me. When I entered class they were not paying attention, so it was show time. I banged the table. For an instant, everyone got silent. "Those who have any problem sitting in my class can leave. I won't complain or reduce your attendance. But on one condition, spit out why you don't want the class. If you say you can do better without me, I won't say anything. But should prove that. If you have anything else, say now." One boy who sat next to the boy that I called before came forward and,

"First you're not a permanent staff so we don't need to obey. Babe, you look hot and sexy even in these baggy clothes and have nice melons too. wanna join me? My house is not that far. Let's stay together and have fun. I can give you a memorable night too. How is it?"

"Look boy, I high better standard I said clearly to your friend before so you can't match it and better watch your words,"

"wow! You're hot while angry. Just let others do what they want. We can stay and have a fun baby girl," he grabbed my shoulder.

"First, take off your hands. Second, say sorry for disrespecting me. "

"Do I have to ask for an apology, in your dream and hand I'm not gonna take them back? What will you do?"

"Simple, I'm gonna count to three if you take off. You won't hurt otherwise, man, you gonna pay for this," I smirked and I counted.

"1! 2! and 3! best of luck," I grabbed his wrist and twisted towards his back while pressing on his vein and I made him sit on his knees. He is screaming out of his lungs. "I warned you to take off your hands," while tightening the grip and continuing.

"First lesson one: Respect your elders. Two, don't touch women without her permission. Three: Do what you want, but think before you act. Fourth and last for now, don't underestimate anyone with their appearance. It's simply don't judge a book by its cover. Got it." I banged the table and tightened the grip on his hand. Will you seek an apology or not?

"Mam, sorry it's hurt. Please let me go. I won't do this again," he said loudly to the entire class. I yanked his hand

"And for an apology, I will think about it, for tomorrow everyone should read the reference that I shared to your mail and should have full attendees got it?" I said with an angry face. "I didn't get the response yet. Don't you get it?" I banged again. Everyone said yes with a frightened face. I left the class, I didn't mean to hurt or shout but the situation demands, what can I do?! It's the basic thing about me, I don't allow anyone to touch me without my permission and I have good reflexes. If anyone hits me with no delay I will knock them out, well I learned some self-defense. That helped me to live more free and fearless. When I got back to my office, Arine was standing with sandwiches. "You had nothing till now." I showed puppy eyes and grabbed the sandwiches. When I finished, she gave me a bottle of water and ran to class. I have nothing to do but check emails. It's been a month since I checked my mail. I scrolled my phone for a few minutes and then checked my mail. There is a lot to check. And I need to send some replies too. When the working hour ended, we went back to the apartment. Still, I'm disturbed.

The kids are so annoying. I don't know why they're acting like that. I need to work more on this. Times are not changing, but I can feel myself now. Much better than anything. When every day passes, I can feel satisfaction. Still, something bothering me might be that boy from the 2nd year. Why is everyone frightened when they come to him? So silent, though. I have some sort of work to do, preparing notes and question papers for weekly tests. When I get back to my senses, it is already morning now and I'm gonna get barely 1 hr to sleep.

I woke up and cooked noodles. It took little time. I had my breakfast and packed my stuff. It's Arine's car horn, time to run. I smiled to myself and went to her.

"Why are you staring like this, babe? Is I that cute?!". I blinked my eyes in a teasing way.

"No, you look horrible and I can't believe you did that," I don't understand what she is saying

"What happened, babe?"

"You beat a student yesterday!?"

"Yap, does he report to you?" I asked with a deep look.

"The whole University knows that! Why didn't you pick up my calls yesterday? I was worried. And the Head called me to ask about this!" Her eyes said she was so worried.

"It's nothing I can manage myself,"

"I don't think so,"

"Of Course, I can. Shall we go now?" I pushed her inside the car. The entire drive was silent. We went directly to HOD's room. In the lobby, every student is staring and whispering. I don't care about this. Simply head to the office. A boy and all department heads are talking in the office. We knocked on the door and entered.

"Morning sir," I greeted

"It does not seem to be a good morning Natasha, I think you understand what I meant?!"

"Sorry sir, I got nothing. Is there any problem?" Everyone looked at me in disbelief. Maybe I'm the first one who was talking back to him.

"Natasha, this is not funny. We know you created a tantrum yesterday and look at Seoyoon injured. We need an explanation, Natasha. You can't deny you did it in front of 56 students."

"I denied nothing, and I was asking what's wrong with that?"

"Are you insane or something? You hurt my son and still ask what the problem is. hha?,"

"Of course, I'm asking. Is it you're his mom?"

"Yes I'm," she is flaming in anger.

"Nice to meet you mam, you all heard the truth and I'm not gonna deny it. But everyone should hear me out. First, he mistreated me and talked vulgarly. I warned still, and he grabbed my shoulder. With all of my patience, I asked him to take his hands off. Only after that I beat him," but Seoyoon shouted that I'm lying.

"You can ask students to confirm. If they're lying, I can prove myself in my own ways."

Everyone was talking to each other, but they didn't respond.

"Natasha, resign because none of them are with you, so you should."

I can see clear happiness on Seoyoon's face. And of course, I can't back out from where I started.

"Of course sir, but if I proved my innocence, could you punish him and I need an apology letter from him too? Could you do that?"

"Look Natasha I really wish you to stay here, but no one gonna help you here," I smiled.

"I have myself, sir.

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