Don't dare to touch her

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I rushed to the place noted in the paper. Junna is in trouble. Not that boys of the mechanical department, to study she took a loan from a loan shark she paid back but they are asking more and creating tantrums. while realizing her orphan, they misbehaved as well. The piece of paper I got was her letter to that silent boy. He confessed 2 days ago. And yesterday she called him and gave him the paper but in between that someone grabbed her and took her away in the car. He tried to get her, but couldn't. He came and gave the letter along with the address where they took it. Maybe he trusted me more than anyone. In the letter she was saying, she is an orphan and has no one. She can't accept anyone. All she wants to solve is the problems that she is going through. All want is to stand by herself and fight for the future. Now I can't fall for someone. She was really afraid of her future and all of her insecurities. I can see myself here. But she was really trying hard, maybe more than me. Now I can understand why I felt some connection with her.

The place looks creepy, an old building with pin-drop silence. This silence can kill anyone. I get inside the building; it is larger than I expected. On corners, I found liquor bottles. With all my courage, I went inside. Now I can hear some unclear chatting of people, ear dropping their talk and walking towards them. They were talking about her. It is terrible and hard for me to explain. After hearing them, my blood rush took one wood piece aside from the wall and went straight to them. They are drunk and looking weird. One of them comes toward me while yelling. I rush towards him with a single knock on his nose with a high kick. He is on the ground. They come towards me with weapons. All I want is my Junna. With all my power, I defeated them but got cut on the shoulder. This is common for my hair stick to turn red with their blood. Even though they are on the ground, they still groan to me. I took one of them, pointed the knife in his throat, and asked for my Junaa. He refused me first. When I tightened the grip of the knife, he walked towards a room. When the room opens, it's full of smoke. I hold my breath. And went inside with him. Junaa was there on the floor covered with blood and I removed my dress and made her wear it. Called the ambulance. I usually wear shorts and a short top inside my dress so don't feel like I'm naked. And reported to the police too. Within minutes, both reached. That boy is also coming with them. While I am reporting he was there on the station explaining about these, but they didn't believe him. Even though he is full of dirt. When I reported, they confirmed and took him with them.

They admitted both of us; they didn't put FIR on me, obviously, I attacked them back in self-defense and to help my student. I'm lucky. An hour later Arine came to the hospital. I don't know how to calm her; she is a crying mess. I told her I'm all good, just some bruises and 6 stitches, but she cried a lot. One thing that made her sad is I didn't say to her that I got hurt in the first place. Finally, I hugged her and made her calm. Note it guys, a tight hug can solve any problem, but should be sincere, okay? And Jun, she hurt a lot of cuts on her body, her hands fractured, more than that the wound on her neck was larger than expected, that made her lose blood. I paid for her, so no need to worry. They moved me to a room so Arine could stay with me. I explained everything; she was really worried because when she got back to the faculty room, others said I grabbed the key and went outside in a rush. And all I was looked angry and tensed. Of course, I'm worried but not that angry, hmm might be.

I want to tell you about the relationship with Seong too, but I really don't know-how. I gathered my courage and was about to say but "babe what happened? You were told to be safe. Why don't you obey me" Seong came inside in a rush and his brothers too.

"TRACKERS??," Arine looked at me in disbelief. I've screwed up. "babe, I will explain. Let me..." she was fuming and went outside while slamming the door in my face. I called her, but she came back and said don't talk to her ever again and went outside. Dal Oppa went outside to talk with Arine. Everyone looked so worried. "I'm fine. Why are you guys looking at me like this? This., it's just a cut." "ya, if it was a slight cut how come 6 stitches? I told you to be careful. Why are you doing this to me? What if anything happens to you? I told you not to leave me," he showered a lot in a single stretch and started sobbing. I really don't know how to stop him, when it comes to me he is getting weak. My eyes went to the other member. "What happened in real?" one of them asked. I explained everything, but the question is how they know that I'm here. I inquired about that. When I got here, Seong called my phone, and the nurse attended the call and said I'm admitted here, but they misunderstood me to Jun. so they finished the work fast and rushed here. I asked for an apology for making them worry but in return, Seong starts scolding me. Suddenly Dr. entered the room to check the IV they attached. Seong asked about my condition and of course, I'm ok. So no need to worry. Seong went outside with the doctor. The room filled with awkward silence. At last, I cracked the silence. Slowly they feel comfortable with me. They introduced themselves to me. His other 4 brothers, brothers, mean they're working together for 7 years like brothers in the same group. And as a fan, I know their name, but we really need to introduce each other when it comes to relationships. Byung-Ho is the eldest, then Dal, Kang-Dae, and Ha-Jun are the same age, and Ho-Sook is the youngest. Seong is the second elder. I'm one year younger than Ho-Sook. They said it's the first time Seong has been attached other than members. He is shy and a little cold type, but it comes to me, it entirely changes.

He rarely shares his personal affairs with anyone. It's hard to open up. On the day you guys met, he kept saying about you. That night he was worried and left in a hurry, saying nothing to others. When the next day he came to the dorm, all his body with bruises, and explained everything to us. And about hickeys too, Ho-Sook added. Aish, that's embarrassing. I hide my face in the blanket. Everyone was laughing. I put my head out awkwardly and said I was drunk. They requested me not to leave him ever because after he broke up with his ex he become depressed and cold, even not talking to others other than about work. Only him and music. After I came into his life, he changed. I can understand what they meant. They told me they are happy because they got a young sister. I smiled. They know I'm an orphan and requested me to take them as my brothers. That makes me cry. At first, they hesitate to console but then Byung Oppa came and hugged me, then others also joined. "Ya, she is mine." "here came the possessive king," Dal Oppa mocked. we all talked together for a long, I felt like family. My mind becomes more ease. slowly Arine came inside the room and stand aside. I called her and hugged asked for an apology. She forgave, then cried. I introduced her to all. Dr said that I can leave tomorrow so problem solved. I have to come back hospital after 3 weeks to take out the stitches. But I wanna stay here because there is no one with Ye-Jun. Seong is worried about letting me here. I asked for permission from Byung-Ho Oppa. He is fine with that and said that he will talk to Seong. At last, he allowed me to visit her thrice a week. I know he is so concerned about me. So should consider his opinion. Asked them to go and Arine stayed with me the next day I was discharged. Arine was happy with my relationship with Seong but like me, she is worried about what will happen if he left me alone. She was really my sister for the entire week. She stayed with me and Seong, and his brothers called me every day. They have a concert at Guro-gu for 3 days, so they can't come to me. Day by day Ye-Jun's condition becomes better but it is hard to talk and the silent boy comes to see her. I didn't say his name, right? It is Bon-Hwa. Bon-Hwa and I became good friends. He is really in love with her. When I go back to university, everyone is so happy to see me. I talked with the kids from the mechanical department, they're not evolved with these problems but I warned them to stay from Junaa. As I took leave for an entire week I had a lot to cover. The next 3 weeks ran so fast that even Saturdays became working days for me. On Sundays Seong and my brothers came to see me and we went together to see Ye-Jun. She is good now. But sometimes on the way back home, I felt someone was following me. But I didn't tell anyone. All I can do is to increase the security system in my home and install cameras in my dress and accessories that I use. I, Ho-Sook, and Byung become more attached to each other. We usually call each other every day. whenever he comes home gives me chocolates and flowers. Sometimes Seong said he feels jealous of us. He knew that we are like siblings. Of course, we are all 6 but I'm a little more attached to those two. Ho-Sook and I are like crime partners. Byung, like my big brother, always gives advice and supports me. whenever I feel alone I will call them and chat, that's become a daily routine for us. Sometimes I need to wake them up for practice too. All are lazy like me...

Ha-Jun Oppa and Dae Oppa planned a date for me and Seong, after we were together only once we went out then we didn't. We both are busy with our work and there is no time. Everyone complained about this but we both neglected it. Whenever they talk about this, we simply change the topic. It is not uncomfortable, while getting to know each other we become shyer. And moreover that I'm more concerned about his work and fame. What if we were caught? When they came home, we spent time together but the date made us awkward. This time Ha-Jun Oppa and Dae Oppa locked both of us. They arranged the place and only after that they informed us. We both tried a lot to escape but no use. What should I do with them? At last, we agreed.

This Friday means tomorrow, but Ye-Jun is going to discharge tomorrow and Arine said she will take care of that. I gave my card to pay. She hesitated at first, but I said I have enough to pay, and if the sum of pay was large than mine let her take the remaining. Then she agreed. Of course, she does not need to take her money. I have enough. Dal Oppa bought me a dress for the date. A gown, I rarely wear such dress it shows my curve. I put on a video call and showed everyone my dress. They all like the dress. I asked for a coat to cover my neck; the dress is off-shoulder. But they didn't allow that. If this dress is Ok for them, then I will wear that.

The next day, I'm a little nervous. I love and trust him, but it's our official date, which makes me worried. I put on the dress and light makeup. To ease my tension, I played the music, gradually my heart melting down like ice. I felt something touching my cheek. It's him. He normally does this while I am sleeping. I stood the same but felt cold metal moving through my neck. Something sharp like a blade. But I can feel his cologne, "babe what are you doing?" I questioned but didn't get a response. Now I felt a hand on my nape, it was not him. I grabbed the hand and twisted, looking into his eyes. The same person who attacked me.

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