Let's explore the new changes

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This is going to be a new world, and that's sure. We are not stopping learning. Life always teaches us one after the other. Every person in our life is teaching us new lessons. When they leave, it becomes a reminder to upgrade and realize the mistakes. If they stay also to upgrade but to realize the strength and weaknesses, we have. Now the realization is hitting me hard. New places, people, and cultures teach us new lessons and we have to change accordingly. Now I'm gonna change my routine and like a little to improve myself but also to make sure the next level of life is not gonna make me fail... 

"What are your thoughts on the new schedule?" I looked at her after coming from my room. "Do I have to do all this? It was better to not agree earlier. There is no time to rest. This is going to be boring. Shall we sneak out?" "no, you can't. These are not boring, you're gonna enjoy them all. You look amazing in this dress." "These are my casuals but I like my jeans and tee," with a pout. "Ma'am you're a sensation, don't pout like that. So many people are waiting for you. And when you pout, you look like a small girl. We have little time left for us. So shall we go?" "Lisa!, saranghae!! I like you, let's be friends and don't call me ma'am, instead of that call by my name." "But mam, I'm your subordinate so it's against work ethics." "then take it as order," "but ma'am," "Lisa, today onwards you have to call me by my name. It's an order. Got it?" "yes ma'am," my deep stare into her eye made her flinch and changed to my name. The meeting is the first thing I need to do.

Nice building, multi-story. There are many pictures and posters of artists they are sponsoring. And posters for my event. I know you guys are expecting to know how my entry was. Right? Little boring, surrounded by guards and my 2 PA, when I leave the hotel I dress like an executive, but while getting outside of the car they hand over a mask and cap to avoid paparazzi. And there are many peoples standing outside with cameras. I got a huge welcome from the staff. They bowed down when I got inside and directed me to the conference hall. This is insane and I don't like it. I think they thought I was Korean. The way they welcomed me slightly showed that. But I don't feel bad about that. I respect every culture and am not intended to offend. After a few minutes, others joined, and the meeting started. We discussed the way they are planning to introduce me, the guests and celebrities invited to the event, upcoming conference meetings with the press, and the projects they like to take over. At last, the amount is gonna paid like the profit they are expecting. Nice plan. They don't even forget about warriors. Some stage shows and interviews, then some more plans. The thing that confuses me is I'm a writer, but they are planning more than that, like making me a highly paid celebrity. I love my profession but some plans lead with other intentions.

"So these are our plans, Reyna, and any doubts?" "I don't have any doubts but look Mr. whatever, I'm a writer, not an actress or producer. I felt uneasy going through the plan. I love to help the directors and respect their effort but the clauses in the contract do not seem like that. As an author of the novel, will help in any situation and be part of this movie or series with no concerns as per any request of the authority. What did you mean with that?" "That madam i.." he stutters, so my sense is not that bad. I folded my arms to my chest, "I need an explanation, sir. So please." "We would like to introduce you as an actress, too. The characters of the story are very feminine and strong. If you can express each of their feelings this much alive, then, of course, you can act as well. At first, we planned to introduce you in series but only with your full concern," he is lying. I can see through his eye, uttered nothing, just keep staring into his eye. "I'm sorry mam, we put that clause because you won't change your mind after signing. So can demand you to act as well. We didn't mean to, but the directors offered us. And definitely gonna pay good money. That's good for your company as well." I sighed. Why did they do it behind my back? Such a fox.

"Mister, I love my profession and it is my passion, too. While publishing each chapter of my story, you know how much satisfaction I gain from that. So, with all my respect, I'm rejecting your proposal. Every job has its own ethics and do you think you followed that now? Well, I don't think so. So you have two options: change your plans and come to me and another is simply stuck on with your idea and find someone else. No need to waste your time on me. And I apologize to others if I go overboard. Please change the contract and contact Ron. I will sign them and about the director's case. Take your time. I will get going now," and signaled to Lisa and Ron.

They are really insane. I called my CEO and discussed this in person. He also felt the same but was afraid to say. Why does he? He promised me will review the contracts before getting to my hands. That mister has only sponsored two percent of my event, but working in an advertising company, I even have a contract to advertise my book through their channel. I think it's better to bleach that contract. The most irritating people for me are these types. Only work for money and fame, not even think through their heart. Heartless people. On the way to the boutique, we all discussed the same and reminded Ron to check through the data before getting to my hand. While looking close to the boutique, the exterior did not look good, but the interior was awesome. And the dresses. Wow, I have no words; I'm speechless. All I saw were wide varieties. The manager and stylish welcomed us. When introduced to the staff, all are very polite. The stylist started with my hair, actually, I won't let anyone touch my hair, I hate it. They suggested cutting short and making bangs. Of course, I'm against it. Then we come up with solution cutting layered with curtain bangs. I reminded them not to cut it too short, and they followed.

They praised my eyebrows. It's naturally thick and not shaped yet so they're so excited to do my eyebrow, not that painful, I don't know what they did over my face. But after two hours they finished, and my face became softer. After all these tries, they let me see my face. I am not gonna lie, guys; I loved it, but I still, feel a little bad about cutting my hair. But fine, it is good. Then they took me to check my dress, and the problem started from there. All the dresses they pick are always showing my cleavage or my curves. I don't know how many times I explained these to them. But still, come up with them. I asked for a break and went to a cafe. The most hated thing is reserving a seat in advance because of security reasons. Around 1 hour for reserving seats and to complete checking, hell!! why are these happening to me?

I ordered a cappuccino and went to the washroom to clean my face. Usually, I carry face wash along with me. A sudden text from Seong said, "Babe, I don't mean to talk like that yesterday. The day was so exhausting and we left for one more concert and some surprises too. When you called me, I'm immersed in that work and practice. I don't know when I'll be free, but I will call you for sure. ok bye!!" I'm not gonna forgive him, not even think twice before spitting nonsense and now apologizing, idiot. But I know I'm blushing and a smile is showing on my lips. Felt like I could discuss my situation with him. "Reyna, your order is ready." hummed and went out. While sipping my cappuccino, all my mind was thinking about how to tell him. When I'm around others, it's hard to talk. I think texting will be more comfortable for both of us.

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