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Someone shouted from behind and they can't see me because it was like I'm hiding behind him while turned around. But paused while they saw me. He turned around and "I'm sorry I have to go now. Don't go wait for me here. Okay, I will come to you after the fan signing. Don't go. Please wait for me. And just miss me, ok!!" He winked and ran away. What? Why should I miss him and why should I wait for him? Such a flirting idiot. I smiled internally and walked here and there. I didn't expect that he would talk to me and even get my number, maybe just flirting. You don't need to think further. Let's stop dear. No more thinking, ok I said to myself.

I felt someone was playing with my hair. I looked at the baby. Oh, my baby woke up. "Sorry, unnie didn't notice that. Sorry!!" She giggled and said unnie. My cutie is definitely hungry, right? Shall we have some milk now? We went to the bag and got milk. I checked its temperature. It's perfect to have. I gave it to her. She is also cute while having milk. I wish to have a baby sister now. I'm really an orphan. My father adopted me after some years after he died in an accident. Now you guys get why I'm not attached to my family. Till my father was there, I was happy. But when he left, everything changed. It is okay now, I'm adjusted to it now. So no more worries.

Cheenu and I have a good bond. I thought that there was someone else definitely gonna cry when she woke up, but she didn't. This is the thing. If she is not comfortable with me, then definitely cries. I really want her as my sister. She can walk a little so we walked, but she wanted to run not walk. Later her mom came to us, she thanked me for taking care of cheenu. You know, when her mom took her from me, she cried. We both looked at her in disbelief.

"Babe, it's me, eomma. Come." She turned her head and hid behind my shoulder.

"Cheenu, this is an eomma look." I made her look at her but still held me tight until finally, she went to her.

"Sorry mam, I don't know why she is doing that."

"It's okay. This is the first time she is binding with someone other than me. I'm so happy that you take care of her very well." We both waited for others. "What about her father?"

"We got divorced a year before. I found out he had an affair with a colleague so we separated."

"But now you feel revealed and happy, right?"

"It's the first time someone is not criticizing and advising me. Most of them will do that."

"There is no need to advise you, it's all about our happiness and ourselves. Do what makes you happy and comfortable."

"you're making me happy and comfortable, could you give me your number?"

"Sure" I gave my number. We chatted a lot about her job, hobbies, and cheenu. Mariam is truly a talkative person. We don't know how the time flew. We noticed fans returning from the event corridors. and we could see the beautiful smiles all over there. Fully satisfied fans, they did a good job. Arine and Yun came toward us. Hoo Yun is the elder one. I forgot to tell her name to you. guys sorry. Yunna looks so happy, that smile is the same as her mom and cheenu. cute!!

"did you enjoy it?", she hummed. "I made a crown for my cute princess, just okay?" and took my bag and give the crown to her. "you like it?" she said nothing but asked to bend towards her and kissed me. Wow! It's another sweet moment that makes me happy. I kissed her back. When I look at Arine, she is pouting with puppy eyes. "Oho! someone is jealous." I get close to her and kissed her cheeks and whispered, you are always my special one sista, so don't be jealous, she nodded. I feel so lucky now, got a new friend, and feel secure with my bestie. more than that, I have someone who got jealous for no reason. "ok guys, shall we go? You are done, right?" Arine nodded. On the way towards the parking lot, I realized I forgot the cheenu's thing that is still in my bag. I gave the car key and bag to Arine and took cheenu's things and ran towards them. But in between, someone grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards the wall.

 For an instant I forgot everything, then I realized it was him. At that lost moment, I grabbed his hand and locked him. My leg is around wrapping his head and I'm pointing a sharp knife towards his neck. I quickly take off the knife and leg from him. kneeled and apologized.

"Sorry I didn't realize it was you. Did I hurt you?"

"you are so strong babe and have good reflexes, but it hurts"

"I'm sorry, I have little strong reflex so I act without analyzing and looking around. It's my mistake, please forgive me?, wait you're bleeding," I'm so worried while seeing blood on his neck, the blade is sharp. I usually keep some sharp gadgets with me. Because I'm always alone to protect myself. But this time, it went wrong. My eyes are getting teary. I hurt someone that I love for so long. My motivation and inspiration. It hurts.

"Hey, why are you crying? I'm really fine. It's just a minor cut, not that deep look?"

"but it hurts right? Come let's go to the hospital. We need to dress this cut." I unknowingly grabbed his hand and pulled him outside. But he pulled me closer to him. "I'm ok! don't get stressed, this is a small cut babe." I slowly touched the wound with teary eyes. He hissed. "You are lying, please let's go to the hospital." he hugged me and said, "I can see that you're worried but babe it's really a slight cut and if you need it, we can just put a Band-Aid on it. okay? then, this is the first time I've seen someone fighting like this. You're a fighter". I hit his chest, "stop joking. Let's dress this first." "While holding you like this, it is not hurting anymore. I think it's already healed." At that instead I realized I'm hugging him in worry and burying my crying face in his chest. I pulled off. "sorry I didn't realize that I'm hugging you," bowed and stepped back.

"I need to go," grabbed Cheenu's bottle and toys and ran from there. But in my mind are all his wounds. Finally found Mariam and gave the things back. All the way back to the parking lot I was looking for him but couldn't find him. Arine might be so tense, that while scrolling through the phone I saw continuous missed calls from her. I, unfortunately, went into silent mode while taking care of Cheenu. I called her back and said I'm on my way. But I wanna see him. It must be hurting. I need to say sorry but I'm definitely not gonna see him again. My mind is going out of control, eyes are still searching for him. "What happened Natasha you okay? Worrying about something?" I shook my head and told her to drop me home. I think she realized I'm worried about something but didn't ask about it again. She knows me well. When headed out of the car, I just waved and went directly to the bed. I'm missing him, still don't know why I hugged him but worried to death thinking about the wound. I wish to hear his sound. It's better to write or listen to music that will make me better. But suddenly the bell rang!!!

It's already late at night, do I have to open the door? I took my hairpin and tied the hair and went towards the door. "Hai," it is Arine. I took a deep breath. "What happened, babe?"

"I missed you, and need to tell you something"

"Don't talk about Ron. I don't want to hear about him anymore. If it is something other than him, I will listen!"

"It's about Dae-Seong." "what's with him?" "He seemed sad when the event started. So gloomy after some time he went out, other members were so worried but later he came with Byung-Ho and the atmosphere completely changed, happy and even blushing. Dal Oppa said that Seong was acting strangely for a second. Seong Oppa usually smiles very little but it's the first time we are seeing him blushing. What will be the reason, babe?"

"How could I know?"

"definitely you should know?" She looks at me a little weirdly.

"you both are wearing the same flower crown. How's that happened? hha?" I shuttered, I don't know how to say all the things to her but I have to.

"it's babe, I....," I confessed everything to her. You won't believe what she did to me. She slapped me for hurting him, a tight slap on my hand. It really hurt. The next step, of course, is the same thing you guys guessed: kiss and hug. But the next thing is the worst one, the shower of questions. I don't understand why she is so excited. Obviously, I'm the one who should be excited but I'm worrying to death, missing him and when I think about him, the reality hits that he is an idol and was definitely flirting and not gonna call or think about me anymore. "you hugged him. So lucky". "stop Arine, I told you I have a crush on him. Whenever I hear this I feel bad and worried. In reality, he will not gonna come to me again, so stop it." I knew she understood my situation. "ok what about a drink? Shall we?'' We went to the nearest bar and had some shots. And she sends me back to my apartment by taxi.

The next morning I woke up with a hard headache and went to the washroom but, "what?????"

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