New world

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It's already December 9th. What if I can't tell him this? I'm going to be in big trouble. There are many possibilities when we met each other there, I don't think I can explain because in front of others we don't know each other or are like strangers. If he gets back and is not here, what if someone tells him I was there? How can I explain the situation I'm going through? At least any of them pick my call up. We can escape from all these. Tomorrow, Ron is coming here to pick me up. Before that, I have to do something. I am still calling him. I'm not been using my phone for the last 4 hours. None of them are picking up my phone. They set all in London, my accommodation, the stage, and the event plan. They announced everything, they sold all the entry tickets out within a day and also going on live too. That streaming ticket also sold out. I'm going to show up to the world, I'm worried about how they are gonna accept me. I am worried about how Seong and my brothers going to react. They thought I was mocking when I tried to expose it. I hate to get attention and one more problem after showing up I have to keep myself more reserved and watch the responses through the media. Have to avoid the paparazzi and I need to avoid rumors. And also have to hide my relationship, literally more caution and be like Seong, restricted to doing everything I used to do. I am happy to see my readers but afraid too. Seongaa please pick up my phone, tomorrow onward I'm more restricted, I can't call or text like before, only this night is left for me.

I don't know how I fall asleep, woke up after hearing the doorbell. That was Arine. "do they pick up the call?" I shook my head. "Dal too, I don't know what with them? When is your flight?" "noon 2!!" "packed your stuff?" "no I can't I'm afraid and don't know how to solve this complicated situation if they pick up the call I can say everything in one go but none of them taking my call, shit!!" "I will cook for you it's already  11," I hummed and went to the washroom. My phone is continuously ringing. Arine picked up the call, that was Ron, to remind me that he will get here at 12. I went out and dressed up. Had breakfast with her, "Arine, I wanna assure you this, whatever happens, and whoever I am, nothing gonna change between us. You're my sister and bestie. Please don't act like this. Its hurts." "It is not like that Reyna. Sorry Natasha, whatever it is, you're my idol, the only one who helped more than anyone when I suffer a lot. I can't be the same when I think about that. I should respect you." "Arine, please stop that. I'm Reyna. I can understand your situation, but when you keep staying away like this, I left like everyone that I love will do the same. And more than that, babe, you're everything to me. I have no one except you to say as my family. While you keeping distance, I felt like losing my family that I only left. So please.." I can't even complete my words. She pulled and hugged me. "I am sorry. Didn't think like that. I don't mean to hurt you. Of course, I'm your sister, but felt insecure thinking about what you might think about me. That's why I'm sorry. Don't cry. I won't do that ever again and always stay with you. I promise," I snuggled more to her. We packed my stuff together. I was continuously trying to contact him, but no use. Ron arrived at sharp 12 and we went to the airport. Reminded Arine to call them and say everything because when I'm with others, I can't call or text them. That might affect them. So have to be more alert.

"ma'am, from the airport Elizabeth will join us. She is the new appointment as your editor and assistant. She will accompany us. And bodyguards will join from there. They will accompany you everywhere and some more instructions to follow from today onwards. We will discuss it when she joins us," I hummed. Till reaching the airport, he assured the thing I took with me. I felt like a kid and he was my elder brother. When we get there, an elegant, beautiful, a little tall but cute woman approached Ron. "hi sir, Elizabeth!" she bowed. He bowed and come towards me and she followed him. "Mam, Elizabeth and this is Ms. Reyna." We greeted each other and checked in. in the flight we introduced ourselves more. It's a long fight gonna reach there in the early morning. I'm getting more nervous and Elizabeth is trying hard to make me feel at ease. Some hour later Ron came up with my schedules and plans. "so ma'am, these are your schedules. When we arrived, the guards and program coordinator will get us to the hotel, and in the morning we have to head to the designers and artists. They gonna decide the dress and makeup that suits you. And some shopping. Have a meeting regarding the event in the evening with the heads, CEOs, and sponsors. We are planning a royal entry for you, so need to practice that. Next day, last practice and rehearsals, soundcheck, and auditing the event podium to ensure your convenience. The very next is our event, later having a press conference and party. I will give you the speech for your press conference and for the event when we reach there. Elizabeth will always be there for you and will help with all this. Is there any doubt about this?" I go through the detailed report and data that he passed to me. It is more than he said. "Ron, which dress and how to talk and walk, do I have to learn all these, this is too much. And I like to wear baggy dresses and formal dresses, look at these model pictures. They're more exposing and sexy dresses, there are no shoes, all are high heels. And makeup and hairstyle are not to my taste. About the entry, I don't know how to handle it. Think like we need to discuss these." "Lisa! Check those and tell me your suggestions, after I woke up and don't disturb, I feel nauseous. I went straight to sleep."

I think I slept enough to look like 6 hours. and 2 more hours for the departure. I washed my face and get back to my seat. "mam!" it was Lisa. I raised my eyebrows and signaled to continue. "ma'am, I went through the data, the dresses are not that exposing, and about heels, they are really suited to dress, but I felt the same as yours, about the makeup and hairstyle. Which color and style do you prefer, ma'am?" "Lisa, I don't like to wear skinny dresses. I am more comfortable with loose dresses. And mostly prefer black and dark colors. Natural face and pony or free hair are my styles. I can compromise a little with a dress but big no for makeup and hairstyle," and I folded my hands against my chest. But she chuckles. What's with her? I looked into her eyes, she stopped and said sorry. "but I need an explanation!!" "that ma'am..." I kept silent, then she said I look very adorable while doing that, like a small girl pouting for getting her ice cream. I smiled at her. She is really comforting me. I liked her. We get there at almost 3 o'clock. I got a huge welcome from the team. So many flowers and guards, they took us to the hotel. Lisa's room is just in front of mine and Ron's a little apart from us. When I checked in, at first called Arine to ask about them. They've not contacted her yet. But Seong texted me he is busy and can't attend the call till the concert ends and will contact me after that. But why he is not asking about me? The idiot at least should tell me his schedule to me. Then I can be more at ease. Now we are both in the same place. Wish to see him and confront everything, but how? Can I sneak out? No way guards are out there so., I sighed. I dialed again with my luck. He took the phone. "babe," I can hear the cheering noises and fans' sounds louder than his. "Paapa, I told you I'm busy can't you understand? That I'm hella tired. Why are you disturbing me like this? I texted you will reach you later, can't you get that?" I didn't expect such words from him. In the beginning, I was worried about him and his health, then next to say my situation. But didn't think that he spoke out like this. "sorry. Are you okay? I was worried and wanted to tell you something" he didn't let me complete it. "I'm not in the mood to hear your pity things. Like you, I am not free. I'm an idol and have a lot of things to do. Hang the phone yourself or do I have to block you?" what the heck? "No need will catch you later." "no need," and he hang up the call. Why did he talk like that, I told him nothing but it hurts. Maybe he is exhausted from his work. I went to bed but it was hard to control my sobbing, at least he should have said in a calm voice but this..  no I have to be strong, now it's easier for me to understand his pressure. And slowly drifted to sleep.  In the morning my eyes are swollen felt little throat pain too.  While taking a bath I heard a doorbell. I quickened my shower and went to the door. "Good morning ma'am," it's Lisa, I greeted her back and let her inside. "ma'am today's schedule, please go through this" "could you read it? Then I can change my dress." "Sure mam."  Guys if you're there instead of me, definitely gonna run away. There is no time for rest or to have food. Begin with meeting with sponsors and CEO, and end with classes on how to walk, stand, and talk. I hate this. How am I going to survive???

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