What if I'm her?

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The time is running in the Olympics for me. I have to confess but don't know how, CEO texted me they are scheduling to December 12th means the last day of tracker's concert and held in London. I don't know what to do. What if they found me? They might return on the 12th so then we won't meet, but if they don't, then I screwed up. Arine is quite busy today. I barely saw her at lunch, so I texted her to come to a restaurant near my apartment for a treat. She asked what treat, but I said it was a surprise. Of course, it's a surprise but doesn't know how she's gonna react. "Arine, you look quite busy today. What happened?" "yeah babe, how you're managing all classes? I'm not prepared for notes yet. Look at you, always covering modules and giving notes in advance. How babe how?!!" "Baby, I'm a gangster too.." "Yes you're really a gangster, students are always obeying you, pin drop silence. Do you know how they act in my class always making mess and chaos, sometimes I felt dizzy because of their noise," I chuckled while she is whining. "wait why are you treating me all sudden? does your mother-in-law accept you?!!!" "in your dreams, I don't know when she accepts me?!! but I'm pretty sure that she realized how deep we are in love with each other." "wow! I feel jealous of you. Look at me, we are chatting all day even late at night but still, I'm afraid to confess. I felt like he loves me, but not sure though," "don't worry dear, I will talk to Oppa then," "no, I'm afraid what if he rejects me?!!" "simple then I will introduce Ron to you, you already have a crush on him right?" "I think it's infatuation. Whenever I think about Dal, I feel butterflies in my stomach but not in Ron, so my feeling towards Ron is definitely an infatuation. Or maybe I moved from him." "this is the first time babe you're telling and confirming your feeling, congrats!!" "Let us have food Paapa, I had nothing till now," nodded. We ordered the food and started having. 

"Arine, I wanna discuss something with you?" "What's it, babe?" "I am Reyna," "oh!! nice joke," is she really think I'm joking? Why is everyone taking this as a joke? "Babe, I'm not joking," "stop it dear, how can you be her? She is not as tough as you. Always care about us, warriors. Cares and loves us. So stop mocking like this, we don't tolerate if you rumor her." "I'm not babe!!" "Stop babe, otherwise I will kill you," why!! wait I can prove let's call Ron then she believes me. I dialed him and went to the washroom. "Ron, let's meet. Come to the Royal restaurant near my apartment," "yes mam," "within 15 minutes, ok?" he hummed and hang the call. He delivered my car, so no need to send the location. "Arine, what if I introduce Ron to you? Then believes me, right?" "stop blabbering. How can that be possible?" "I will show you, lets complete food now." She didn't spare a time to mock me. I gonna prove her so let her know what she wants. after 15minutes Ron called me and ask where we are so I went to the lobby. This is the first time he gonna meet me. I hired him, so it's easy for me to identify him. "Hai Ron!!" he stared at me like seeing a ghost. "Reyna mam?" I nodded. "Mam, I love you so much. I don't know how lucky I'm to be your assistant. Is it I am that good to be your assistant? Oh wait, how are you? Can I get an autograph?!" "Ron, you are showering so many questions, just take a deep breath ok?" "I'm so excited, I didn't expect that to see you this soon," I pulled and gave him a warm hug. He is tearing up. "mam can I hold you like this little more?" I hummed. When we pulled out, he asked for an autograph. "I will give you definitely, but you should help me." "Sure mam, anything for you," "I confessed to my friend who I'm, but she is not believing me, so could you help for that?" he hummed and followed me to my table. 

I can see how shocked she is when saw me with Ron. "Hai I'm Ron, ma'am's personal assistant.!" "Yes I know you're Reyna's PA, but why are you pointing to Natasha?" "Oh! ma'am is that your real name?" I nodded. "Ron, clarify to her. She is not believing me. I confessed to my boyfriend too, he also mocked me. What should I do?" "mam this is the first time you're talking casually to me. I'm so glad about that. Just give your boyfriend's number. I will talk to him." "First, prove to me you're our Reyna!" "Arine please lower your voice don't let others identify me." she held her arms and look at me in disbelief. "I will tweet now then you can believe right?" and tweeted in front of her. Hai guys, how have you been? I was a little busy with my work, that's why I can't spend time with you. I am eagerly waiting to see you all. Let's share a propitious time together later. Love you!! now you believed me right? I don't know what happened to her. She tears up. Babe, I whispered and hugged, "so you're our Queen?" I nodded. "oh god!!, mam can I kiss you? Will you give me an autograph? I can't believe that you're my friend!!" "Babe, why are you calling me mam? I'm you Paapa. ok? nothing gonna change between us and already I gifted all of my signed books to you. So do you still need an autograph??" she is a crying mess. "Ron, thank you for helping me and autograph that wait," I took my writing pad, put the sign on, and gave it to him. "take this notepad too. this is my gift for you. I treasured this book for a long, full of motivation quotes and ideas. Keep this with you, ok?"he bowed at me. We discussed my show-up on December 12, I can't say to others that, who is my boyfriend and why I'm insisting to change the date. As the day passes I'm getting more nervous, from the day since the CEO mentioned the event, I'm trying to confess to my brothers and Seong, but whenever they call, they all are looking exhausted and tired. And don't know how they react. Look at Arine, now she is acting weird, more like giving respect and keeping distance. Trackers have 3 more concerts on the 7,9 and 11th. Then they get back home. I hope so. Seong asked me if anything was wrong while seeing my nervousness. And I asked if I was a popular person, does he fall for me? He chuckled and tell whoever I'm he won't mind. Only mind how much we love each other. Of course, this made me happy but when I confessed that I'm a writer and doing it as my part-time job, he mocked me and said don't try to beat Reyna, then Dal and Dae oppa won't spare me. I thought it was a perfect chance to confess more and asked what if I'm her? he choked his saliva and said I'm jealous of her and will call later. It's been 2 days since I couldn't reach him and enquired to the manager, at first he was not willing to tell but I somehow made him tell. After the concert all of them go to the club and get back after getting drunk, this has been happening for the last 3 days. That's why they're not contacting me. cool but there is no time left. Today is December 9th. I have to leave tomorrow. What should I do now?

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