Meeting his mom

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While passing each day, I learned many things that I can treasure in my memories. Teaching is the best profession. We can spend a lot of time preparing notes and referring to texts, which might make you exhausted. When you become attached to your students, then all the exhausting experiences become interesting. Make them realize the concept in a better way by adding real-life examples. Make them remember long, and won't feel studies as a burden. Giving freedom and a voice to raise their ideas makes them better people. All need someone to share their experience to talk to. The way to success is being emotional and financially independent from others. Stay standing for yourself even if you're in relation to or something else. I believed in it, but my insecurities sometimes make me fall back and still work on it. Realizing the fact that you have to focus on your passion and dream, makes you fulfill your life with satisfaction. I learned this myself. I'm going to offer my identity. Need to help my company. While thinking more, they helped me to hide all this time, so I should. The president called me personally and some of my editors, too. And had a meeting a month before because class made them conference meet. So no need to show my face. Many directors are approaching to take my novel to movies and series. Some international author is contacting me to translate my stories into other languages. They need my suggestions and permission for that. And it's not proper to hide myself because I have to respect their profession and should help. Giving suggestions when hiding won't help this. My editors are expecting a lot from me. Now I'm going through a peaceful time only making me worried about visiting Seong's mom. For the last few weeks, he has been reminding me. I'm free for the next three days. The next semester starts in three days and there will be an evaluation camp in the following days. Also need to prepare for my thesis.

"Babe, you don't need to worry. I will be there with you. Please don't delay anymore. I can't hold my tension anymore. You know that we have to leave for the world tour next week. How can leave here with all this tension, better understand me!" "Seongaa, I can understand your situation but it's more difficult than you thought. I'm also tensed like you and only have 3 days to take a rest. When the new sem starts, then don't have time to breathe." he snuggled over my neck and said, "please babe, I can't hold back like this. Please, babe. You have 3 days, right? Just one day for us. Hmm?" At last, I nodded at his request.

He brought a dress to wear and told me to put on some makeup. This is the thing I hate. I want to be myself wherever I go. I want to accept myself for what I am. This made another argument between us. He said he wants to impress mom at any cost to be with me. After this, I can wear whatever I want. She won't interfere, but for now, I have to. I wanna be with him, but it's hard to fake myself. finally explained what makes me feel when you do like that. After some time, he agreed with me. Do I hurt him with my stubborn attitude? I really don't know what to do, but I don't want to let him go. I can't live without him. After a long time, I cried and felt like losing myself. I messaged Dae oppa that I'm gonna turn off my phone for a day to take a break from everything and not to contact me for a day. The very next day I took my car key, and some essentials and went for a drive. Wind on the face and song to relax wished for rain but its summer so... long drive had so much fun and food. I love my company so I enjoyed and relaxed. Get back home early in the morning on the next day. Fully relaxed more than that, I recharged myself. more courageous. Now ready to meet his mom, I know what you guys are thinking, how I get ready to meet her, right? Simple, reminded me of how I survived and what makes me feel proud of myself, my achievements, and how far I can go to attain my dream. These are all enough for me to win the next problem. Now I'm ready to get mine!!

In the morning I called Seong and told him that will pick him up at 7 pm to meet his mom. At first, he got confused he asked I'm I was drunk or something. I made him clear that I'm not drunk and want to pick him for a change. He loved when I act super cool and agreed. The red smooth gown which shows my perfect curves put my hair free and a small set of accessories that are perfect for my outfit. Elegant and soft makeup makes me more soft and sexy too. Grabbed my car key and checked once more, winked at me. "You look, perfect Queen." Straight to the mansion. The guards opened the gate and greeted me. I'm not planning to get inside the mansion, so put on the horn to let him know I'm waiting outside. He is not responding, two more horns still no reply, "Paapa, he is not ready yet, get inside," Dae Oppa shouted from inside. I already texted him when I left home, then why did he take this much time now? When I got inside, everyone was drooling over me. "Oh, my baby looks stunning." "Daeoppa, stop teasing me, I just tried some new style that's it!!," I whined. "Paapa, get breakup with Seong Hyung and be mine. You look like Queen. I will treat you like too, will you?" "Junoppa stop, why all are teasing me." "no no I'm serious, be my girlfriend!" "of course I'm Queen but what should I do? I'm already taken," and winked. "wow our savage cat become more savage now!" everyone started laughing. I showed eeh smile to them. "Dal Oppa why he is taking this much time, it is already past 7, does he want me to get scolded by his mom?" I pouted. "I don't know, dear, why he is taking this much time. Sookyaa go and check, why the hell he is taking this much time?" sook nodded and went upstairs. "Hyung, he is struggling with tying the tie," he shouted from upstairs. "I will check then," and went to his room. When I entered, sook is teasing Seong, and Seong is getting angry with the tie and threw it towards the door, without noticing my presence. "wow!! nice catch. I'm heading down, bye!" "why are still making things complicated? You don't have to put this, babe" "but I want to," he pouted

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