The Tragic Night

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I woke up with a something cold touch my face. I automatically jumped out of fear at the second touch.

"No", I voiced out. I suddenly felt panicked. Did they caught me?

Sinubukan kong tumayo. I... I need to escape! But the person is stopping me to do that. Tinatanggal ko ang kanyang kamay, pinapalo, all the actions I've think about to loosen the person's hold on mine, ay ginagawa ko na. I needed to run away.

"Chantea, calm down, Chantea!", someone hold my shoulders. "Calm down, my lovely. Its's mom".


"Mom? Is it really you?" I cried while asking. "I am, hey...calm down my lovely your hands is shaking".

After mom answered, I quickly hug her and cried on her arms. I wailed and cry like a kid. I hug her tight and she hugged me too. I miss her. It seems quite a forever since I felt her presence.

"Where did you go, huh?" Mom asked while hugging me. "I-- I am so worried about you!" She cried.

"I'm sorry mom, I'm sorry" sagot ko. "Hindi ko sinasadyang lumayo. I wanted to go home, but I can't. I don't know which way I should go", dagdag ko.

"What happened to you? Saan ka pumunta? Why-- Why you look like that as I found you? You--!" Sunod-sunod na tanong ni mom sa akin. "I-- " Should I tell mom?. No. "I've got really excited on the rain mom, Hindi ko naisip na napapalayo na ako", I answered. I hug her tight.

I'm sorry for lying mom. I do not want you to worry.

I smelled a familiar scent. The smell of cooked food, the lavender scent, are all going onto my nose.

I broke the hug. "Are we already home, mom?", I asked.

"Yes, we are." Sagot ni mom. "Ang bigat mo ha?" She added. I laughed with her remarks. I know pinapagaan niya lang ang paligid. "I love you, mom" I said to her. She hold my cheeks and answered, "I love you too, my lovely."

She stands up and hold me up too. "Let's eat dinner first" she stated. "I cook curry, your favorite food". She guide my way to the dinner area.

Just before I sit on my designated chair, faint voices are heard.

"Wait" sabi ni mama. "There are people outside holding torch" mom said with a wary tone. "Where do they go?" She asked.

I felt alarmed. Memories of the happenings before comes to my mind. Mom let go of my hand, maybe to see what's going on outside. "MOM!", I shouted. I am afraid. I'm having cold sweats. I sat up and cover my eyes. Are they running after me? What would I do?

"Hey! Chantea! Stand up!" Mom run towards me. "I'm sorry! I-- I am terribly sorry!, I cried.

Voices outside are getting louder it seems that they near. "They are going in here!" Mom shockingly stated.

"No! I didn't do anything!" I shouted.

" Chantea, what this thing you didn't do? Tell me!" Mom asked.

I hold her hand.

"Tell me, Chantea, tell me" mom demanded.

"I-- I tried to save a child but it di-- died and t--two p-people think I-- ki-ll --" I can't finished the sentence. Mom hugged me.

Suddenly, we heard a loud bang at the door. They are already here! "You witch, get out of here! You-- you ki--killed my child" a woman is crying outside. I think she is the mother of the kid.

"I kill you! Get out of here" a man shouted.

Mom tried to stand up but I hold her hand. She pat my head. "I-- I will talk it out with them." She said as she loosen my hold on her.

She stand up and go nearer the door. But she didn't open it as I listened. "I-- Its a misunderstanding!, can we talk it out peacefully?" I heard mom voice.

A loud crash is heard. They threw stones at the window. "You killed my son, we can never talk it out". The man who shouted before voice out. "Patawad. Pero buhay ang kinuha mo, buhay rin ang kukunin ko!" , he added.

Shouts of people are heard outside. They are many of them.

"Chantea, let's go to the backdoor, stand up!", utos ni mom as I she ran towards me. She get me up and guide me as my mind went blank, going to the backdoor. We hear stones breaking the windows. A loud bang on the door was also heard, seems like they forcing their way in.

Fortunately, there is no people on the backdoor. Mom and I ran on that way. "I'm sorry mom" I said to her. "Its okay, my lovely, it will be fine" mom kiss the side of my forehead.

We ran. But then, mom stopped midway. She lose hold on me and fall.  "Arghh" my mom screamed. "Mom? Mom, what happened?!" I panickedly asked. "I'm fine, my lovely, I'm fine" she answered.

"They surely near here! Find that witch!", a shout was heard in the middle of quietness. Fear started to crawl on my system.

"Mom!" I reach her, "Just run, Chantea" mom answered. I heared her strained groan. Seems like she is in pain. "What happened, mom? I do not want to leave you" I cried. I wanted to reach her but she avoided my hand. "Mom, please..." I plead.

I sat up and hold her legs. "Arghh" mom groaned. My eyes went wide. She is wounded! It was bleeding hard!

"Mom" , I whispered. She hold my cheeks. "Please be safe my lovely hmm?, do not ever look back, Ju-- just run" mom said.

No. I do not want to. How can I?

"I-- I do not want to. Stand up! I carry you!" I demanded. Mom, don't be like this.

"We know you can't, my lovely" she slightly laughed.

"Go all over the spaces! Find that killer!" A voice was getting clearer. They are already near.

Mom panicked  "Run, Chantea!", she pushes me. "Mom--" mom stopped me by holding my face, "I love you, Chantea. Please be safe, now...RUN!"

"I hear voices here!", a person informed the other. They are already here!

"Run! Do not ever look back, hide, find a safe place. RUN!" mom shouted.

I stand up and run. Leaving behind my own mom. My companion.

"Its' okay, my lovely. It will be fine"

My strength.

"You are special, my lovely"

My life.

Tears fall onto my eyes.

"Mom, I love you too". I whispered in the night air as I ran.

All of those memories plays in my mind consequently. I can't help but to cry again as I reminded to those scene.

If... If only the highest bid my wish. I can save the child, and nothing of it will ever happen. The child would not die, my mom... I cried. She can be beside me now. Hugging me and whisper I love you's in my ear.

I cover my face and cried my heart out. I'm such a useless being. I cannot do anything good. I am such a curse.

"AHHHH! AHHHH!" I shouted my pain and hatred. My voice are now making a harmony with the gustling trees. I shouted... and shouted. My mind went blank. I just needed it to pacify what I felt inside. It feels painful.

I took my head up, and whisper in the air...

"I'm sorry, mom".

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