Prince in White Horse

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His words plays on my mind again...and again. I laughed slightly. All the things he said hit home. He is the light I felt amidst the storm I encountered.

I smiled. I wish I could see him again.
I am so very grateful to him. He save my life, he gives me comfort, he makes me feel special. Even in those slightest moment, he made me felt okay.

"You can overcome this... pink-eyed girl."

He bid his goodbye right after he said that. He doesn't want to but I push him.

"Mister, we already found him." A man shouted in a distance. I do not whom he spoke but I heard the man in front of me answered, "Just wait a second!".

"Are you okay if I leave for now? Do you know your way home?" The man questioned me.


I heard again the shout of the man in the distance. It is probably urgent.

"I'm okay now". I answered while holding out the clothing I have in my face. "See, I stopped crying and also I-- I know my way home." I lied to him. Being a gentleman as he is, I know if I said that I do not a home to go into, he will probably help me. But it seems he is a busy person, I do not want to be a burden. And yes, my pride kick in.

"Okay, just be safe again" he said as he stand up. He brushes off the dirt on his as I heard him. "See you later" he finally said as he brushes my hair and hee ran.

I pout and fix my hair. Hindi niya ba alam na importante sa babae na maayos ang buhok niya? Aaksiyon na akong tumayo nang biglang--

"WAIT!" I fell on my bottom.

"Oh! I am sorry. Did I surprise you?" I gently stroke my bottom. It was painful.

"Is it painful? I am sorry" he sincerely asked.

He came back in just a while.

"Kala ko umalis ka na. Bakit ka bumalik?" I tried to stand up again and now he hold my hands to make me stand on my feet.

"Nakalimutan kong magpakilala eh", he shyly laughed. "I am Hesper by the way" he introduced.

"Nakalimutan ko pala" he said, he raise my hand up and let me hold his hand.

"And you are?", he asked. " I-- I am Chantea" I stuttered.

"What a unique name, but I just call you pink-eyed girl", he chuckled. "So, I am done, I am going now don't miss me too much" he said shamelessly.

"Oh! What a guy" I whispered but unfortunately he heard it. He laughed soundly.

"See you later, Pink-eyed girl!" His statement as he finally ran away.

Kumunot ang noo ko. I realized something. Why he called me pink-eyed girl? My eyes were blue and white as describe by mom, why he stated an another color? Is it possible to have changes in eye color? I think it isn't. It is not---


The night. The moment before I fall and lose consciousness.

I hold my eyes. They are seems fine. It is not swelling or even numb. It is just it is. But... Why do I felt that sudden pain?  Why do I felt the burning hot sensation in my eyes? Is it the reason why I changed an eye color? Why is it not happening to me now?

I need to find answers.


Walking on the unfamiliar environment seems strange but I can now deal with it a little. I got startled to people talking and passing at me but I can now control my anxiety.

The wind are now starting to cold. Voices at the path I walk is slowly lessen... and lessen until it becomes deafeningly quiet. Where did I go again?

My stomach grumbles. I needed to eat. Thankfully, I got a remnants of bread and water I've got with Hesper.

I tried to find somewhere to sit on. Pumunta ako sa gilid at umupo. Binuksan ko din ang isang bulsita na kinalalagyan ng tinapay. I stuffed it into my mouth. Medyo matigas na pero okay na rin para pampalamang-tiyan.

Where do I go now? I needed to find some place to sleep in and get food? Should I apply for a job? Meron bang tatanggap sa akin?

I thought of all that questions and possibilities inside my head. Kailangan kong mabuhay. At para gawin yon, I needed money and a home. I stuffed another hard bread in my mouth and drink some water to push it. Binaba ko ang lalagyan ng tubig. Ubos na pati ang tinapay.

"Now, I need to find for tomorrow's food", I sighed deeply.

I stand up. I should find some place to sleep in. I stand up at pinagpagan ang aking damit. Suddenly, something sharp is on my waist. I got surprised.

"Wag kanang pumiglas" asik ng taong nasa likod ko.

It was a knife that is pointing at my waist. I am afraid. I am now shaking in fear. My tears fall continously. Fear and nervousness creeps onto my system.

"Please, make me live", I pleaded but they laughed on me. They are three of them as I heard.  They are men.

"Sumunod ka lang sa'min, binibini", one of them said while chuckling. They covered my mouth with a clothing. Folding and tying it at the back of my head, restraining me to speak. They also tied my wrists in front. A smoke of cigarette was blown up in my face. I move my face at the side, trying not to inhale some smoke. The man who probably blow a smoke on my face, laughed.

"Inosente, maganda, maputi, panalo tayo kay master nito", they laughed.
A hand stroke my cheeks down to my neck. It tried to hold my chest but I crazily moved. "Kung gamitin muna natin bago ipasa kay master?" The man who done the lascious move toward me said.

No. Please no. I plead and scream in my mind.

"Hoy g*go, hindi natin mabibigay sa mataas na halaga kung hindi puro!". I heard a spank.

"Wag na kayong mag away diyan. Dalhin na natin to". The another man said.

They walked me out. I do not know where we are now and where we will going now. My mind is in dazed. It went blank. I continue to cry and cry.

They pushed me inside the carrier that is driven by a horse. It was small and narrow. They locked me up in there.

"Larga na!" , asik ng isang lalaki.

Umandar na ang sinasakyan ko, I do not know what to do. I wanted to escape but I can't loosen up their knots in my hand. I prayed and cried. Please... please somebody help me.

Nakarinig ako ng isang kalabog, "P**cha, may sumusunod sa atin! Iyong puting kabayo! Iligaw mo hoy!" Sigaw ng isang lalaki.

"Bilisan mo ang takbo! Naabutan na tayo!", dagdag ng isa.

Bumilis ang pagtakbo ng aming sinasakyan. Nahihilo at nauuntog na din ako sa loob dahil sa mabilis na pagtakbo. Suddenly, the carrier quickly halt. A neighing of horse was heard.

"Wag kang paharang-harang! Sino ka?!" One man  whom enprison me, shouted.

"Pasikat pare! Naglalagay pa nang panyo sa mata!", one man added after.

"Paumanhin sa abala, pero nandito ako dahil sa babaeng dala niyo", the deep voice coming from a man is unfamiliar, it is not one who captured me. It is probably the one who ran after us. The voice... I heard it for the first time but, it paves my nervousness and fear.

"Get the girl out!", that man addingly demanded.

Who is him? Is it Hesper? But the voice as I remembered was far different. Who are you?

"She needs saving! Get her out if you do not want to die!" , the mysterious man threaten my kidnappers.

He heeds my help. He is after saving me out.

Thank you. Thank you for being here. I thought as tears fall onto my eyes.

He is my savior. He is the prince in a white horse.

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