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Xether leave me as planned just before the bottom of the hill. He already excused himself to leave as he didn't want anyone to see him. Back to his reason, for precautions.

It is the only answer he provided to the question I ask earlier.

In awhile after the introduction. I've suddenly remembered that I was planning to ask him something, but it was cancelled as I was surpise that he was the mysterious man that I've looking for. Without a thought, my lips blurted out.

"Let's go back to my unanswered question. Kala mo nakalimutan ko?", I laughed.

He don't speak anything. I thought of his silence as an approval to repeat my question.

I tugged him arm slightly by pulling my wrist that he was holding. He halted.

"Why you make such a big fuss when I've opened my eyes?", I asked curiously. I don't understand why he didn't want someone to look at him in the eye when in a clear sense, he wanted someone to do that. I remember how he laughed when he finds out that he can meet my eyes. Contented for that, set asiding the fact that I was blind.

"I've answered it earlier, didn't I?", he said.

I stomped my feet. "You didn't answer it. You didn't give me a chance to say my question. You've just change the topic as if you know what will my question would be."

He sighed, "Is it important? You do not have to know."

He reach for my wrist again, "Let's just go, your Grandma, as you said, she may be worried to you as of now."

I swayed my hands, avoiding his intent grip. "But I wanted to know. Just answer it", I demanded.

He snorted. "Iwan kita dito, gusto mo?", he asked in a pissed voice. "I didn't thought I will babysitting such hard-headed lady", he whispered but I heard them.

I pouted and raise my hand for him to reach. He forcefully grab my wrist making me startled.

I just wanted only to know, but he become pissed. I shut my mouth and lowered my head. Guilty as I make him mad.

He breathe sharply. "It is for precautions", he muttered.

"Huh?", I asked him quite surprise that he talked.

"I didn't want anybody to look at my eyes for precautions", he repeated.

Did he answer my question now? But I don't understand.

"Please expound what you answer", I demanded on him.

Suddenly, I felt a flick of finger in my forehead.

"YAH!", I shouted at him while brushing the hit spot of his flick. His flick was so strong, he even not think twice to do that, thinking I was a girl!

He just laughed, "Ang dami mong demand. My answer is just as is. I don't need to tell you everything. It is for your own sake."

He stopped his tracks, "Here we are", he informed me. "You are here now, I will go on my way now, Bye!", pagpapaalam niya.

He took away his grip on mine.

But before he loosen all of his fingers on my wrist and take his step away, I held on to his one finger and says the word I always wanted to say since the beginning, "Thank you. Thank you for being there and save me", I said sincerely.

I've never think what would my condition now if he didn't save that night. Like what the shadow I saw earlier, he give his hand on me that night and save me from that big storm. He stood there and fought even it will damage him.

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