Pink-eyed Girl

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Days of locking my own self to the tragic reality is eventually now ending. I realized that I need to move forward, out in this tragic place, to survive. That is what my mom wanted me to. Tutuparin ko iyon as she wishes. I thought that is the only way to honor her sacrifice.

After days of walking and finding my way out in the forest, napadpad ako dito.  "Bili na kayo", "Tabi!", "Sampu nalang sana ang presyo", kabilang sa mga tunog na naririnig ko sa aking paligid. Ang daming tao.

The unfamiliar surrounding brought fear towards my system. My mental health is not stable. My anxiety are quite high. I can't deal with them. Not now. I remembered those people who ran after me. Whom killed my mom. Whom wanted to kill me.

I sat up on my position, covered my ears and closed my eyes. Hindi ko pa kaya. Hindi pa. I cried. I wanted to run away to this place, but I can't go out. Everything was too much for me.

"Anoba! Wag kang paharang-harang sa daan!", someone pushes me out that makes me fall on my knees.

I heard steps everywhere. The people's voices are swirling onto my ears. I am having a panic attack.

"Hey! Watch out!"

"The lady! get the lady!"

"Somebody help that lady"

Suddenly, I felt arms covered me as I felt a sudden surge of wind besides me. I got surprised. My heart was beating loud as for nervousness and fear.

"Are they okay?" Voices repeatedly heard in my surroundings. I got back into the reality. What exactly happen?

"Arghh" a deep, strange voice comes out on the person who are under me...under me?! Basing on the voice it was a man.

I panicked. Our position is now awkward for me.  I tried to stand up but I fall down again. My foot was aching. I probably got a sprain.

"Hey, are you okay?" I asked the person under me. "I am sorry, I cannot stand up, my foot... is uhmm--"

The man tried to sit up while guiding my shoulders. Now I am sitting on his lap. He suddenly hold my hands, "Are you okay? Walang masakit sayo other than your foot?" He asked.

"By the way, ladies and gentleman" the man suddenly stated on the crowd, slightly chuckling, "We are fine now, you can go on your respective works, Thank you" he informed.

I forgot about them. I covered my face with my hair.

"Now... let us medicate your foot lady, shall we?" , the man asked as he put my hands on his.


"Thank you" I shyly said to the man who help me. I am quite nervous at first when he put my hand to his and take me away but it eventually fades as he gave me a water and bread while medicating me. He was a fine man. But then, I cannot let my guard down. He was a stranger for me. I cannot trust him so easily.

"Well, it was not severe thankfully. You just stretch it out later on you can walk straightly" He slightly tap the bandage as I felt. Maybe checking if it is too tight or too lose.

I remained silent. I can't speak to him because I do not want to. It is hard to meet and talk to people after the tragic... I shake my head. I should not think about it. I should not, to avoid having panic attacks.

"Hey, are you okay?" A snap brought my attention. I am spacing out again.

"Wh-- What...Can you repeat what you said?" I asked. I'm embarassed of spacing out while he talked to me.

"As what I am saying, anong ginagawa mo sa gitna ng daan?" He slightly laughed, "Hindi mo ba nakikita ang mga sasakyan?" He added.

"Yeah" I answered abruptly. Bakit ko pa idedeny? Bulag naman talaga ako. I slightly raise my head up, with face emotionless. I know he is standing, the heat of the sun shining in my place was now decreasing. It seems like he cover himself for me not to be under the sun.

"Ar-- are you totally serious? You are  looking over me... it is a prank" he laughed.

"I am not. Look at my eyes. They are dull and lifeless." I said. Mom said, my eyes were damaged since I was a child. They are covered in white and blue as what she answered when I request her to describe my eyes. I cannot identify color so I imagine they were dull and lifeless.

" Wow... I never seen such beautiful eyes like you. " the man said almost whispered but enough for me to heard.

I looked down. "Wag mo nakong bolahin, alam ko naman pangit ang mga mata ko. Bulag pa" I slightly chuckled. My tears are starting to fall. I wipe it all. It was embarassing, I am crying in front of a stranger.

"Hey! Are you crying?" The man hold my hands away from my face. "I am not joking or even binobola ka. Your eyes... they are indeed beautiful."

But I can't stop crying. My insecurities starts to creep on me. My guiltiness starts to grow again. I felt the surge of regret too. This eyes... it kills the child and my mom. Because of this curse, I am now all alone, striving hard to live.

"I-- I'm sorry. Heyy stop crying. Pinagtitinginan na tayo oh. Sige baka hulihin ako dito wala ka nang kasama" I wailed hard as what he said. I do not want to be alone. I am afraid.

I heard him sighed. Maybe he is now tired to look after me. I am such a nuisance.

Abruptly, I felt something on my head. He put a clothing on it and cover my face. My hard cries turn to a sob. I am surprised. He patted my head and slightly scratch it making my hair under the clothing, dishevelled.

"Cry it out. I cannot ensure you that everything will be okay because I am not the one who hold our destiny though" he chuckled. "But I am ready to be your pillow for now. Take a rest, my lady. Take a rest for now" he added as he gently put his hand towards my shoulder.

I felt a sudden comfort. Everything he said help me to calm down. They truly helps me now. I slightly rise my head up, I felt that we are looking eye to eye.

As the sun shone upon us, sitting on a sidewalk, amidst the noisy crowd. His words is only what I heard...

"You can overcome this... pink-eyed girl."

I was stuck with this chapter for a long time but I successfully finish this chap yeyy! Thank you to one of friend, ma, for motivating me and helping me to come up with the plot. Lovelots!

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