Nice to Meet you again

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Three days have passed.

I was busy fixing the flowers and categorizes them in their own kind. I am back with my old routine after that night, just less interactions with Hesper only.

I know that he noticed that I sometimes avoided him but he remained silent. As well, Grandma and Grandpa and the employees in the shop asked why me and Hesper are just occasionally interact now na dati ay pawang hindi namin maipaghiwalay ang isa't isa.

I sighed, carefully picking the roses to avoid its thorn. I know that it is an immature act to avoid Hesper all of a sudden, without explanation or such. But after talking to Lythia, I am reminded to the things I felt when I was with Hesper. Those heartbeats when he compliments me, anxiousness whenever I see him, I know that I am starting to like him now.

I admit I like him.

At bakit hindi? He is a walking green flag.

He was kind, ready to lend hand to help. He was respectful to other people. He is caring, endearing, and have good manners. He always listen to my rants. He always lift me up when I am down. He done all of that with full sincerity. And he  was ready to that again without saying a thing.

But I need to stop this growing feelings of mine. He was my friend and he also look at me in that way. His actions towards me are just normal for him. He helps me because it is his personality. He make me smiles because he see me in my lowest, twice. He save me, because I look like an another charity case for him. Lastly he stays...because he is a friend. My only friend.

It is not only the matter that I think my feelings cannot be reciprocated why can't I talked it out with him, but he is my only friend of mine now. I do not want to ruin the friendship we have started just because I felt butterflies towards him. That I like him more than a friend. For now, I just needed time to accept things before I reach out to him just like the old times.

I sighed and focused on my doing.

Suddenly, I heard a chime on the door. Signed that there is a person who enter the shop. There are no people around the shop only me as it is lunch time.

I walked through the door without a choice to welcome the probable client. I hope I can handle what the client demanded. I prepare my smile,  "Welcome to the shop! What can I do for you?"

The client did not answer back. My smiles are slowly going out, changing my lips to a thin line out of confusion.

I cleared my throat, "What can I do for you?", I repeat.

I heard the other sighed. It was familiar. I heard steps going near me and stop in a distance enough for me to identify the person who enter the shop.

"Chantea", he breathed.

"Oh! Hi Hesper! I thought it was a customer. Why wouldn't you speak at first?", I fakely smiled at him and turned my back, walking to the place I am before. I know he will follow me.

"If I speak would you go near me now?", he whispered but I know he meant for me to hear that. He already voiced out.

Nagpanggap akong walang narinig at patuloy na lumakad hanggang sa maabot ko ang working table,   inabot ko ang isang tangkay ng rosas.

"Why are you here? I mean-- there are no big works in the shop right now", changing the topic without facing his direction. Hoping he will bit the bait and just let it off like the other day.

Pero parang wala siyang balak gawin iyon ngayon.

"Did we have a problem?", he questioned. I shake my head to answer.

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