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"Good morning, mom"

I greeted and smiled to the portrait of mom hanging at the center of the living room. I've intended to keep the portrait on my room but as Grandma saw the painting as she enter my room, sitting on the side of my bed she pick it up. She was mesmerized to the painting and she says it resembles my features so, she spoke to me and let the portrait displayed here, so I agreed.

At the end, Grandma said that she knows that the portrait must be the picture of my mom as soon as she saw it in my room. I was perplexed and felt sorry as I kept a secret. She smiled and hugged me but, she reminded me not to hide something especially the only thing that my mom left behind. I should show to them who is my mother because they are very thankful to her to my existence to them.

I sighed in relieve and happiness.

How I am so lucky on this part of my life. Indeed, there is a rainbow after every storm.

I stretched and open my mouth in a yawn.  Conditioning myself early in the morning in my pajamas. I go straight here in the living room from sleeping in my warm bed. I am left behind here as Grandma and Grandpa goes out of town to buy raw materials for the shop.

I jumped. "Yah!", waking up my entirety. Now, I was doing my warm up. Circle the shoulders, bend the neck, stretches the arm and rolled the ankle.

It was a good day. I slept well last night and I've a good dream. I saw my mom... clearly looking like in the picture.

I am walking on the grassy, gloomy path. It is silent. It is so lonely. I am walking on my own tiredly. But then, a white butterfly flew over from my back to my front. It goes round... and round. It was radiating a bright, yellowish-golden light that surrounds it, but it was not blinding. After a moment it stops and shine, making me cover my eyes. As the light decreases I looked back, only to see my mom in a white dress. She was looking at me and smiled. "My lovely", she said as she open her arms inviting me for a hug. I ran to her side. "I miss you mom", I whispered. She brushes my hair, "I misses you too, my lovely."

She broke the hug.

She tucked my hair behind my ears and put her palm on my cheeks. I closed my eyes to felt her. Oh, how much I miss you mom, I thought.

"Your eyes are beautiful now", I've opened my eyes and saw her smiled. But there is something in her eyes, it was sadness. "but I am sorry my lovely. I am indeed sorry to you, my baby."

Yeah. Why did mom said sorry in my dreams? Is she sorry that we are now apart?

"A penny for your thoughts?"

Someone whispered in my ears making my neck hair stans up out of fear. I quickly jumped away to make a distance with that person.

I looked up to see who is that person could be. And I sighed in both relieve and frustration.

"Yah! Bakit ka ba nanggugulat ng ganon?! Ang aga aga pa para sa trip mo!", I shouted to that guy.

The audacity, he just laughed loudly.

I crossed my arms and raised my eyebrows, being pissed. Tapping my feet in a rhythm on the floor to wait for him to finish his laugh. And so he stopped. He wipe a tear on his eyes.

"Tapos ka na?", I smiled sarcastically.

He sit down on the near couch. "Yeah, I am done now". He grinned ear to ear.

"Why are you here, Xether?"

Yes. It was no other than Xether,  the botherer.

"Pano ka nakapasok sa bahay? Alam ba to nila Grandma?"

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