I hope I didn't know

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Ang oras ay lumipas na hindi alintana.

Everything that happened goes into a whirlwind and now, in just a blink of eye, I am here sitting with closed hand, waiting for a miracle to happened.


I gazed to the door of the room where Hesper took in hours ago.

He took the bullet that should for me. He bled because of covering me.

My hand trembled as the burst of emotion driven onto me. Please, make Hesper live. Make him. I don't want someone to die because of me for another time. Again.

I put my hand, palm opened, onto my face and let the tears fall that I can't longer hold.

Seeing Hesper with blood all over is such a painful scene. I froze on the spot, crying and begging for him to open his eyes. My brain malfunction. I just want to see his eyes looking at me.

A pat in my back get my attention. I raised my head and see Lythia with a sad smile. She give me a bottle of water. "Here, drink first."

I wiped my tears and slowly reach the bottle with trembling hands. "Thank you", I muttered a thanks.

Ngayon ko lang napagtuonan ng pansin ang pagkatuyo ng lalamunan ko. I  tried to open the cap of the bottle but I failed to do so. Because of that, Lythia grab the bottle in my hand and opened it for me.

Lythia sat on my side as I received the water again and drank it whole. Ngayon lang siya nakahabol dahil pinuntahan pa niya si Tita Trisha.

Dinala ng guard ang walang malay na si Tita Trisha alinsunod sa sugo ni Xether. They took her away and planned to put in a cell.

I've put the emptied bottle of water on my side pagkatapos kong maubos.

Silent enveloped us. Our heavy breaths and slight sniff are only heard. Hindi ko alam kung naririnig din ba ang lakas ng tibok ng dibdib ko dahil sa kaba at pag alala sa taong nasa loob parin ng malaking pinto ng surgery room.

"He will be okay, right?", I gazed to Lythia as I heard her talk.  Lythia turned her back and gazed at me. "He should be okay", she smiled comforting herself. "B--because I c--can't bear to lose him now", a big drop of tear trickled on her red cheeks.

I spread my arms and pull Lythia for a hug. As soon, she is in between my arms she started to cry loudly, pacifying what she felt.

I sighed.

I cannot do anything to ease the pain because I am, was also in pain to the abrupt happening. The only thing that we can offer is our arms for us to cry on. And now, it is my time to lend my arms for Lythia to cry on.

She tried her best earlier. And now, I should let her be weak for a short time.

Lythia didn't become unfazed to the happening earlier. She remained on her mind unlike me. She did give an immediate first aid with Hesper while her mom was dealt with Xether.

She remained strong even the two people she loved was hurt and judged at the same time.

I gently tapped her back. I am proud of her.

And now, seeing her in my arms, crying with all her might. It was overwhelming, at the same time, more heartbreaking.

The door suddenly opened and a doctor went outside. Both Lythia and I stand up. Ako ang nauna habang si Lythia ay nasa likod ko. I side eyed looked at her. She was busy wiping her tears so I just talked to the doctor.

"Are you the guardian?", the doctor pointed at me.

I nodded.

Lythia stepped up at my side. The doctor gazed at us and looked to his clipboard. "He passed the critical stage. The bullet fortunately not hit any internal organs but he lost a lot of blood. He is getting a transfusion now. After a while, he will be taken to his room. He will be expected to wake up after 48 hours."

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