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I'm breathing heavily. Running on the direction opposite to my home. I want to escape. I want to hide. They are running after me. They will kill me.

I run as fast as I could eventhough I only see nothing-- always darkness.

"Run, Chantea, Run" a voice that plays on my mind. "Don't ever stop, hide, find a safe place." I wipe my tears and I run and run. I do not know where I am now or am I even running around in circles. All I think is to hide. Branches of some trees leave bruises on my skin. Now my dress got stuck on it.

"Find the daughter" A person shouted. "Kill that daughter of a witch, find her, we need to shut her mouth!", another shout that I heared that brought fear within me. What did they do to mom? Why they ran after me? I never done anything wrong.

I force to get my dress and I done it succcessfully. I started running again, hoping I will go far away from them. I wanted to survive, atleast. I wanted to live. For mom. I ran holding trunk of trees as a guide. I ran crazily and fast.

I bumped on a big root uplifted on the ground. I stumbled hard, my knees went numb, I take a hold of it and felt thick liquid. I wanted to shout in pain but all I ever do is to cry. Cried silently.

"She is near, I found a clothing in here!"  A voice is heared. "Hurry up, let's kill that bitch".

Fear started to crawled over me. I tried to stand up. With all of my force, I started to run again.

It should be my best day.

"Happy Birthday, my lovely Chantea"

"I love you."

It should be happy.

"Now make a wish my Chantea"

"You are special. Your life was already special, my lovely."

I wipe my tears.

Why all this tragedy happen all of a sudden?

"Arghh". I groaned. My eyes suddenly in pain. They were burning hot. I tried to run holding my eyes. But the pain are increasing. My head was spinning. Why all of time, why now? Why now when I'm running away for my life? Did the destiny wanted me to die?

"Faster! She is near! Caught that little witch." I heared.

I automatically stand up out of nervousness and fear. I walked limping due to my wounded knees and hold my eyes with one hand while the other hand holding branches of trees for support. I need to survive. But I'm just taking a slow pace. I'm already in pain. I am now running out of breath. I can't go any further. My head was spinning already due to my eyes. My knees are wobbly and weak to all the running I did, as well the gushing blood from my wound.

As I take an another step, I slipped. I bumped on something hard and fall down over and over. The fall stopped, I'm lying with my back. Before losing my consciousness, "Please save me, please" I whispered.

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