Ai (Love)

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"Knock. Knock."

Someone suddenly knack my forehead. I jumped out of surprise and pain.

Who crazy person will knock somebody's forehead like a door?!

I heard a low laugh. It was Xether.

"Yah! Why did you do that?!", I asked him harshly. I don't care if he is the prince. All I know is he didn't act like one. Ni wala siyang ginagawa kundi maglagalag at matulog kung saan-saan!

Week passed after that day. When I was in pain in both heart and body. When I got to realized fully that I do not have any hope to be with Hesper. He started to always visit me, I mean bother.

"Just because."

I sneered at him. "Ano naman gagawin mo dito? You do not have anything to do? Paper? Projects? Or anything prince duties?"

I heard him pull a chair beside me.

"Tinanggal mo na naman ang blindfold mo?", I added.

He breath out forcefully. "Ang dami mong tanong kaaga-aga."

I crossed my arms and faced him. Raising my eyebrows, showing I am getting pissed on him right now.

"Is your eyesight getting clearer now?", he asked.

"Then, you are now throwing a question without answering mine" , I smiled sarcastically. "You are surely something, Young Prince", I spoke giving emphasis to that two last words.

"Oh well. That's me" he curtly nodded without minding the sarcastic tone on that word.

I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms.

"Did you see me again now?", he questioned again.

"Yeah. Sort of. I can see your image but it was cloudy again. Why you always asking?"

My eyesight improve since that autumn. Since that day, I have a talk with Xether. My eyes stays the same starting that day and I now already got to see the shadow of things and people.

The news rapidly spread as I jumped in glee once my vision stays on a longer time. The people surrounds me are happy. They all congratulated me. Also, even though Hesper and I are not the same like before. Because of that 'happening',  and mostly me keeping a distance and building a wall between us as he continuously strive to go near me but failed. He delivered a warm scarf with a letter saying he was happy for me but he also stated that he was sad at the same time. I don't understand him why.

Evenso, I am totally grateful. It was my wish. It was something I truly want. Even though my eyesight remained cloudy, I am really thankful that I can be able to know what is the world composed about. Not with the help of description of other people, but, with the use of my own two eyes.

Truthfully, it was quite awkward at first. To wake up and started to walk around confidently on myself. To do something I am not usually doing. To clean, wash the dishes, and to look myself on the mirror. It was an unfamiliar feeling but it felt... I felt that I can now protect myself and the people who surrounds me. That I cannot be a burden now  unlike before.

Mom, I can see now but...  will I have a chance to see your face?

He stretches his arms making the chair slightly unbalanced. He yawned. "You already know. Just say to me when you can already see me"

I hummed. "I don't really know, young prince"

He didn't totally give me his reason when I ask him about the issue of looking at his eyes. I know it was somewhat about a curse and just only that. He just always got to deflect my question with another or he simply ignore me if I ask.

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