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"Your eyes are fascinating that I cannot take to look at you"

I shake my head again. That words plays on my mind over and over in the past few days.  It is not the first time I was called pretty b--but why do I act like a first-timer to get that kind of compliment?!

I blew some air out towards my bangs at sumandal sa upuan. I sighed again.

Who is really that mysterious man? I forgot to have his name.  I am surely thankful to him for saving my life but with those long time I am with him I realized that I didn't tell my gratefulness. I am planning to... It is just that I-- I am lacking on time. As soon as I open my mouth to say thank you, he just get lost after saying those things that makes me flutter. Hmp. You just spend more time surprised to his statement and tends to yourself whom blushed after his words.

I spanked my head. That subconscious mind is lying. I-- I don't blushed just for that merely statement!! I step my feet faster out of stress. That mysterious man surely plays my mind.

Subsequently, I goes silent for a while.

Should I find him? If I find him, what will I do? Go near him and say " thank you for saving my life" and give some food or a flower. Nah. It is too plain.

What if, "Thank you  for saving my life, mister. I can do everything for you in exchange" while brushing my hands with each other. Umm... the statement seems so ambiguous. It may give him idea.

A soft breeze of wind comes and it flew over me making my hair slightly dishevelled.

"Wish for us to not see again"

Yeah. That it is his last words before going. It clearly shows how he doesn't want to for us to each other again. Maybe, he regret doing his heroic move as it gives him injuries. I should not make ideas.

"Let us forget that Chantea, hmm?" I breathe in and out and latter fixed my hair.

That moment was interrupted with a lively voice. I turn my head towards it.

"Chantea darling, can you get the basket of flowers outside? They are twelve of them"

"Yes, I will!", I answered as I get the long stick grandma given to me which is made of grandpa.

"Just be careful, huh? My knees is aching right now and your Grandpa goes to the town. I am sorry for giving you this errand" she stated.

"It is okay, grandma. Do not be sorry. It is just a little errand I can do this perfectly", I chuckled as I answered.

She is Grandma Cynthia, she serves as a source of hope amidst the tragedies I have run into. Together with her husband, they kept me and help me to stand up again.  They said I can be their granddaughter as they live on their own. That they are very thankful to see me and have my existence in their life.

I smiled.

I met that old couple as I spent my time sitting on the river after the mysterious man bid his goodbye. Tinanong nila ako kung bakit ako nandoon at bakit ang dumi-dumi ko. But I remained silent. Evenso, they fed me up with their packed food and clean my face for me without forcing me to answer it all out. They didn't even hesitate to go near me even I am a stranger to them.

They brought me with them at their home and insists to help me as they know that I was blind. They provide me a home and cook me a good food.  Indeed, they are angels that is sent from above for me. They make me feel that I am part with their family. I am so very grateful to them. They make me realize that there are people who are not like those who wants to hurt me. They help me to redeem my trust to others and conquer my anxiety even just a slightest.

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