Autumn is my Favourite

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"Why I was always met you when you are pathetically crying, huh?"

My eyebrows curled in confusion.

"Huh? What do you mean? What are you talking about? Always?", I confusingly asked him.

"Now I know who is the subject of your pity party. I didn't expect it will be the lousy guy", he nonchalanty talked.

"He is not lousy! And who do you think you are to say that?!"

I defended Hesper to his insults.

"Then he is indeed the subject of your tears. You didn't answer that?"

"Ye-- no! umm... Why would I tell you?!"

He scoffed. "What a crazy lady. Sabi niya hindi aamin pero masyadong pinapahalata ang feelings niya."

He spoke the last sentence silently but I heard them enough. How did he know that? Pano niya nalaman na plano kong hindi na umamin?

My eyes grew wide as I realized who could be the person at my front will be.


"We see each other again", he tsked. "And with you, crying for another time."

I lowered my head out in embarrassment.

He scoffed as he felt that I already know him.

"Now you need a proper scolding, young lady", he seriously stated.

"And what rights would you--"

He dropped my hands forcefully and fast making the open wound brushes on my skirt. I winced.

"Now you're wincing in pain", He sneered.
"Stupid girl. You know you are blind and yet you forced yourself to take all those shattered pieces of glass on your own?"

I bit the inside of my lips and raise my head. I breathe harshly, "Yeah! I know! I am totally stupid! Is it happy to shove it to me, huh?!"

Tears intented to fall down for the nth time.

He breathe harshly and hold my hand carefully again. "Let's medicate this first", he informed as he gently tugged my injured hand to walk.

Pinunasan ko gamit ang malayang kamay ang pasaway na luha na tuluyang tumulo sa pisngi ko. A sob escaped on my mouth.

He suddenly halted and breathe in frustation. "Can you stopped crying?! Rinding-rindi na ako sa pag iyak mo!"

I sobbed. "Bakit ba ikaw sumisigaw?", I choked. "Hin--hindi ko kayang pigilan eh!"

He stomped his feet in annoyance. "Edi kayanin mo!"

He forcefully grabbed my hand again. I heard open and close of a door. Probably we go on a room.

He pulled me to sit on a chair. I am only sobbing now because of a sudden cry on the hallway. My tears unbelievably step back from falling to what he said earlier. I don't know why... but it strucks on my heart. That  is something I needed to listen for on that time. It was  comforting even though I know that he said it without any hint of sincerity, just pure sarcastic and annoyance.

I've felt his presence walk away.

I sniffed. "Where are we?"

"In my room"


"", ani niya na may diin sa bawat salita.

Why he was so calm right now? He is the prince and I am basically a stranger to him as we didn't know anything about ourselves than our name, but he let me in on his room!

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