My Fault

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I was strolling alone in this big place. The eery feeling creeps through my bones. It was deafeningly silent that my footsteps echoed all over the space.

Why am I doing here now? I am just in the shop earlier as usual doing my stuffs. I fumed mad when I suddenly remembered that moment...

"Ako na diyan Chantea"

I swayed my hands away from him but it failed rather I've like offering my hand for him to hold. I face-palmed on my thought.

He hold my wrists and carefully get the flowers at my hand and get the scissor on the table to continue what I am doing. Afterwards, he push me to the side with his hips.

I stomped my feet out of frustation. I was fuming mad right now. I go back to my position and push him out with all my might. But I was just left weak and powerless. He didn't budge to my push even I exert all my force. He even had the audacity to whistle like  there is nothing that happened kahit na nagkadulas-dulas na ako para itulak siya paalis.

"Yah! Get away!", I shouted.

He just continue whistling. What a hardheaded guy! Kinurot ko nga ang tagiliran.

"Argh! S--stop! Chantea stop!", he screamed in pain.

He catch my hand to stop pinching him. Padabog kong hinila ang mga kamay ko and deliver it in my chest in a criss-crossed manner. I raised my eyebrow at him.

"Ang aga-aga, pink eyed girl nagsasalubong na kilay mo. Just chill and relax! Maupo ka muna", he gently pushed me and I felt a chair on my thigh.

I pushed him. "That is all you wanted me to do since I go to the shop! Bakit pa ako pumunta dito kung hindi mo din naman patatrabahuin?", I asked him in a pissed voice.

Kanina pagdating ko sa shop, he started to act that way. No. Since the day that he found me at the hill and we talked, he totally acted so strange.

Kung noong una ay lagi siyang nasa tabi ko, ngayon parang dumoble pa! He become overly concerned with my well-being. I cannot even do the things I am usually doing. Iba epekto nang pagwalking out ko kay Hesper.

"You're treating me like a useless person now, did you know that?!", I point my finger to him or did I? I am not sure where he exactly is but  I am pissed with him right now!

He hold my finger down, "I am sorry. I-- I just want to be someone that you depend more right now. I wanted to make you need me."

My heart beats faster because of what he answered. I puffed my cheeks and slowly blew the air out.

I should not be swayed. I bit the insides of my lips to calm my nerves down.

"On the past two days after we talked, even you are not avoiding me now I've felt that you grew more apart with me. I have observe that you are quite good to handle yourself now", he added.

I look at him, "Then it must be a good news, right?", I asked.

"That's the point! You are getting independent. You are now starting to live with yourself. I-- I know I should be happy to your progress b--but", he stopped his words.

He breathe out loudly.

"I am sorry. I will not do that again. Don't be mad now, hmm?", he held both my shoulders.
"I am already done with this, find something to do now."

He guide me away with his hands remained  top of your shoulders. "Maybe", he tsked jokingly.  "You don't have anything to be done now. The shop is now squeaky clean. The flowers are arranged, cutted, and displayed. I suggest for you to sit now already."

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