Into single seaters

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2014 rolled around, Charles had started his first season in single seaters. Formula Renault 2.0 alp and partial in the formula Renault 2.0 Eurocup. Finishing as runner up in the first in his first season in the alps cup and also finishing 3 out of 6 times on the podium in the eurocup, driving wise not a bad year at all. His name being mentioned more and more in the autosport world. But as much as everything went well for him on track, in his personal life he struggled. Beside the fact he was a teenager growing up and figuring out himself while navigating trough the hard world of autosport, the financial hardships that almost had him quit if it wasn't for his now new manager Nicolas, he wouldn't have the financial possibilities to keep racing. He also had to endure heartbreak in his personal life. October 5th, they were racing in spain. He did well runner up in the full championship after Nyck de Vries and finishing first in the junior championship. He was so happy when he got out the car. But after the celebrations he saw his father in the paddock and immediately he saw in his face that there was something wrong.

'Papa, what's wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost' he said to his father. His father put an arm around his son quietly walking to Charles's motorhome. When they got there he sat his son down on the couch and went to sit beside him.
'There has been a terrible accident Son' his father sad sadly while looking at his son. 'Charles, Jules has crashed with a crane on the track. It was wet and he had no grip, he is now in a coma' the Monegask was staring at his father, not being able to comprehend what his father had just told him. The excitement he felt just 10 minutes before knocked out from under him completely. He felt a tear roll over his cheek. He couldn't believe it. His godfather, his mentor but most of all his friend, his family. He couldn't loose him. He hugged his father and they stayed there for awhile.

His father had now left his motorhome to make some calls with the family. Charles was scrolling trough his phone. Looking at the messages he got the. Last couple of hours congratulating him on the good race and the phenomenal end result he had managed this season. But only 2 messages stood out to him between all the ones that he got.

A messages from Jules: 'go get em tiger! Talk to you after our races!' It read. But Charles knew they wouldn't talk, he wonderd... he hoped... that they ever got a chance to talk again. Cause Charles had by now seen footage of the crash. He was young but he wasn't stupid. It was Bad.

The other text that stood out to him was from a unknown number. ' Hey Charles, I know we normally don't talk outside the track and we aren't exactly the best of mates. But I just wanted to let you know that my thoughts are with you. -Max' hè read.
As much as he wondered were Max got his number and why he would message him all of a sudden he appreciated the gesture. He just couldn't get himself to respond to anything right now, he just wanted to go home.

A month later he finally got confirmed that he would race in formula 3 next year. He got a call from van Amersfoort racing, cause apparently someone had told them Charles was somebody to watch for in the future. And after testing he had proven that to the team. He was so happy because of budget nothing was sure until the last moment.  He would take over max's place. Max, that today as well was confirmed to make the big jump to f1. As much as Charles was shocked and maybe a bit jealous. He also felt like it was just a matter of time. Deep down he also knew it was just a matter of time.
He decided to look back up the text he got last month from Max. Eventhough he never responded back he felt like sendings him a text now would be nice. ' damn Verstappen, congratulations f1! -Charles' hè wrote. Only a couple of minutes later he got a text back. 'Thank you! And you congratulations on your f3 seat!' Charles smiled before he remembered that there hadn't been a press release yet?! How did Max now? 'Thanks Max! But uhm... how do you know? Their hasn't been a press release yet?' Het texted him. He got a text back right away. 'Well I drove for them remember? And I might have tipped them on you ;) ' Charles was shocked to say the least. They always have been rivals, why help the competition on track? Eventhough they weren't exactly on the same grid, why would he do that? The Monegask asked himself.

2015 rolled around and he was doing quite well, he had won some races and had a high position in the overall standings. He also was leading the rookie cup within the series. Then summer rolled around. It was one of the darkest summers of Charles's life. July 17th his godfather Jules, his best friend, his family had passed away after being in a coma for almost 10 months. They all saw it coming but that didn't mean that it hurt anything less. Charles wondered how he would make it in this world without his godfather around, everything he knew he learned from him. Racing wise and personally, Jules was always the one he would turn to for advice. And now he was gone.

When the news broke to the outside world Charles once again was flooded with messages from a lot of people he knew. Telling him how sad they were. Offering him all kinds of things. Charles didn't want that, he read all the messages, responded with a simple thank you and then deleting the messages right after.
He also got a text from Max. 'My thoughts are with you and your family x Max' it read, nothing more, nothing less.
Charles appreciated it, him not asking for anything or saying how sad 'he' was. Not ever was he going admit it out loud, but that was what he needed right now.

After a hard second half of the season Charles still managed to finish 4th in the overall standings and first in the rookie cup. He had now signed for a seat for next year. GP3 he would race. Beside that he also got confirmed for the Ferrari young driver program and as their development driver. He was so excited, the team in red was the team he had always dreamed about. And signing with them made his dreams come one step closer. And on top of that he was confirmed as a test driver for Haas. So he knew he would probably drive a f1 car in a practice session next year. He couldn't be more excited!
He was ready to leave this last year behind, it was hard but it made him stronger. He was determined to make Jules proud.

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