A new day has come

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Max was pacing around the living room floor as he waited for his boyfriend to finally come out of the bathroom. "Charles come on I can't be fashionably late, not to this!" He said trough the closed door.
"Yeah, yeah I'm coming, and it's not even that- oh fuck-" he said as he opens the door and smiles sheepishly at him as he had seen the time on his watch. "Ready?" A rosy colour on his cheeks.
"As ready as I'll ever be" Max sighs a bit unsure.
Charles cups his cheek. "It will be okay Max" as he kissed his cheek before he takes his hand leading him out the door.


After the intake, and the conversation on what therapy's the dutchman actually would follow Charles was asked to or wait in the waiting area or leave and pick Max up later. So he would do some shopping for the stuff they need.
"See you later Max" Charles has said rather awkwardly as they had to pretended Charles just came with Max as a friend.
"Yeah see ya mate" Max had said back a slight crack in his voice.
"Good luck" and with that Charles was out the door.


Charles arrived at the rehabilitation centre around ten minutes to five so he entered the waiting area to wait for his boyfriend.
He was seated on one of the chairs mindlessly scrolling through his phone as he heard a gasp beside him.

"O my god! You are Charles right? The formula one driver?" A woman around her forties excitedly approached him. Charles sunk deeper in his collar but he was to polite to not look up at her. "Uhm, yeah I am" he smiled uncomfortably at her as he hoped and prayed that Max wouldn't come from the door at this moment.
"Let me just take a picture" the woman said as she already stood close to him, the camera of her mobile phone already shoved up his face.
He knew this was the downside of being a fairly well known person among the public, but he had hoped people would have a little bit more decency than to approach him in a hospital, a rehabilitation centre, guess he was wrong

"What are you doing here? Not any problems with your eyes I hope?" She asked bluntly completely oblivious to her own respect less behaviour as she went to sit in the chair beside him what made him shift in his seat. "Nope" he said as he focused his attention elsewhere hoping to make clear to the woman he was uncomfortable with her.
"Well that good, that would be a travesty if you would have as a formula one driver" the monegasque cringed at the woman's words.
Yes it was a travesty and it was terrible that they had to live throughout it from up close, but she definitely didn't need to know.
He was thinking as he heard a door open.
"Mister Leclerc would you follow me please?" Charles couldn't thank the unknown nurse enough and quickly followed him out the waiting room.

As they turned the corner the nurse turned in to another hallway while closing the door. "Max is waiting for you at the back, we noticed the attention you got in the waiting area so we figured for your and his privacy it would be better to not let you go through the main entrance"
"Thank you" Charles smiled as he thanked the nurse and went to Max.
"Hey you" he smiled as he approached his boyfriend. "Let me get the car to the back and we can go" he said as he went on his way.


The monegasque glanced sideways as he averted his eyes from the road. Since they sat down in the car the dutchman hadn't said anything as he rested his head against the window, staring outside. Charles placed his hand on his boyfriend's thigh.
"Are you okay Cherie?" Caressing his thumb over the jeans fabric before shifting gears of the car again.
"Mhh tired" was the only response he got.

Charles knew the dutchman better than that. "Cherie please talk to me, I can see that something is bothering you" he said as he only got a shrug in return.
"Max please?" He knew he was pushing it, but he knew that otherwise the dutchman would only crop up his feelings, so Charles new exactly which buttons to push. And as he did he received a reply almost instantly now.

"WELL I DONT KNOW CHARLES ?! Maybe cause being an formula1 driver with no eyesight is a fucking travesty maybe?!" He growled bitterly as he glared his way before his features softened. "Sorry... I shouldn't take it out on you..." he sighed before he turned forward staring it front of him before he placed his head in his hands. "Oh.. you heard her" was all Charles said.

The monegasque sighed deeply and searched to park his car on the side of the road. He unbuckled his seatbelt and opened his car door before throwing it shut.
"Charles? Where? Please I'm sorry- I- ?!" The dutchman cried out desperately.

That's when his car door opened and he was pulled in a tight embrace. "This was long past due" Charles whispered in the Dutchman's hair. As he pulled back he smiled slightly at him. "Come let me take you home" he said before he packed his lips and took his seat behind the wheel again.

He knew now that he pushed Max's buttons well as he now started talking about how he overheard the woman in the waiting room and how insecure it made him feel. Cause of course this was only day one but he had really hoped for some progress in his recovery. And though he knew from the start his therapy was to help him cope with what he has to live with. The slightest chance that he would heal on his own he grasped on for dear life.
There by he was just really tired as all the stimulation exercising had taken it's toll on him as well. This was definitely different from training with Brad.


Max was yawning and rubbing his eyes as Charles was fumbling with the keys in the door. He took the Dutchman's hand and leads him in to their apartment again.
He couldn't help but smile at how adorably fluffy the dutchman looked doing so.
As he hung up their coats he wrapped his arms around the dutchman, their faces close together.
"Are you tired love?" Max nodded at that question resting his head in the crook of his neck. "Yes" as he pulled him closer.
"Then let's relax" Charles smiled kissing his hair before pulling his boyfriend with him.

As Max had been in therapy during the day Charles had went to the shops with his brother and got several things. Starting with dinner, he had prepared Max's favourite tomato soup.
"O god Charles, this is delicious, your the best" Max had told him as he finished his bowl.
Afterwards the dutchman tried to make his way towards the living room by himself, Charles stopped him grabbing his hand. "No, tonight we are going to fully relax he smiled as he pulled him along again, leading him towards the bathroom.

As they entered Max felt that it was already warm and a peachy smell filled the his nose. "I made you warm bath" Charles smiled at him as he helped him strip and in to the tub. "Will you join me?" Max had asked.
"Of course" as he went to sit behind him wrapping his arms around his torso, as they listened to the playlist humming in the background, the lights only dimly lit.

Afterwards they ended on the bed, Max relaxing as the hands of his monegasque boyfriend brushed and pinned over his skin. The massage relaxing his sore muscles leaving the remaining tension out of them, feeling safe underneath his touch.

As he finished massaging his boyfriend Charles let himself plop down next to him, Max was already cuddled up in the freshly made sheets.
"Thankyou lief" hè heard his boyfriend muffle in to the pillow before he looked up with droopy sleep filled eyes but a genuine smile.
"Don't need to thank me cherie, I love you"


Wildest dreams || Charles Leclerc x Max Verstappen (lestappen)Where stories live. Discover now