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Hi guys, sorry for the wait, I haven't been feeling so well this week so it took me a little while to write this, hope you like it again and as always lots of love for all you that are still reading ❤️

2021 started decent, like expected the Mercedes's where back as soon as the season started
Max got pole in Bahrain, but came in second in the race. But there was still all to play for. He got first in Emilia Romagna, to get second in Portugal and Spain again but he was still on Lewis's heels in the championship standings, the fire in his belly burning bright in the hopes for the championship.

Charles was honestly just happy to finish in the top 10 again with his Ferrari, though he felt like those positions were still not the places were the prancing horses should be, it was better then last year finishing two times sixth and two times fourth

This weekend was Monaco, after not racing at home last year because of covid the monegasque was looking forward to his home run, though he hoped to finally break his home race curse, he knew these roads like the back of his hand, walking, cycling, driving these roads since he was little, he could dream and envision every corner.

It looked in free practice like he finally could redeem himself. Making the top 3 in two of the three practice sessions. Looking at the data it looked good, placing his Ferrari where it shouldn't be looking at their car.

He was second in q1 only 0.2 seconds behind Valtteri, staying in front of Max aswel.
Q2 he was first 0.05 seconds in front of his boyfriend, it was close and marginal but he felt like if he really tried he could make it.

He was starting the last lap of his home qualifying,he felt like he was on fire, his last lap gave him a provisional pole, but he felt like he could do more, needed to do more. So he put his head down... but before he knew it... it came to an abrupt halt. "Fuck!"
As he neared the pool section he turned in to soon, and hit the barrier with his front right, it immediately breaking. He couldn't turn anymore, launching himself over the sausage kerb before ending in the barrier again. Well his qualifying was done... he hoped that he just could start the race tomorrow, he got a bad feeling about this.

Max who had just started his last flying lap was going well, he had so much more grip then his last lap, he was sure that this could be a round for pole. But then the red flag appeared.
The GP came over the radio "Leclerc is in the wall at 16" he said calmly as ever.
Though hearing it was Charles it frustrated Max even more.
"Fuck man! Arghh this would have been the fucking lap! Fucking shit!" He grumbled over the radio.
"Yep one and a half up on the exit of eight"
"It could still be a chassis change Max so yeah, and we got Lewis down in p7, don't worry mate" Gp tried to comfort his driver, he knew how frustrating it must be for the dutchman, not only couldn't he finish the last flying last lap, it was also his boyfriend that had caused it. Gp sometimes wondered how that could work between the two with all those extra tensions their sport brought to the relationship.
"Oh yeah this is pissing me off!"
"Yeah stay tight on the exit of 16, stay tight, okay your in to the pit lane and on to the board"
"If you can make it, it's a bit of a cue there I can see"
"Hard luck mate, that was on"
"Oh yeah that was definitely on because I made a mistake on turn 10 before and I just had a lot more grip." Max said already a lot more calmly as he had driven past the red Ferrari, seeing his boyfriend climbing out. Seeing the place he crashed he knew it wasn't on purpose, he himself had crashed there so many times before. But it was still frustrating as he could have got some good points on Lewis here in the driver standing's.

As he parked in to parc ferme he climbed out of the car quickly to do his interview and debrief, he was glad he could stay home tonight and didn't have to be in a hotel.
The interviewer was already waiting for him.
"Max! Lining up on the front row tomorrow, it looked like you were on a lap that was good enough for pole position how did you see it?" The interviewer asked as Max pinched the bridge of his nose before adjusting his cap.
"Yeah, it was unfortunate ofcourse" he chuckled slightly. "Because of the red flag, I felt really comfortable all qualifying, just building up to it. Uhm, I - I don't think anyone was really putting a lap time in , in the first lap, so that is basically how we plannend out, to do basically two laps, and then your third lap is then ofcourse your fastest" as he saw his boyfriend appearing next to him, he smiled slightly before continuing the interview.
"But yeah it was al going really well, but ofcourse yeah the red flag ruined the chance for pole, uhm but we will see. Uhm, never the less so far a good weekend we recovered well from Thursday, so not to bad."
Then the interviewer asked him another question.
"Do you feel like the strategy in qualifying, cause you only did one lap in your first run, and you obviously planned for the end. Their is always a risk that you taking there isn't it?"
Max sighed "uhm, yeah but I mean you don't expect, i mean ofcourse it's easy to have a red flag but you do t expect it, so you ofcourse always plan around the best possible strategy and it was working out well but ehm yeah it's just a shame about the red flag"
He said as he tuned Charles was standing their apologeticly his eyes above his face mask though also they were shining. He looked conflicted, happy for pole.

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