A little present

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The end of the season was already here they were flying out to Abu Dhabi tomorrow, the last race of 2020. To be honest Charles was happy the season was over. It's not that he didn't live for racing but he was tired and looking forward to some well earned rest and a bit of time out of the spotlight. The year had taken it's toll on him in many ways. The car that wasn't like his Ferrari was supposed to be, being happy to finish even in the points. The sporadic podium aside. The blackmailing, the breakup , going to therapy. He hoped 2021 would be different and they could build again from stretch.

And honestly Max had been perfect trough it all. Sometimes he wondered why the dutchman was still so sweet, kind, patient and caring after how much he hurt him. But he knew contrary to popular believe Max was actually the sweetest and kindest driver on the grid. He would go through hell and back for the people he cares about, not caring about himself in that moment. He might have a though exterior and be relentless on track but that is not what defines him. It's only a part of Max, his Max. And god what was he happy to say that again.


Charles was awoken out of his daydreaming by the dutchman sitting next to him on couch. He smirks at him.

'What are you smiling about?' He questions as a blush creeps on Charles's face.

'You' he breathes out.

A bright smile appearing on the Dutchman's face.

'Me?' He asks as he angles his body more to look at the monegasque and take his hands in his own.

'Yeah' Charles smiled and also turns towards the dutchman.

Max the jokester that he is asks 'about how incredibly sexy you find me and what you like me to do with this?' He says as he wiggles his eyebrows and Glides his tongue slowly and seductively over his lips. Chuckling at his own comment.

Charles snorts at that as he shoves his boyfriend playfully. 'No you pig!' Even though his smile turns wider.

'What then?' Max asks now intrigued what his boyfriend was daydreaming about.

'Just how lucky I am with you' he says as he smiles down looking at their intertwined hands.

Max places his hand on his cheek. 'Let me assure you, I'm the lucky one!' he says as he smiles rubbing his thumb over his cheekbone. Before he inches closer for a kiss.

Afterwards he rested their head together as he breathes out. 'Can I take you out today? I have a little present for you' still a little hesitant as he still knew Charles was a bit more cautious. So he couldn't help the smile on his face as Charles actually said they could.

'How late do we need to leave?' Charles smiled with a dimpled grin.
'Only in the afternoon, why?' Max eyed him curiously.
'Well you know... maybe you still have time to perhaps show me what you could do with that' he said as he ran his own tongue over his lips making them glinster in the day light. A smirk playing on his lips.
Max hummed contently 'mmhhh, I thought I was a pig?' He teased as he leaned in closer.
The monegasque snorted at that. 'Yes you are!' He said matter of factly. 'But a hella sexy one, that is' he smiled as he closed the gap even more. Max doing the last part and kissing him, parting after a little bit as he smiles mischievous and stood up.
'What are-?' But he was caught off with Max grunting like a little piglet.
'You menace' Charles snorted as he followed the dutchman in to the bedroom.
'Come and get you little piggy!' Max only joked.


Charles sighed contently as he went to lay down in Max's bed. Max was still in the bathroom getting ready for the night.

He was thinking back about today a smile appearing on his face. His day already started amazing with breakfast in bed as they had slept in. The last time they were able to before the last race weekend. Both glad to be out of the spotlight for at least a couple of months. After they had watched a movie and trained. And  afterwards they had some mind blowing Sex (literally).  Then they had showered together and they had packed Max suitcase. Charles's bag already packed and ready to go at his mothers apartment.

Afterwards Max had told him to put on some nice clothes and when he returned from the bedroom he saw Max standing there a bouquet of tulips in hand.
'These are for you' he smiled. Charles had kissed him as he said 'I love you Mon Cheri'

Max had took him for dinner, a closed of booth at an way to expensive restaurant, but it did gave them privacy so Charles couldn't complain. And as they both we're f1 drivers with a rather proper salary he didn't worry to much that Max had to break the bank to getting them here.

They ate Charles favorite pasta and for the first time in forever it felt relaxed and carefree like before. Max had payed like the gentleman that he is, insisting that he asked him on a date so it was only right.

As they walked home towards the harbour, walking over the pathway close to the shore they stopped in one of the concrete gates. As they were sure they were alone Max pressed a kiss on his cheek before he whispered in his ear 'I got another present for you' as he smiled, pulling up Charles's wrist as he put a subtle silver bracelet around it.
'I hope you like it?' Max stared at him his eyes hopeful.
Charles slowly ran his fingers over the silver band 'I don't like it' before he looked up. 'I love it Maxy!' As he wrapped his arms around him. 'Thank you so much!'

They had walked home further as Charles had decided he wanted to stay the night with Max falling a sleep in the Dutchman's arms after a rather perfect day.


They were now entering the private area of the airport in Nice. They had picked up Charles's suitcase at his mother's in the morning driving to the airport together in Max's car. Charles had complained that they weren't scheduled on the same flight. A huff leaving his mouth as Max just nodded, he in fact hated that part to.

They had been waiting for their flight as Max had called Charles over.
'Come, I want to show you something' he said as he walked outside. Charles had followed suit, curious about what the dutchman meant. Max put his hands in front of the monegasque's eyes. 'I told you , I still got a little present left!' Max laughed nervously as he guided them further.
'We aren't going skydiving are we? Or jumping parachute?' He tried to pry the Dutchman's hands away.
'Nope' Max chuckled popping the 'p' at he said so chuckling. 'We don't have time for that now he added 'maybe later!' He smirked as he knew Charles hated to not be in control.

'Then can I please see?' The monegasque pleaded
'Almost schatje! Almost there!' He assured him.
After a couple more steps they came to a halt.
'Ready?' Max had asked amused.
'Yes!' Charles had answered greedily
'Okay, you can look now' as Max removed his hands.
Charles excitedly looked around trying to find out what present Max had got him. Max was the best with gift, he was always so thoughtful! After looking around for a bit he turned to the dutchman questioning.

'What exactly am I looking for?'He asked
'Look in front of you' he smiled at him as Charles turned around again, he was looking around the private jets when his mind caught up with him and his eyes widened in realisation.

In front of them was a anthracite private jet with orange and red-ish stripes, but he was sure when he saw Max's lion logo on the tail off the plane. Charles mouth fell open.

'Y-you you bought a plane?' He managed to muster out still a bit in shock not expecting this at all.
'Y-yes I-I did' Max confirmed him though he sounded a bit insecure, as he realised that maybe this was a bit over the top. 'I-I bought it so we could travel more together and we have more privacy, not having to worry that people are watching our every move... and especially they will leave you alone after that everything that happened, I just want you not to have to worry for a while...' he tried to explain as he now looked towards the concrete beneath them fumbling with the hem off his shirt.

'Mon dieu Max!' Charles said with a sigh. 'Though it is maybe a bit over the top' he smiled at him as he gesture the little size of it  with his fingers sarcastically trying to make his point. A silent snort at the idiocy of it all.
'It's also the most thoughtful thing' he smiled as he inches a little closer. 'And I love you for it' he smiled at him giving him a quick peck before quickly stepping back.

'You are a menace, you know that Verstappen?' He smiled at him.
'But I'm your menace and that's all that matters!'
'I still can't believe I didn't notice that thing before?!' Charles then laughed had himself.
'Well it wasn't really like I could put a bow on it' Max snorted. 'Though I thought the orange lion might have been a dead giveaway.
And Charles must admit 'yeah it probably was...'


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