I want so much to open your eyes cause i need you to look in to mine

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Charles was waking up, yawning as he did so as he rubbed his eyes before he cuddled close to the warm body of Max next to him. The familiarity and warmth making him relax as he pulled the blanked up to his nose again.

"Mhhh you slept well Maxy?" He mumbled against his chest still sleepy a smile on his face as he still was feeling high on the memory of his last night's dreams.

"Maxy?" He asked as he didn't hear anything from the dutchman. He opened his eyes when he was shot back in to reality again. They were in the hospital and Max still hadn't woken up, now four days after the accident.

He looked up as he watched over the Dutchman's features, still as calm and relaxed as the night before. He reached out with his hand as he cupped his cheek. "Je t'aime Mon petit lion" he said with a sigh before he slowly placed his lips on his for a breef second, a gentle touch. He went for a shower and a change of clothes after. Trying to stuff down some breakfast as Sophie had so kindly brought to him.

"Charles you need to eat, it won't help either of you if you don't" he politely nodded and did what he was told though everything tasted so blatant. But Sophie, his mom, Victoria, god even Jos was right. If Max's was fighting so must he. So he ate.


He was just rounding the corner as he just had is own check up on his stomach, luckily it was only bruising and he was healing well, though it started to turn ugly purple and yellow the doctor was happy cause he was healing well. His mum had told him that she would get them something to eat and drink from the shop downstairs before she would join him again.

As Charles opened the door to Max's hospital room his breath hitched in his throat. "Fuck!" He cursed as he started to look around, that familiar panic he had felt for days returning to his stomach. The room was empty, Max's bed was gone. "Max?" He sobbed.
He then quickly made his way to the nurses station.

He groaned in agony as to his dismay there was no one there at this moment. When he heard his name being called from down the hallway.
"Hey Charles, I just talked to Pascale downstairs, she's going to get you a fresh set of clothes and some proper food from.... Charles? Are you okay?" Jos asked worries as he saw the look on the monegasque's face.

"M-Max isn't, he-he's gone" as he sobbed and Jos's face turned dead pale. "He-he's not in his room and I don't know where he is" the older dutchman let out a breath of relieve at that. "We will ask a nurse" Jos said as he went to look for someone. And if on que a nurse came out of one of the rooms.

"Hi, do you perhaps know where my son is? Max Verstappen? When we got here he wasn't in his room" the nurse smiled at him. "They took him up for a CT scan, my guess is they should be back in around 10 minutes. They thanked him before they walked back to the room in silence together.

"Please don't ever scare me like that again Charles" Jos sighed as he rubbed his palm over his face as he went to sit down. Playing with the carton coffee cup in his hand staring down.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to, I just didn't know what to think when his room was empty..." Charles knew he maybe panics to much, but can you really blame him?


Charles felt like he was slowly but surely losing it. Another day was almost gone but Max still hadn't looked him in his eyes. He still hadn't woken up.Though he got to see and touch Max again the weird feeling in his stomach from this morning still hadn't left.
Though the doctors told him the scans of this morning were good again. The dread of Max not waking up made him spiral in to the worst places.

His mind kept wondering what he would do if Max wouldn't wake up? Did he just have to go on again? After his father? His godfather? He wondered if he would even be capable to go through that another time. Especially because it was Max. The one that even though they are still young, Charles hoped to grow old with.

Or what if Max wasn't himself anymore? What if he wouldn't remember who he was? Or if he physically couldn't race anymore? Max lived for two things, racing and his loved ones. What if he lost racing? Would he be strong enough to survive? Though Charles at this point rather selfishly would like to find out. Cause it at least meant that by then Max had woken up.

He sighed one last time before he entered the hospital again. He had made a walk outside to clear his mind after his mom en Sophie had practically begged him to take a break from the hospital, even if it was only 20 minutes. So he did though he didn't want to.

As he returned to the room he went to sit next to his bed again. Lacing their fingers as he started telling him story's about their past. Reminiscing the old days. Their loved up moments , but also their heated battles on track.

Charles talked about that day in 2017, the day that they saw eachother on top of the hill in Monaco.

About their battle in Silverstone 2019, when they were finally in equal machinery again. "I still can't believe you won overtake of the year for that Cherie" he chuckled slightly. "Or even more so why I wasn't nominated" he grinned.

Reminiscing about those days gave him hope, cause his Max was still here so there was a chance. Honestly he felt like he was pulled apart these day one minute imagining the worst and the other keeping hope cause he knew that is what Max would do, he wouldn't give up.

"Remember that day you took me on out to Ferrari world? That night we had our first kiss?" He smiled to himself. "In Abu Dhabi off all places" he chuckled at the thought. "I really freaked out when you did, I really thought you regretted it all... luckily I was wrong"

"You remember when you wanted to show of your pancake backing skills? When you show me you showed me your flipping skills and the pancake got stuck to the ceiling?" He laughed as he pinched the bridge of his nose. "Only for me to show off but then to do exactly the same" he says as he facepalms himself while laughing in his hand. They were so ridiculously competitive sometimes.

"Or Val d' Argenton? Admit it Verstappen you just drove in to that puddle cause you couldn't help but stare in my eyes don't you?"

He sighed again as he closed his eyes trying to blink away the tears that were forming in his eyes as he thought back of that day, that day kind of was the start of everything between them. Back then Enemy's to lovers, who would have thought?

"To bad you got us both disqualified"  a groggy and quite voice spoke.

Charles snorted at the comment before he realised. His eyes shot open and he was quick to stand up.ignoring the shot of pain he felt through he stomach as he made the quick movement. Carefully placing his hands on either side of the Dutchman's cheeks.


back at him were staring two beautiful blue eyes, the eyes he meant to look in for days, the eyes he so desperately wants to drown in.
The dutchman softly hummed.

"That's me" as a little smile crept on his lips.

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