Breach of protocol

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BBC sport

Formula 1: Charles Leclerc warned for breaking coronavirus rules.

Charles was laying on his bed in the Austrian hotel as he read the news title. 'Fuck' he mumbled to himself. Of course he had spoken to the FIA and he knew that they knew he left. But against all odds he had hoped that the news wouldn't get out.

The monegasque let out a sigh and lowered his phone as he felt his phone vibrate in his hand.
Pierre was calling him but he didn't feel like picking up so he pushed the decline button. But against his luck his phone went off again right after. Charles declined again and threw his phone to the side with his pillow over it.
Only to be met with some more buzzes of his phone signalling he got a text or a voicemail.

Charles was tired, the last two weeks had taken a toll on the monegasque so he decided to take a shower and take a nap. The shower was the place for him where he dared to let his tears free, a place no one could see washed away with the water that appeared from shower head. Mixing together erasing it's tracks.

Tired he plopped down face forward on the bed, face buried in the pillow as he quickly drifted asleep. Only to be woken up by three loud knocks on his door. Charles silently groaned as he kept quiet pretending he wasn't in the room.

This only resulted in some other firm knocks on his door. 'Calamar please open the door? I know you in there...' the monegasque in the room stayed silent.

'Calamar, come on please?'

'Calamar? Do you want me to g-' the Frenchman cut off as the door opened in front of him. Before him stood Charles hair all messed up dressed in sweats. Pierre took one good glance at his friend as his suspicions were confirmed. His best friend was not okay. He looked tired, dark circles tinted his eyes. Shoulder slumped and eyes dull. His friend definitely wasn't okay.

'Charlie what is going on? Why aren't you talking to me?' He questioned his friend.

Charles looked back at him, a blank expression. 'I don't know what you are talking about Pierre' he fake smiled.

'Common Charles, I know you.... You have been ignoring my text and calls for over a week now. You've been dodge me in the paddock every chance you get'

'Really it's nothing Pierre... I just got busy and you know with covid protocol and everything...' Charles replied not even sounding convincing to himself.

The Frenchman started to get annoyed with his friend. It was obvious he was lying. Pierre was convinced that Charles knew this too. Charles could be some stubborn sometimes, moments like now he would just not listen. And hard times called for hard measures. This was most of the time the only way to make him listen.

'Charles seriously cut the crap!' Pierre said in a angry tone. 'You ignore me for a week! You leave while you damn well know we had to stay in the bubble, risking being allowed to race this season while we just got back to racing last week! And now you start lying to me?! Seriously how stupid are you?! You never would have risked anything before if it meant you couldn't race!'

The monegasque looked at him wide eyed. Not expecting the tone his friend was speaking to him as he fastly felt tears welling in his eyes.

'Charles please talk to me okay? I-I worry about you. You look like a corpse walking around. Like you haven't slept in days. You act nothing like yourself and that worries me!' Pierre now softened his tone as he saw the expression on his friends face and took a step forward and placed his hands on his friends shoulders.

'Please talk to me Calamar? I'm not mad at you? I'm here for you okay?! B-but please don't shut me out... your not alone!'

At that Charles started sobbing uncontrollably. Pierre was quick to pull the younger boy in his arms and hold him in a safe embrace. 'Ssssshhhh, it's all good Calamar, let it out, I'm here, I won't go, I promise' he said as he just held him rubbing soothing circles on his back.

After a while Charles's sobbing died down as his breath regulated and only silent tears rolled over his cheeks. Pierre took this as his que to guide them to sit on the edge of the bed. As he distanced himself a little bit.

'Calamar? C-can you, will you tell me what is wrong?' He asked carefully. Not wanting to upset the younger man more then he already was.

Charles nodded but no words made it out of his mouth as another tear rolled out of his eyes.

'Calamar, does-does Max know your feeling like this'

Hearing Max's name made the tears well again as he furiously shook his head as Pierre's eyes widened.

'Ar-are you like this because of Max?' The Frenchman then asked.

The mentioning of his name erupted sadness in the monegasque as another loud sob escaped his lips. He was paralysed in his tracks. He knew he lost the thing that was most precious to him. But the most precious thing in life where never his to keep.

As Charles got lost in his own thoughts Pierre interpreted the silence as his answer.

'WHAT DID THAT DUTCH FUCK DO TO YOU?! SERIOUSLY I'M GOING TO KILL HIM!' Pierre said angrily as he stood up from the bed making his way to the hotel door. A man on a mission. Don't get him wrong he liked Max but no one was allowed to break his best friends heart.

He was faster out of the room as that Charles could realise what was happening. As he sprinted after the Frenchman, who was already halfway through the hallway. Charles firmly gripped his arm as he tried to pull him back.

'Let me go Charles, I'm going to kill him!' Pierre said furious.
'Calamar please! Come back here?' Charles pleaded. This made the Frenchman turn around, eyeing him curiously. 'Why?' He asked a bit calmer.

'B-because..... because it's all my fault...'

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