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I'm sorry it took me so long to update this week but I had just no time at all. Hope you like this next chapter though! Lots of love x


Charles was blinking open his eyes, it took him a couple of seconds to realise where he was. As a smile creeped on his face. He was in Max's bedroom, from now on again their bedroom. They had moved his stuff back in from his mothers yesterday. All of their friends who were in Monaco and his brothers helping them.

After everything was settled they had ordered Chinese food and enjoyed that together sharing some drinks and having a genuinely fun night with them all. As everyone was ready to leave Charles had got a box out of Max's bedroom. They had prepared a little thank you gift for everyone's help. As well as them always being there for them, especially after the difficult year they have had.

They had something personalised for everyone. A video game for Lando, a cowboy hat for Daniel, a fashion cheque for Pierre and so on.
Everyone had called them crazy and it was totally unnecessary as that is where friends and family are for but they appreciated the gesture either way.

After they left Max and Charles had shared a drink and cuddled together on the couch before they both decided they wanted to go to bed. Being exhausted from the move and finally catching up on some well earned sleep now that the season was over. Falling asleep right away, as Charles's back was firmly placed against Max's chest, a firm and protective hold over him.

Charles was grateful for all of it, and after sort of repaying their friends and family he had something planned for him and Max as well . He knew the dutchman would be saying that he doesn't have to do that and it was all because he loved him. But honestly Charles wanted to. And also buying a plane just to be with him was quite a big gesture anyway. Charles wanted to give back.

Now that he finally felt comfortable with himself and them again he thought the dutchman would really like what he had plannend. As he felt that the dutchman was right. If they would hold on to the friends narrative it would be alright if someone spotted them, he was seen with Pierre all the time and Max with Lando and Daniel too. And who doesn't love a good enemy's to friends narrative?

Charles had prepared breakfast as he walked in to the bedroom again to wake up the dutchman. He had waited for a while after he woke up given it was still early in the morning. But now he felt like a proper time to wake him up, especially if they needed to get ready for what he had planned.

As he walked in he placed the tray with breakfast on the bedside table as he want to sit next to his boyfriend's hip, tracing his hands trough the blonde strands of hair. "Wake up Maxy, good morning, it's time to wake up" he softly said with a dimpled grin as he enjoyed the sight of the now waking up dutchman in front of him. If it was physically possible he would have heart eyes. Max always woke up so adorable, rubbing his eyes still a hold on their blanked as he softly yawned. Charles loved that he got to experience these soft sides of him first hand.

"Mornin" he had said his voice still groggy from sleep a smile appearing as he opened his eyes and made eye contact with his boyfriend.
"You sleep well?" Charles asked and Max just nodded still rubbing his eyes trying to get rid of the sleep in his eyes.
"Mhhh you?" As another yawn escaped his lips before they made eye contact again. "Yeah me too" the monegasque sighed softly.
"Good" Max smiled at him too.

"I made breakfast" Charles said proudly as he pointed at the tray next to the bed proudly as Max's grin got even bigger. "Smells good" he says as he went to sit up so he could kiss him.

He pecked his lips once, twice, a third time as their lips kept lingering and hands found their way towards the other. Charles smiled in to the kiss. "But I suppose we can add this to the breakfast too"
"I'd like that" Max whispered against his lips.


They were putting on their coats as Max asked for like the thousandst time today. "What are we going to do Charlie?! You know I'm not good with surprises!" That made the monegasque laugh out loud. "I know that Maxy, but you just have to go with it" he smiled his dimples visible. "I like it more when I can surprise you!" He tried again charming his boyfriend in to answering him. "Well this time let your ass be spoiled" he winked at him. Max snorted at the word choice of his boyfriend. "You are going to spoil my ass eh?" Wiggling his eyebrows.
"Oh my god Max!" He said as he gave him a playfull shove. "Not like that!"
Max put his hands up in defence. "You're the one who said it" still teasing him. "And sad... my ass would have liked that" still wiggling his eyebrows.
"Oh shut it Verstappen!" He said as he pecked his lips one last time. "Come on, let's go" he said as he grabbed his hand pulling him out of their apartment, letting go as they exited the door.


"Are you really sure Charlie? I mean that you feel ready? O-okay with it?" He asked a bit unsure seated in the car searching for the monegasque's eyes as he was looking at the building they are parked in front of.
"Yes! Yes I'm sure Maxy!" He smiled widely before his smile faltered and he looked at his hands picking at his skin. "Unless you don't... unless you don't feel comfortable" he looked away " I'm so sorry Max, I-I should have checked- I should have consulted you ab-" he started looking out of the window of the car rambling on until the dutchman cut him off, a firm hand placed on his thigh.

"Hey, Charles? Hey" he tried to get him out of his own head. "Babe, look at me!" He said squeezing his tigh again. That got Charles back. And Max just smiled at him.
"Don't let that pretty head of you worry so much okay?" His smile broadening as he layed his hand of the monegasque's.
"Of course I want to go out with you! I just didn't expect you to want that too. I-I just wanted to know you were ready to be seen with me"

As Charles cheeks turned rosy he got back a shy little smile as he now grabbed Max's hand with both of his.
"I'm not ashamed of you Max, you know that right? It's just want to protect this thing between us, I can't loose you, not again..." he sighed. "I love you Max Verstappen" he looked up again but now with a smile. "And I want to be seen with you, I guess you are right, if people think we are friends it will make things easier"
"Yeah?" Max asked now smiling again
"Yeah!" Charles smiled back at him.
"Well I love you too Charles Leclerc, and I can't wait to be on a public dinner with you!' He grinned.


To be fair they did attrac a bit of attention but if was for being two famous race car drivers in Monaco hanging out or that it was of them hanging out together they honestly couldn't tell. They had taken some pictures and signed some autographs before they enjoyed a nice dinner containing of mostly Max's favourite foods. Charles picking out this restaurant especially knowing his boyfriend would like it.

The restaurant wasn't to chique, a perfect restaurant to go with friends and family not that romantic persé but to them both it was perfect and romantic nonetheless. After years of being together it was their first date in a public place with other people around them and though they weren't showing it off it was a special evening.

"This is really great Charles!" Max had told him as he dug his spoon in the dessert in front of him. Since the season was over he could let loose a little food wise so he was quick to choose this ice coupe.
"I'm glad you like it Max!" He laughed as he watched the dutchman as he savoured the dessert on a as fast pace as their cars might drive.

"This really was a great surprise!" He muffled out the spoon with ice cream still in his mouth.

"Well I still have another surprise for you!" Charles said proudly as he handed the dutchman a little package wrapped in 'happy birthday' paper. It was obviously a cover up for this public place. Both their birthdays not that long ago so it worked out perfectly.

Max smiled as he unwrapped the package, revealing a PlayStation game, FIFA to be precise. Max just look at him questioning as he recognised this game from his own stash of PlayStation games. Even the old price sticker was on the same place so he just raised his eyebrows at him.

"Open it!" Charles laughed quietly at the expression on the Dutchman's face.
Max face lit up as he saw a little paper put in the game case , Charles's handwriting scribbled on it. As he read what it said he smiled up at the monegasque.
"Happy belated birthday Mate!" He winked before he inches a little close whispering beneath his breath.
"We leave the day after tomorrow"

Wildest dreams || Charles Leclerc x Max Verstappen (lestappen)Where stories live. Discover now