Maranello part 1

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They were nearing turn 3 and before He knew it his car was airborne launched on to the kerb right in to the side of his teammate and friends side. Destroying his rear wing.

Sebastian was forced to retire immediately as he drove in to the pits having to much damage on his car. But Charles had to retire himself as the team found out that he had to much floor damage one lap later.

With two cars out of the race the team started debrief almost immediately, this was in unpleasant hour on itself. When they ended the race was almost over aswell.

As Charles walked towards his motorhome he passed one of the screens that was showing the broadcast of the race.
The race had just ended and Max had bagged another podium. Even though it hurt he couldn't help but stop and watch. Still feeling proud of him. He always would be proud of him.

Charles who thought that he was watching the screen alone was abruptly pulled back in to reality as he was called out by someone who was walking by.
'It's showing again frocio!' The man called out as Charles quickly turned around as he saw the person who started his nightmare walk off.

Charles felt angry and so sad but he didn't know what to do about it. So to get rid of his anger he released it on the nearest trash can on his way to his motorhome. He was in desperate need of a shower and to get out of his racing clothes. Perhaps he just needed to get out of here fly home as soon as possible.

As he turned off his shower he heard a knock on his door. 'No, I'm dressing' he called out to the person on the other side of it.
'Charles, please can we talk?' He heard Sebastian talk from the other side of the door.

He sighed as he quickly put on some joggers and went to open the door. 'Seb, I'm sorry again okay? I didn't want to crash in to you, it was my mistake'
He had apologised a dozen of times in the last hour so he didn't understand what the German driver could possibly want more of him.

'Thank you for admitting that' Sebastian smiled at him with his signature smirk. 'But that's not why I am here. He said as he motioned for himself to be let in to the Monegasques drivers room. Who let him in.

'I just, and you can tell me if I'm overstepping and getting this all wrong' he said as he paused and waited for a sign for Charles to continue.

As he got just that he did.
'I'm worried about you' seb stated simply.

'Why?' Charles curtly replied trying to keep up his sherade.

'Your pale, it seems like you lost weight, your barely eating, you zone out during team debriefs and you start beating trashcans.' The German stated simply.

'You saw that?' Charles asked him.

'Yes I did'

'What -what else did you see?' Charles asked as he turned even paler then before.

'I might have overheard what Mateo said to you...'

'He was just joking' Charles tried

'I don't believe that Charles, you can tell me. If he is bullying you we can talk to him!' Seb tried to reason with him.

'No we can't... and I need to get ready so can you please leave?' Charles tried to get out of the conversation.

'Charles?' Sebastian stopped him as he looked him in the eyes. 'What's going on?'

'Seb it's nothing, really! You're overreacting!' Charles tried again.

Sebastian knowing his stubborn younger teammate then tried a different approach.

'Well the you won't mind I'll talk to Mateo that I don't wanna hear those slurs around the team'
As Charles stayed quiet and looked fearful at him as he grabbed his wrist to stop him from leaving Seb knew enough.
'That's what I thought, now please tell me what that was about' he said as they went to sit down. And Charles started telling him the story of what happend in Maranello.

~flashback 3 weeks prior, Maranello~

Charles had just exited the simulator and was talking to Lucas one of the simulator engineers as he explained what he had noticed in some of the corners at the circuit he had just driven on. Explaining himself with hand gestures to get his point across.

Across the room, two other engineers were laughing loudly, loud enough to get Charles and Lucas's attention.
As they looked at them, they saw Mateo mimic a wrist flick to the other engineer. Not thinking much of it they went on with what they were doing.

At lunch their was another unpleasant occurrence as they were sitting at one of the tables in the lunchroom. The Ferrari employees were just talking amongst themselves when Mateo spoke up getting the attention from the others at the table. 'I heard a rumor that in the paddock we got a frocio' the people around the table started to mumble. Charles got a feeling of being cought but as he was about to say something to Mateo about his behavior Lucas spoke up already. 'So what, let them be' and with that the topic was off the table.

Another time Charles was walking from the conference room as he got out of the meeting for a bathroom break as he was walking the corridors of the Red building alone when he crossed paths with Matteo again. Who did a move what only could be described as a 'gay wrist flick' exactly aimed at him.

Charles felt the anger boil inside of him as he stopped the passing engineer. 'WHAT THE FUCK JS YOUR PROBLEM?' He hissed.
'Nothing Frocio, I just know about your little dirty secret' the man replied with a dirty grin.
'Your full of bull Mateo , I have no idea what you're talking about' as he turned to make his way to the meeting again, done with this conversation not wanting to give him any more.

'Am I Leclerc? I thought you didn't mind being filled with bull' he dirtily replied.
At the comment Charles stopped in his tracks, immediately getting his reference.
'Exactly that's what I thought' the Ferrari engineer replied smugly.

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