Maranello part 2

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Second chapter in a day! Yay! I was inspired to write thanks to all your lovely comments. So I got this done and thought why not just post it already!

Though I like to put a ⚠️ TW ⚠️ for this chapter. Warning is under the story if you want to know them before reading .

'Exactly that's what I thought'

The world started spinning around Charles, his ears ringing hearing the rush of blood through his ears. He was rooted in his spot, he knew? But how did he know?

Charles slowly turned around and looked his colleague straight in the eye.
He had a couple of options, deny everything or act unbothered. He believed the first one was not a option so he went with the second one.

'What are you implying here Mateo? What do you want?' He tried to keep his voice calm and steady.

'You know exactly what I mean Leclerc, you like it up the butt by that frog like Redbull driver' he said with a vicious tone. 'It's not normal you pig, we don't need those creatures at Ferrari, especially not if they are frolicking with the enemy! are you secretly sharing team information too?' He asked as he took a step forward towards the monegasque.

'Piss of Mateo, seriously!' Charles said as he made himself tall. 'Who do you even think that you are, deciding what is allowed at Ferrari?' As he said it hè felt himself being shoved in to the nearest wall.

'Don't talk to me like that Leclerc, I've been here much , much longer than you have been' he said as he pushed the younger man's shoulders. 'Besides you wouldn't want me to tell anyone do you?' The engineer evilly smirked.

'And why would they believe you?' Charles tried only to regret his question seconds later.

'Maybe because of this' the man smirked, in his hand there was a picture on his phone. It was clearly Charles and Max, they were close almost holding hand but still no touching. A place he could only recognise as Monaco, as he saw the clothes they were wearing it must have been from somewhat like a month ago. Charles just had a sponsor shoot for the beginning of the new season, Mateo had been there to. Given the grocery bags in Max's hands, this was probably after Max had picked him up. Max had waited two streets down for his boyfriend to walk home together.

Charles knitted his eyebrows together. 'That picture still doesn't say anything, why would I not be allowed to walk home with my friend and colleague who only lives two blocks down?' Charles tried to reason with the picture in Mateo's hand.

'Ooh that wasn't convincing enough for you?' Mateo replied coldly as he swiped in the gallery of his phone. 'Then you won't mind if I show them this 'il predestinato'' he then replied mockingly.

Charles felt his face get hot and red from anger as he felt tears stinging behind his eyes threatening to fall. On Mateos phone was a short clip, clearly recorded from the other side of a window, their bedroom window... the video starts with them kissing, faces not visible but it's clearly their room in Max's /their shared apartment. They kiss as they lose their t-shirts in the process, 7 seconds in to the video they part and it's clearly Max's face in the video. Smiling and saying something inaudible to his counterpart on the clip. Though from the back you couldn't tell it was Charles, it was definitely his well trained back and dark mop of hair, for a unknown viewer it was obvious it was a man. Before you can see Max kissing his way down the man's chest between smiles, the other mans hands in his hair quite obvious on what he is about to do before the clip cuts off.

As he swallowed away a lump in his throat he tried to speak again. 'D-did you follow us? How did you even make that? Did -did you spy on us?' He stammered to shocked how the man even got the clip and more importantly why.

Mateo smiled. 'Well I saw you give each other a kiss in that alley, but I was to late with my Camera, only got the picture you just saw'

'S-so you followed us?' Charles stammered eyes wide with disbelief.

'Well of course, I wanted to be sure that my eyes hadn't fooled me before. So that fire flight stairs were a good help given the fact of that high apartment' another evil smirk. 'Cause I figured out this arrangement could work out really well for the both of us'

'Where the fuck are you talking about?' Charles asked perplexed.

'You get me that role as head of engineers next to Mattia and I won't out that Dutch frocio of you to the world' he stated simply.

Charles was stunned, he had stalked them home, climbed the fire stairs of their building just to spy on them to blackmail him. He couldn't believe someone would do something so vicious.

'Y-you know- you know I don't go over who gets hired' Charles tried, not seeing how he could make Mateo head of engineers.

'You'll find away!' He said as he. Patted the monegasque's cheek.

'B-but what if I don't?' Charles said his voice small.
Only to be shoved back in to the wall by Mateo. His leg pressed between Charles's. Holding him by his wrists. As Charles let out a loud gasp.

'Don't pretend you don't like this leclerc!' Mateo talked in to his ear breathing down his neck.
'For if I wasn't clear the first time, you get me the job and I won't out you, simple as that. And if you talk... your down!...' he practically whispered in his ear before he walked of. Only to turn around once more.

'Oh and by the way, you break it off with the frog before the Next race, only real man work at Ferrari!' he threatened as he walked off. Only to shout again has he turned the corner 'it is that you can hella drive Leclerc otherwise this all wouldn't even been a question'

As Charles watched the man walk of he felt his tears setting free, rolling down on his red hot cheeks as he slit down the wall. Hitting the ground with a tud. He felt sacred, he felt violated, he felt used. But he didn't know what to do. That video would ruin Max and his career. He couldn't let it get out... but he also couldn't loose the love of his life... even though that felt oh so selfish right now.

~end of flashback~

⚠️trigger warning⚠️
-homophobic slurs
-minor violence

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