A sight to behold

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Max on the Dutch podium was a sight to behold, it was like he was on top off the world and floating on cloud nine. The orange fog surrounding him while the crowd literally erupts with joy. Charles is watching the screens from the media pen. Though he can feel the atmosphere deep in his bones. He himself is delighted too. Seeing the dutchman, his boyfriend, standing there with the Dutch flag wrapped around his shoulder makes him overcome with pride.

His press officer nudged him in his side as he apparently zoned out staring at the screen while waiting for his turn to be interviewed.
All in all it was a good weekend, hiss little brother winning the race in formula 3 while Max won at home, also his own p5 wasn't bad. He talks some more to the press until he leaves the media Pen to change. As he walks out, Max just walked in and he made sure to give his boyfriend a "subtle wink"


He is seated with Arthur at one of the more secluded and private lounge areas of the Dutch track, having a drink and talking about their weekend.
"This athmosphere has been insane" his little brother tells him as he takes another sip from his drink. Charles smiles "yeah it is" as the door of the lounge area opens.  In comes Max with his race suit still riding low on his hips and the trophy in hand. He looked so damn happy but exhausted.

"Hey race winner" Charles smiles at him. Max is taking a quick glance around, looking if accept from Arthur really nobody else is here. So when he is sue they are alone he places a quick kiss on the monegasque's lips before sitting down next to him. "Hey" while also giving a fistbump to Arthur.
"You had a good start!" Max says and Charles keeps wondering how he still had found time to watch him too.
Meanwhile Arthur hands Max a beer as well "to match your trophy" he laughed and the couple laughed with him.

They chat for a bit before Arthur says he wants to takes a picture of them both. As he does he posts it in their family WhatsApp group. Captioning the picture "look how proud they look, imagine how it will be when Max wins the WDC."
Max blushes as he reads it on hiss phone "thanks Arth, but we will see.." he sighed looking at their smiling faces on the picture. It's him and Charles on either side of his trophy, holding up a Heineken beer with their free hand while the other hand holds the other. Max still in his racing gear while Charles is already in his team issued polo.

He wants to share the photo too, so he sends it in their family chat as well before he goes on Instagram and posting it their too. Though he cuts the photo where you just can't see the monegasque anymore. He captioned it with something about the weekend before he press post before muttering a "sorry babe" under his breath.

"Why?" Charles asks as his little brother starts snickering from the other side of the table. "He cut you off" the younger monegasque says in between giggles.
"Oef I'm hurt" he act's dramatically while putting his hands over the place where his heart is.
Max looks him in the eye and says "well it's the thought that matters, the three of us known it's a picture of you and me" a soft smile playing on his lips and at this Charles can't help but smile too.
"Ugh disgusting" Arthur says as he goes to get them three another beer as the couple snickers "works every time" still laughing till Arthur returns.


They immediately flew home that night as the next race was already next week in Italy. Max had slept the entire duration of the flight the pressure of the weekend catching up with him. Charles let him.

As they came home later that night they dumped their suitcases in the hallway close to the laundry room, they would take care of that in the morning. As Max plopped down on the couch Charles went to the kitchen to get them something to drink before joining the dutchman as well.

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