Come on, focus!

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To say he was struggling was quite the understatement. When he drove well, he drove really well. But when he didn't it meant no points at all. Ofcourse sometimes it was because of technical issues. But he honestly didn't drove his best season. He had a flying start. Hauling a good amount of points in his first season in formula one, and ofcourse his second season. The big step to the big team. A team capable of winning races. He had proven the critics wrong on his first race for the team and he had a fairly decent season. But even if he didn't like to admit it. The pressure was getting to him. Sometimes he wished that he never won on that day in Barcelona. Expectations on him were even higher now. Calling him the new wonderkid of formula one put more pressure on him then he thought it would. Also since then his fan following got much bigger. What meant more people expecting him to do wonders.

If the pressure of racing wasn't enough he also was struggling personally. He had broken it of with his girlfriend and he was mentally conflicted about a lot of things in his life. And he worried for his friend who lost his father. Also after now 7 dnf's in 14 races, where he only managed to finish on the podium once he wasn't only frustrated and angry with himself. So was his father.

'Max, what the hell is going on with you!' He screamed. 'This is not why I put all my time and money in you! Come on, focus!, if you keep it up like this Redbull is gonna sack you!' Said his father, face red. Max felt like crying, why did his father act like this? It was not like he wanted all this and that he didn't already beat himself up for this. But he couldn't, if he did his father would only get more angry, like he always did. It made him think back to when he lost a race in karting and he cried. His father was so angry with him that he left him at a gas station in the middle of Italy. He always said that it made him better and stronger. And in a sense it did. But It didn't mean that it didn't hurt. Max bit his tongue, trying to not spit back at his father. Now opening his mouth his father stopped him. 'Don't talk to me, I can't look at you right now. Before I say anything I'll regret' with that his father slammed the door to Max's drivers room. Leaving Max with even a bigger knot in his stomach then he had before.

He was now back in Monaco, the race in Singapore was a week ago. The race once again a shitshow. When he got home on Monday he had entered his apartment, put his suitcase to the side and stumbled on his bed. He was tired, with his face faced forward he fell into his pillow. He screamed in to his pillow. 'Aaaargh, come on, focus!' Like that he fell asleep exhaustion taking over his body.

When he woke up it was already 4 in the afternoon. After brushing his teeth and eating some yoghurt he decided to go on a run. Not that he particularly liked running. But most of the time it did help him relax. The route along the Monaco sea calming his mind. So he changed in to his workout clothes and went on his way.
He was now nearing the top of the hill. A beautiful view of the Mediterranean Sea. The sun now setting. A beautiful golden glow over the piercing blue water. Max loved to come here. Just breathing in the fresh air, the wind tussling his hair and the fresh smell of the sea. Just a moment for him and nothing else.
So when he was nearing his resting spot he let out an annoyed sigh. 'Why today? Can't something ever go my way?' He grumbled under his breath as he saw an other person standing there, on his spot.
But when he was close enough he recognised who was standing there. It was Charles. His annoyance becoming a bit less.

'Hey, can I join you?' He asked smiling softly. The Monegask clearly not expecting anyone looked frightened up at him, his face softening at the sight of Max. 'Yeah sure' he said while patting on the space next to him on the rock he was seated on. He joined the Monegask. Smiling at him while taking his seat.

'How have you been?' He asked the Monegask. 'I've been doing okay I guess,  as far as that is possible ' the brown haired boy admitted. 'I just really miss him Max' he said his voice trembling. A tear rolling down his cheek. Max felt the younger boy shivering beside him letting out quite sobs. Max reached inbetween them and grabbed Charles's hand. Intertwining there fingers. 'You're so fucking strong Charles' he said while squeezing his hand and looking at the young Monegask. Before putting his arm around him and letting him get all his tears out. After a while Charles sat back up again whipping the remaining tear stains from his face. ' I'm sorry ' he said. 'Don't worry about it Charles, honestly anytime. Don't you ever feel sorry about this! You need to let it out.' He gave him a soft smile. The Monegask now visibly relaxing.

'So what brought you here Max?' He asked. 'I guess this is a special spot for the both of us' Max nodded as a reply. 'I don't want to bother you with it Charles, it's honestly nothing next to what your going through. 'Please tell me Max, I want to help if I can. Make me feel I'm still alive and not just my grief..' he practically begged.
'Well, my season is going shit so far and everyone is expecting something from me and sometimes the pressure feels just to much to bare' he sighed. ' i get it, everyone expecting you to win everything cause you've already done it so many times before?' The Monegask said. Not as a question but as a deeper understanding. Himself going trough the same. Him being already called 'il predestinato' by the international media.
Though Charles didn't even say that much, Max felt understood.
'But there is more, isn't it?' Charles continued.'how do you always know?' Max asked. 'That's one of my superpowers Verstappen!' He replied trying to light the mood a little giving the dutchman is signature wink. Max let out an audiable laugh. Feeling his checks heating up he quickly looked towards the sea again and replying to the question asked just seconds ago. 'Well me And my dad aren't really on speaking terms, he is so mad at me. I just constantly feel like a massive disappointment' he pause me for a little bit before he continued. 'What feels so fucking stupid right now given the fact that you have to miss yours against your own will' he said tears burning in his eyes trying not to let them fall.
'It isn't stupid Max' Charles quickly told him. 'Are family situations are not the same story, and your not a disappointment!' He had grabbed Max's hand again looking in to his eyes. 'Your honestly one of the most hard working and caring people I now!' 'You already achieved so much that a lot of people are only jealous off, and you are there for your friends always. You were there for me when Jules died and you have been there for me with my dad aswell. You showed me you were their without asking for anything in return! Your deserving of so much more Maxy, and I know you will prove them wrong!' The Monegask told him fiercely. Max was stunned, he didn't expect Charles's little speech. He launched himself on Charles enveloping the younger boy in to a hug. 'Thankyou Charlie. I really needed that!'

The Next week Max went to win the Malaysian Grandprix, being far ahead of the rest of the grid. After the race his father had come up to him and told him that he was proud. 'I don't know what's gotten in to you son, but this is how I know you again' his father had said to him.
It was now a couple of hours later and Max was laying in his bed in his hotel room. The question of his father lingering in his mind. Max thought maybe it wasn't something that has gotten in to him but rather someone.

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