Healing is the hardest part

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"I-is , h-as Charles come with you?"  He heard is boyfriend ask as he saw that he was trying to wipe his tears away . He hadn't yet noticed that Charles and Victoria had come in together. Seeing him so sad broke his heart but Sophie was mimicking at them not to start about it so he didn't. He just stepped closer to the bed and grabbed his boyfriends hand. "Yes Cherie, I'm here"

"Will you come sit we me?" The dutchman asked. "Yes ofcourse!" Charles smiled at him as he was quick to kick of his shoes and sit on the bed, wrapping his arm around the dutchman who immediately cuddled him incredibly close. Not that he minded, but he was surprised by the sudden clingyness of his boyfriend. Normally he was the cuddly and clingy one of them two. But for now he decided to let it be and to provide the comfort Max was asking for.

"Ugh you guys are disgusting" Victoria chimmed in with a fake gagging sound "disgustingly cute" she then smiled at the two boys in front of her who were giving her an unimpressed look before sharing a mischievous glint.
"Before you two start face sucking give me time to take a picture" she said as she pointed her mobile phone at them. Snapping the shot of the two older boys.


Charles had just picked up some fresh clothes for Max at the hotel. As he entered the hospital ward he saw the doctor just leave his boyfriends room. As he entered he saw him mindlessly scrolling on his phone, he didn't notice that Charles entered . As he put down the clothes he smiled at Max "bonjour Mon chat" and Max head shot up, a smile thrown at him . "You're back" he said as he patted at the space next to him signalling his boyfriend over.

He quickly obliged as he pecked his lips. "You missed me already?" He smiled at him. "Of course I always like to have you near" the dutchman said as he pulled him closer connecting their lips once again. "Your parents and Vic left?" The monegasque asked as their lips parted for a moment. "Yeah.. I told them to take a break today, it's not like I'm going anywhere. Besides they knew you would be back in like a hour so" Max told him as he got pulled even closer,

Max trying to slip his tongue in his mouth. Charles gave in, tangling on of his hands in the Dutchman's hair as the other held on to his hip tightly. Max hand trailed from his neck down his chest, tracing his abs through the fabric of the red sweater he was wearing, stopping just above his jeans That was when he realized they were still in the hospital. He snorted "Maxy we can't"  the dutchman just groaned in reply. "Okay"


"There you go!" Charles said as he kissed the Dutchman's cheek and handed him the package. "Thanks babe, you are a lifesaver!" He replied as he tried ripping of the package. Charles just shot him a pointed look, snorting again. "Seriously Max? A lifesaver?" "Yeah" Max smiled as he pulled him closer by his sweater. "You know that's a compliment lief!" Smiling with their faces close as Charles rolled his eyes at him. "I literally brought you Redbull, don't you get a lifetime supply of those if you'd only call Christian?"
"Probably, but still... you make it better"
Charles smiled pecking the Dutchman's lips once more. "since when have you become such a simp?"he said as he pulled back and grabbed the bag of crisps and their laptop to watch Netflix on.

"What was the doctor doing here by the way? Anything new?" He asked as he settled down next to him again, laying the blanket over his legs. "Nothing, just check up" Max mumbled as he tried to rip off the carton box of the Redbull 4-pack. Charles watched him for a bit before he decided to help him. "Come here" grabbing the carton from the dutchman as he handed him the bag of crisps. Opening the package before handing on of the cans to his boyfriend.

He put on the Netflix show they had been watching the last couple of days wrapping his arms around the Dutchman's shoulders who cuddled close to his chest. They had been watching for a while as Max excused himself for a bathroom break. As Max went on his way Charles picked up the phone from his pocket, replying to a text from Pierre asking how they were holding up and how Max was doing.

"We're okay... just something feels off..." he had texted his friend who actually was quick to apply, his phone buzzing almost instantly after he hit send.
"Give it time Calamar 🐙, he and you been through a lot this week" he read.
"Yeah you probably right Pear 🍐 " he smiled at his phone, he probably worried to much.
"When you both get home, me and the boys will arrange something 😉" Charles smiled at his phone starting to reply "nothing to crazy please? 😂I know you lo-" when he heard a clattering sound coming from the bathroom.

"Max?!" He asked worried as he threw his phone aside, making his way towards the bathroom as he heard a angry "FUCKK!!" Before they were followed with soft whimpers and sobs.
"Maxy, what happend?" He asked as he knelt down next to to the dutchman who was seated on his knees on the hospital floor.
But as soon as he reached out he was pushed away. Not to hard, but it hurt his feelings nonetheless. "Go away Charles!" The dutchman cried out he tried to look icy in the monegasque's direction but as soon as their watery eyes met, the dutchman broke. "Please Charles, please go..." his face turning red from crying, everything changing in incoherent sobs.

For a second Charles didn't know what to do, as he stood frozen in his spot. Watching Max crumble in front of him. "No, I won't!" he said firmly as he lurched forward again wrapping his arms around the broken man. "Please Charles... pl-please... you don't want this.. y-y-you don't need this" trying to get out of Charles's grip but it wasn't any use.

"I'm not leaving you! I'm here for you! Let me be here for you Max!" Charles said sternly but the most love and care in his voice. "You deserve better Charles" the dutchman just muttered against his chest. For a moment Charles just held him, scratching his fingers through his hair, peppering kisses on the top of his head before he pulled back. Faces mere inches appart. Holding his boyfriend's face between his hands. Tracing away the tears with his thumbs as he looked in his eyes.

"Cherie, what is going on?" He asked as he looked at him. Max let out another sob before looking up. It broke the monegasque how sad those blue orbs looked. "I- my- my vision..." another sob and dread fuelled in Charles's stomach. "I cant almost see anything..." a broken voice told him.

In the monegasque's mind it clicked. That's why his toiletries fell on the floor the other day and why Max couldn't hand him the shower gel, or the reason Max had fallen this morning as Sophie had told him on the hallway. The reason he didn't know Charles had entered the room until he was close, making his presence known, twice. Even the opening of the Redbull package. Putain this ain't good.

"Oh Max" he pulled him closer. "Does the doctor know?" He asked carefully. He felt the dutchman nod against his chest. "Why didn't you tell me Maxy?" He asked as he traced his yaw. "C-cause I didn't want you to worry..."
"Cherie, let me worry about you, I'm your boyfriend, I love you"

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