These sterile walls feel so cold

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His head hurt, it felt like it was pounding. As he realised it was definitely not his only body part that hurt. As he came more to his senses he realised his whole body was hurting. Everything was sore. But why was he so sore?

He felt soft strokes over his left hand. Warm fingers trailing over the back of his. Familiar and warm, it soothed some of his pain. For a second he didn't feel it as he concentrated on the comfortable feeling.

He tried to blink his eyes open, but he quickly closed them again as the white light burned his eyes and intensified the headache he already was experiencing. The temperature in the room catching up to him as he felt a shiver go down his spine. He blinked another one, two, three , four times before he felt that he got  used enough at the light around him.

He scanned the room, it was obviously a hospital room, the tube in his right hand connected to IV confirmed that. He looked to his left watching to who was holding his hand. He couldn't see their face. And they obviously hadn't noticed he woke up.

He still wondered what happend. He tried to figure out. As he saw the bruises forming on his arm he remembered there  was a car crash, and the car was on it's side.

He looked to his left again moving his arm a little and groaning to get the person's attention.
Their head shot up looking right at him.
"God Charlie , I'm so happy you are awake!" As they held his head between their palms and kissed his check.

"Mom?" He smiled as he saw her face a sense of calm always came from being near her.
"What happend?" He asked her as he still tried to piece the puzzle pieces together of what happened.

"You were in a car crash yesterday, so when I heard I flew out first thing" she said a sad smile on her face as she stroked her thumb over his cheek. Though the thought  of his mother being her brought him peace, there was one thing bothering him in her answer. She told him she came as soon as she heard. "What do you mean? When you heard?" His mother always watched every race so why would she need to hear about it.

She looked at him confused before she realised he thought he crashed while driving his race car. "You had a car crash on the road Mon petit" she looked concerned at him. "Do you remember anything?" She asked him. And he tried really hard to think of what happened, it hurt his head a little thinking deeply when it dawned upon him. He was in a car crash , he was on a vacation, they had been on a date.... Fuck he was with

"Max?" His eyes widened in realisation. "Where is Max?" His mother was just about to answer him when the door of his hospital room openend .

"Mister Leclerc, good to see you awake again, you have a bad contusion" he said as he walked further in too the room next to Charles's bed. "I'm doctor Fonda" he said as he held his hand out towards the monegasque to shake. He politely did so as he was thought.

"I would like to do some checks on you if that is okay?" Charles politely nodded. "Where is Max?" He asked and the doctor smiled at him. "Can you lift your shirt for me?" He asked and Charles obliged. The doctors cold hand feeling his abdomen. He knew what they were doing as they always checked this after crashes during races too. And given the ugly purple bruise that was placed on the right side of his abdomen it was rightfully so.

After that he pulled it down the doctor got out his little light. "Can you follow this with your eyes?" And Charles did what he was asked. "Good" the doctor said after a couple of seconds.
"How is your head? Any pain fogginess?" He scanned the monegasque. Charles nodded "a little headache but nothing to bad" he told the doctor before his mother chimmed in. "He didn't remember what happend at first, he thought he crashed at a race" as the doctor hummed and nodded.

"I want to get another scan then, just to be sure. I'll ask the nurses to come and get you" he said as he walked out of the room and Pascale followed him closing the door behind them.

Strange.... why didn't she just ask the doctor when he was still in the room? And where was Max? Was he in the hotel sleeping to rest? He missed him, he had comforted him so much yesterday, he would like to have a hug now. Though he understood if his lover needed the rest, a lot had happened yesterday and knowing Max, he wouldn't have really slept in his worried state anyway.

Charles was staring out of the window that had a view of the hallway of the hospital ward his mother still talking with a doctor. He rested his head on the pillow and sighed. Then he noticed his mother was also talking to someone out of view from him as the doctor had walked of.  Weird, would one of his brothers have come along? Or was Max finally here?

He then saw his mother hugging a woman with dark, long and sleek brown hair.
Before he saw a man came in to view. His face red and stained with tears as he tried to wipe them away tho it was no use.
"Jos?" He wondered aloud as he saw the interaction from the other side of the window.

Why was Jos crying? He only had a concussion and some bruises it wasn't that bad. He had a lot better relationship with his father in law these days but he didn't expect him to be such a softy. That was until the person his mother was hugging pulled back a bit and made eye contact with him through the slats in front of the window. It was Sophie.

Realisation hit him like a semi truck, a cold shiver ran down his spine that he felt in the deepest part of his bones. "Max?" He said just said above a whisper as he felt his throat getting restricted his heartbeat picking up pace.

"Where is Max?" He asked a lot louder as the three parents got in to his room. Eyes red rimmed at all three of them. "WHERE IS MAX?" He asked almost screaming. He saw the elders looking at each other. "WHY THE FUCK IS NOBODY TELLING ME ANYTHING? PUTAIN!"  Warm tears now rolling over his cheeks an blurring his vision. An uneasy feeling setting in his stomach. "NOOOOO!"

His heartbeat was getting erratically fast and his breathing shallow. The monitors he was still connected on confirming his current state as they started to beep loudly. With every passing breath he felt it was harder to get in the oxygen.

"Respire Mon Cherie, inspirez et expirez, juste comme ça, inspirez, expirez, inspirez, expirez, bien cher, bien cher" (keep breathing love, in and out, exactly like that, in and out, in and out, good job baby) Pascale breathed with her son as she held him tight and stroked through his hair like she used to do when he was little.

He couldn't help but cry in his mothers arms as he desperately dragged out sniffling . "P-plea-please tell me he is o-okay?"

Though he was held by his mum and Sophie and surrounded by people that he loved those sterile walls only managed to make him feel so cold.

Wildest dreams || Charles Leclerc x Max Verstappen (lestappen)Where stories live. Discover now