High on you

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Sooo yeah I wasn't really intending on writing this chapter because I don't really write smut but because of popular demand on the last chapter I decided to still write it🙈 please let me know if this was any good or if you have tips for me cause as you may have noticed I'm more a fluff kind of person 😇

Lots of love and hope you enjoy it🧡



He grinned against his lips. ' oh yeah? And what is that Maxy?'
'Ill help you remember' he grinned as he pulled up his boyfriends legs around his waist as he pushed him against the nearest wall his lips never leaving his.

Their hands are everywhere feeling , touching, groping to every piece of the others skin they can get a hold on. Teeth scraping in a heated kiss, tongue's fighting for dominance over the other.

'Do you remember now?' Max asked in between kisses out of breath.
'Mhhh. Still doesn't ring a bell' Charles replied teasingly.
Then Max remembered what he did earlier that morning. He slightly bit on the younger man's lower lip, he noticed this was something that really turned his boyfriend on. As he did that he placed his hands under his butt as he squeezed it while he pulled him up a little. The sensation of their excited parts touching through the fabric of their jeans made them both moan out in pleasure.

'How about now schatje?' Max grinned mischievously as he started working his lips on the younger man's neck.
'Y-yes I think I remember' he was able to get out in between moans of pleasure as the dutchman worked the sensitive spot.
'Ma-maybe we should move this towards the bedroom' Charles managed to get out as he enjoyed what the dutchman did to him.
'Maybe' he said against his neck he slowly lowers the Monegasque out of his grip as he took of his t-shirt closely followed by Charles sweater before he picked him up by his thighs again as they connected their lips.

Like this he manoeuvred them through his apartment as he reached the bedroom he placed his boyfriend on the dresser as he gently but eagerly took of his shoes as well as he took of his own shoes aswel as his pants. The monegasque was eying him closely letting his eyes wander over the broad toned torso of his boyfriend.
'Like the view?' Max smirked as he saw him starring.
'You know I do' he smirked back at him his eyes dark, full of lust.

Before he knew it the dutchman was standing in between his thighs as he was fumbling with the zipper of his boyfriends pants. Before he took them of. Then he picked up the younger driver again kissing his neck as Charles closed his eyes enjoying the sensation. Soft moans escaping his lips. He got totally lost in the feeling and in his mind to be only abruptly being brought back to his senses with the feeling of cold tiles on his back and the splash of cold water on his head.

Hé shrieked 'AAAH MAXY WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!' As he looked with big eyes at his boyfriend who was smirking big and mischievous at him. 'Your to hot I needed to cool you down' he said as he grabbed his boyfriend by the waist again pulling him close.

Charles tried to keep us his angrily face but couldn't help it to burst out in a snort followed by giggles at the Dutchman's antics as he felt the shower water turn warm against his skin.
'Besides you told me you wanted to try something new?' As he never broke the eye contact. Charles felt his breath hitch in his throat.

They had been talking lately about spicing thing up a little but Max had been resculant because he was afraid he would hurt him. But apparently he had found his own way around it.

Since Charles words got stuck in his throat he only nodded eagerly. 'You tell me if we need to stop yeah?' Charles nodded again. 'Schatje, I need to hear you say it' Charles nodded again before he remembered he needed to speak. 'Y-yes I tell you if needed' he breathed out.

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